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When did you fall in love with Star Wars?


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Just curious and had nothing better to do other than smash my F5 button to bits!



For me it was when my Grandmother took me to the cinema when I was 3 years old in 1977.

She wanted an excuse to go see it for herself and took me along insisting to all that it was really me that wanted to see it. I remember being **** scared of Darth and hid behind my Grandma's arm every time he came on screen.

By the Time Empire came out, I had a collection of Star Wars figures, the book (with pictures of the cut scenes from the movie), a Star Wars t-shirt, the LP of the original soundtrack (which I still have) and had entered a fancy dress competition as R2-D2 (A costume my Grandma made) I was well and truly hooked from the start :)


So when did you first fall in love with Star Wars??

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1978. Saw Star Wars for the first time at a local drive-in theater when I was just a wee lad. Back when Star Wars was just "Star Wars", not Episode 4...


Well wasn´t 1978 for me but I fell in love with the first part of Star Wars in my childhood :)

Edited by zyrec
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I was hooked from the moment my best friend booted up his grainy VHS tapes of the original trilogy. After that, we spent our time enacting mock lightsaber battles, piloting remote-controlled R2-D2s, mimicking Vader's voice, and wishing we could be Han Solo. :D
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Much like you, OP. I was 4 when I first saw Star Wars and it was my "gateway drug" into the world of sci-fi. I've been a fan ever since and have seen every movie at launch in the theaters (yes, even the prequels). lol Since then, if it's Star Wars, I've pretty much read it, seen it, or at least heard of it. Although the last book I read was Vector Prime and R.A. Salvatore is a master of good death scenes. He should write the death scenes for Lucas, since his are pretty lame. lol :D
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When the local television aired Episode IV... The event repeated itself with each following film and carried over into PC gaming with a smoothness that few other things have been able to match. :p


In PC gaming, KotOR one and two were unforgettable experiences.

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When the local television aired Episode IV... The event repeated itself with each following film and carried over into PC gaming with a smoothness that few other things have been able to match. :p


In PC gaming, KotOR one and two were unforgettable experiences.


Indeed they are. KOTOR and KOTOR II are classics, and were my type of game since I'm a huge fan of the Tales of the Jedi comics and books. Good stuff there. Also, it seems I've fallen in love with more than just Star Wars. There's a special lady in my life now that also loves Star Wars and will be playing TOR with me when we get our early access. :)

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Christmas of 1992. They were playing Episode V: The Empire Strikes back.....The battle of Hoth when the AT-AT's first appeared. That was the scene i saw when i was flicking through the channels....and I never looked back. Star Wars was my drug from then on :D
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Indeed they are. KOTOR and KOTOR II are classics, and were my type of game since I'm a huge fan of the Tales of the Jedi comics and books. Good stuff there. Also, it seems I've fallen in love with more than just Star Wars. There's a special lady in my life now that also loves Star Wars and will be playing TOR with me when we get our early access. :)


If that early access is indeed on the seventeenth or eighteenth, you'll be on a mission. With a thermal detonator in each hand. Think that would be taken seriously enough? :D

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If that early access is indeed on the seventeenth or eighteenth, you'll be on a mission. With a thermal detonator in each hand. Think that would be taken seriously enough? :D


I have a feeling that with my Blasters, Thermal Detonators, and your Lightsaber and Force Lightning, we'll be taken plenty serious enough, rakkaani. :D

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Well I think it was when I was 11 or so...I lived way out in the country and my friend gave me the original trilogy, it was great and I've been playing since rogue sqaudron...when I was like 7...so I guess that was the beginning, it's been fun through KOTOR, Battlefront and now TOR...I have always loved lightsabers and blasters, so much better in the space setting than medieval, just much more of an epicness of the void.
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What a great question.


Actually, I remember it very clearly and it was 30 years ago. Literally. I'm 35. I was 5 years old, and my parents had taken me to the local drive in movie theater. They thought my sister and I would sleep through the whole thing but I didn't. I watched every second. I was in love from that moment on.


Books, movies, toys, anything I could get my hands on.


The first year I went to Dragon Con, the one thing I couldn't leave without getting my hands on was one of those electric lightsabers that glows and makes noises when you move it or hit it.


I even had a crush on Luke Skywalker until I was about 17 years old.


The last couple of years, I've been fortunate enough to see Anthony Daniels, David Prowse, Peter Mayhew, Jake Lloyd, Ray Park, Daniel Logan, Temuera Morrison, and last year Carrie Fisher (whose autograph I desperately wanted, but wasn't willing to stand in line for 6 hours to get).


The only thing that would be better is to get to meet Mark Hamil or Harrison Ford.

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First time i saw a StarWars movie i was a little kid, something like 25-30and saw on tv.

In my country we use to watch open tv and the movie was showing luke trying to reach this lightsaber while hanging upside down at the Hoth.

i wish i could know the actual date :)

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I even had a crush on Luke Skywalker until I was about 17 years old.




The only thing that would be better is to get to meet Mark Hamil or Harrison Ford.



It was Han at first for me. Then we saw Boba Fett... even that helmet could not block the pheromone-like waves of "bad-tuckus" charm. And then I learned more about him and discovered he was a very diverse character. Just like Han Solo, aye aye. (Edit: Accursed filter... I shall get the best of you through subtlety!)


If I could meet Harrison Ford I would have him sign my arm in permanent ink. :p Perhaps of the Japanese calligraphy kind?

Edited by Marunette
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Same/same for me 1977 but I had a cast on my left leg from hip to toes and had to sit in the very front row 'cause of leg space and when I saw that BIG ole' Imperial Cruiser cruise across the screen :eek:


Oh, those things were shot at amazing angles, yes! For those of us who were very much immersed in the watching it came precariously close to a genuine wetting-yourself-moment. :D

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