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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Open world PvP


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i levelled all 4 classes on republic to mid 10s right now.

Friends convinced me to roll on a pvp server.

My question is, how critical is open world pvp? i mean if i really wanted to avoid getting in fights is it doable or should I always expect that i will get in the fights/ get ganked ?


Basically i am trying to decide if I should stick to levelling a stealthy AC (i have a smuggler and shadow) or if non-stealthy AC can hold their own.

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Currently, the two factions are highly segregated on most of the early planets. You probably won't see an opposing faction member until the mid to upper 30s. Also, there is currently no reward for World PvP, which also reduces the allure of World hunting parities, but this will soon change in the new few weeks.


Roll on a PvP server ;) More targets/allies for me!

Edited by BadgerUSA
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I do not beleive stealthy gives you any benefits when it comes to world PvP. Even if you are trying to avoid a fight, in world PvP you will run across people high enough level that your stealth is much less affective.


Your survivability when trying to level and avoid PvP is more based on luck since at any time a roaving band of players may decide to kill you.


Now when it comes down to choosing to participate, each (stealth and non-stealth) has its benefits so no clear winner can be determined either.


If you do not want to particpate in PvP at any time of day or night against any level of character (including 10-20 levels higher than you) then reroll on a PvE server.

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World PvP starts on Nar Shadda. You can expect to see other enemy players and even get 'ganked' on that planet and all planets after that (except Taris/Balmorra). How frequent it is probably depends on your server and time of day you play but it does happen.
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