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Made the switch from Focus to Watchman


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So I was an advocate of the Focus spec, but finally made the big switch to Watchman and I've got to say I am now a believer. Was doing some PVP last night and was able to capture objectives all by myself, killing multiple sith 1 by 1 by 1. I felt pretty much unstoppable.


Things I think you really need to play good with a Watchman spec:



  • Fast Computer - I JUST upgraded my computer and with my old machine I was only getting 5-10 frames per second at times in PVP, which really stinks. With the Focus tree this was ok because I'd be standing still charging up my Force Sweep, essentially taking blind shotgun blasts into groups of enemies. Sometimes I'd get HUGE hits, but it wasn't consistent.
  • A Healer - If you are taking on higher level people it REALLY helps to have a healer with you. Focus was a little tougher with the damage absorption, so I feel a tiny bit more squishy.
  • Strong keybinds - Since Watchman is a busier spec, you need to be constantly spamming abilities. In combat there is no downtime, so you really need to optimize your keybinds to accomodate this.



Now I'm not sure if I'm likely to see any 5-6K crits from the watchmen spec, but my 1st pvp match with it was still easily my best ever. I did almost 300K damage, and I still need to refine it more.

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I'm really glad people are liking the switch from Focus to Watchman. :)


I made the same switch and it was a world of difference in terms of survivability in PVE and some deeps in PVP.

Edited by Siokai
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Each spec certainly has it's own perks.


When I switched from Watchman to Combat, things I missed greatly...

- Interrupts! In PVE, Watchguard all but assures you will pick up every single interrupt of any given skill. Point-blank Leap helps to fill in any blanks, where applicable. In PVP, while you can't completely shut down any one given skill, you can still prevent enough casts to shut down healers/casters long enough to make a difference.

- Focused Pursuit just feels like an absolute must in the likes of Hutball and Alderaan, while still being quite handy in PVE, both in and out of hard flashpoints.

- Merc Slash, 'nuff said.


When I switched from Combat to Watchman, things I missed greatly...

- Blade Storm feeling useful.

- Immobilize effects on Master Strike and CripThrow, for PVP.

- A far more predictable rotation of steady, solid DPS.



For me, right now, it's Watchman or nothing... if only for the interrupts. They are turning out to be so vital in these hard FPs.

Edited by Fascion
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Can you post an example of your watchman tree?


Here is what I'm using.


Crabbok Spec


I dunno whats wrong here, it keeps erasing a part of my URL and replacing it with Asterisks, thus completely borking up my spec.



Wow... so it turns out the TORhead link has the letters o, M, f, and G in place of the four asterisks in the link, and that prevents me from linking the spec here. Strange.

Edited by Crabbok
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