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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

See this game wont go F2P


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To follow up on this, I also guess that Guild Wars was a failure, and Guild Wars 2 will be, since they aren't P2P. :t_rolleyes:


Ive said it 10 times tonight.


If SWTOR went free 2 play, it would have 20 million 14-18 year old subscribers overnight.

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To follow up on this, I also guess that Guild Wars was a failure, and Guild Wars 2 will be, since they aren't P2P. :t_rolleyes:


Oh man it totally just hit home with me.


The same people who complain that the game has a monthly fee, then laugh and say the game will go free 2 play.


If it goes free to play it wont have a monthly fee and they should be happy right?

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Oh man it totally just hit home with me.


The same people who complain that the game has a monthly fee, then laugh and say the game will go free 2 play.


If it goes free to play it wont have a monthly fee and they should be happy right?


Maybe that's why they want it to go F2P? Because it's an entertaining wow-clone, but it's not worth 15 bucks a month. So if it was F2P they'd actually play it.

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Maybe that's why they want it to go F2P? Because it's an entertaining wow-clone, but it's not worth 15 bucks a month. So if it was F2P they'd actually play it.


If a wow clone isnt worth 15 dollars a month, how is wow worth 15 dollars a month?

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If a wow clone isnt worth 15 dollars a month, how is wow worth 15 dollars a month?


Because it's wow. It's simple logic. You have the original which has had 7 or 8 years of polish, tons of content, and tons of people. Or you have a cheap knock off with less features, less polish, and less players. This is why wow-clones always fail, there's just no reason to player a lesser version of the same thing.


Not that I play wow anyways, I'm too cheap to play MMOs longterm since they bore me in a month or two. At least wow-clone MMOs anyways.

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Because it's wow. It's simple logic. You have the original which has had 7 or 8 years of polish, tons of content, and tons of people. Or you have a cheap knock off with less features, less polish, and less players. This is why wow-clones always fail, there's just no reason to player a lesser version of the same thing.


Not that I play wow anyways, I'm too cheap to play MMOs longterm since they bore me in a month or two. At least wow-clone MMOs anyways.


WoW even after 7 years polish has become much worse. This "load of content" is very low for the current expansion, which is the only thing that matters. Wrath gave everyone everything on a platter, Cataclysm took away the platter and gives you a sippy cup.


But hey, if you love to graze on Koticks manboob and give him cash, I won't stop you from being silly with your cash. All the Modern Warfare 3 kids sure love to it.

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WoW even after 7 years polish has become much worse. This "load of content" is very low for the current expansion, which is the only thing that matters. Wrath gave everyone everything on a platter, Cataclysm took away the platter and gives you a sippy cup.


But hey, if you love to graze on Koticks manboob and give him cash, I won't stop you from being silly with your cash. All the Modern Warfare 3 kids sure love to it.


Lmao, hate drones like you. I flat out say I didn't play wow and the only insult you can come up with is 'enjoy wow lololol!~!1!xd' Pathetic.


The newest expansion may not have the content of a full game, but then, it's not a full game. The entire WoW experience has five times the content TOR does, it's also the original, it's also polished, and it also has way more players. Any reasonably intelligent person can see why people would rather play wow over a cheap knockoff with less features.

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WoW even after 7 years polish has become much worse. This "load of content" is very low for the current expansion, which is the only thing that matters. Wrath gave everyone everything on a platter, Cataclysm took away the platter and gives you a sippy cup.


But hey, if you love to graze on Koticks manboob and give him cash, I won't stop you from being silly with your cash. All the Modern Warfare 3 kids sure love to it.


WoW having 7 years worth of content is laughable because the first 6 years worth of content gives you gear that is made useless by the greens from last weeks new questline.


When is the last time you ran Molten Core?


What about Karazhan?


When is the last time you killed Illidan?

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Lmao, hate drones like you. I flat out say I didn't play wow and the only insult you can come up with is 'enjoy wow lololol!~!1!xd' Pathetic.


The newest expansion may not have the content of a full game, but then, it's not a full game. The entire WoW experience has five times the content TOR does, it's also the original, it's also polished, and it also has way more players. Any reasonably intelligent person can see why people would rather play wow over a cheap knockoff with less features.






Didnt Blizzard openly admit Warcraft was originally a Warhammer IP license that they didnt finish in time?

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F2P is a sign of MMO failure. Bioware is preventing this by addressing a lot of problems.


Hence the game will not go F2P if Bioware continues to be this responsive and effective.


"Responsive and effective"? Not sure if you are serious....

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Because it's wow. It's simple logic. You have the original which has had 7 or 8 years of polish, tons of content, and tons of people. Or you have a cheap knock off with less features, less polish, and less players. This is why wow-clones always fail, there's just no reason to player a lesser version of the same thing.


Not that I play wow anyways, I'm too cheap to play MMOs longterm since they bore me in a month or two. At least wow-clone MMOs anyways.


Right, because WoW has light sabers, space missions, in depth voiced over class stories, companions that do your trade skills for you AND you can gear them out to be sweet looking. Soon to be guild halls, player housing and guild ships, epic storyline flaws points / operatives that add to the immersion. Right, WoW has all that, right?


To be honest any MMO would be stupid for not taking some of the best aspects of the best MMO for 7 years. ****, WoW got most of THEIR best ideas from other MMO's.


Such a naive, eyes only look in one direction point of view. Time for y'all to grow up and see beyond WoW.

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Really? WoW is linear? The fact that most WoW zones are bigger than SWTORs planets are? The fact that you can FLY ANYWHERE AT ANY TIME (Without getting banned I might add)? THAT'S linear?


Tell me. How many times will you do Coruscant before wanting to smash your computer? It was about 3 times for me.


And guess what, you'll follow that SAME progression path in ALL of your characters. And ALL your characters will share 80% of the quests


Not to mention:

-No dungeon finder

-ACTUAL social hubs that don't cram every FP and Raid into ONE area

-Less bugs

-Better quests (Retaking cities, driving tanks, etc. In SWTOR you just talk to someone. Kill. Talk. Kill. Talk. Walk to another area to TALK SOME MORE)

-More classes

-Better UI


The list goes on. So I ask again, what does SWTOR offer that WoW doesn't?



Go play wow, we don't care about your opinion. :rolleyes:

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Right, because WoW has light sabers, space missions, in depth voiced over class stories, companions that do your trade skills for you AND you can gear them out to be sweet looking. Soon to be guild halls, player housing and guild ships, epic storyline flaws points / operatives that add to the immersion. Right, WoW has all that, right?


To be honest any MMO would be stupid for not taking some of the best aspects of the best MMO for 7 years. ****, WoW got most of THEIR best ideas from other MMO's.


Such a naive, eyes only look in one direction point of view. Time for y'all to grow up and see beyond WoW.


REALLY? You went there? Sigh, not even sure I should dignify your post with a response. But I will, not like I have anything better to do at the moment.


Lightsabers, space missions, in depth story missions, companions that play parts of the game for you. These are hardly game changing things. Lightsabers are just glowing swords. Space missions are just minigames. Companions are just pets with added functionality. The only part here that's actually different from WoW is the story-based quests, which don't even make up a large percentage of the game.


WoW also has guild halls. TOR doesn't have player housing and never will, and guild ships = guild halls just with a scifi twist. WoW also has operations (they're called raids) and flashpoints (they're called dungeons)


TOR is nothing new or unique, just because you paint a SW skin on it doesn't make it different. It has most of the same stuff and what's different is the fact that it LACKS basic features of WoW. It doesn't innovate in any meaningful way, the only innovation being a gimmick that will get old in a few months.


I'm not saying WoW is grand, but there's a reason is has 10million subs, and it's not because it leeches off established IPs and fancy names.

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Lmao, hate drones like you. I flat out say I didn't play wow and the only insult you can come up with is 'enjoy wow lololol!~!1!xd' Pathetic.


The newest expansion may not have the content of a full game, but then, it's not a full game. The entire WoW experience has five times the content TOR does, it's also the original, it's also polished, and it also has way more players. Any reasonably intelligent person can see why people would rather play wow over a cheap knockoff with less features.


So you say WoW is worth $15 a month because it's WoW and swtor shouldnt be. Then you say you don't play WoW.


Are you special? Tell me so I know to treat you with your mental age taken into account.

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REALLY? You went there? Sigh, not even sure I should dignify your post with a response. But I will, not like I have anything better to do at the moment.


Lightsabers, space missions, in depth story missions, companions that play parts of the game for you. These are hardly game changing things. Lightsabers are just glowing swords. Space missions are just minigames. Companions are just pets with added functionality. The only part here that's actually different from WoW is the story-based quests, which don't even make up a large percentage of the game.


WoW also has guild halls. TOR doesn't have player housing and never will, and guild ships = guild halls just with a scifi twist. WoW also has operations (they're called raids) and flashpoints (they're called dungeons)


TOR is nothing new or unique, just because you paint a SW skin on it doesn't make it different. It has most of the same stuff and what's different is the fact that it LACKS basic features of WoW. It doesn't innovate in any meaningful way, the only innovation being a gimmick that will get old in a few months.


I'm not saying WoW is grand, but there's a reason is has 10million subs, and it's not because it leeches off established IPs and fancy names.


Go play WoW. So far the one thing this game has that WoW doesnt is forum moderators that let people like you post literally 24 hours a day about how you dont like the game, trying to make their customers quit the game.

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REALLY? You went there? Sigh, not even sure I should dignify your post with a response. But I will, not like I have anything better to do at the moment.


Lightsabers, space missions, in depth story missions, companions that play parts of the game for you. These are hardly game changing things. Lightsabers are just glowing swords. Space missions are just minigames. Companions are just pets with added functionality. The only part here that's actually different from WoW is the story-based quests, which don't even make up a large percentage of the game.


WoW also has guild halls. TOR doesn't have player housing and never will, and guild ships = guild halls just with a scifi twist. WoW also has operations (they're called raids) and flashpoints (they're called dungeons)


TOR is nothing new or unique, just because you paint a SW skin on it doesn't make it different. It has most of the same stuff and what's different is the fact that it LACKS basic features of WoW. It doesn't innovate in any meaningful way, the only innovation being a gimmick that will get old in a few months.


I'm not saying WoW is grand, but there's a reason is has 10million subs, and it's not because it leeches off established IPs and fancy names.


Are you one of those WoW lovers who believe that no other MMO before it existed?

Please, WoW took more than a fair share of ideas from other titles himself.


SWTOR is unique in fact because of the story, no other MMO has it at this level and discussion about it ends here really.


And your subjective opinion regarding features that you claim TOR will never have is just hilarious.


I played WoW and i liked it in it's time, but this is just a better game for me hands down.


All this obviously upsets you so you should just go back to playing WoW, seems to me that it has all that you crave for.

Edited by Vlacke
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So you say WoW is worth $15 a month because it's WoW and swtor shouldnt be. Then you say you don't play WoW.


Are you special? Tell me so I know to treat you with your mental age taken into account.


You don't have to play something to recognize why people play it. It's called observational skills, something you might be lacking given your posts. I can look at WoW and see why it would appeal to people, I can look at TOR and see why it wouldn't appeal to people. I wouldn't have to play either to come to this realization, I'd simply need to do my research and some critical thinking.


But of course, drones like you wont accept any critical thinking. It's either "love my game or you're a wow-fanboy who needs to leave", there's no middle ground for people like you. You simply can not fathom the idea that people can enjoy a game while accepting it's flaws. Your loss, I suppose.


P.S. It's people like you who will be the death of this game. I'm enjoying this game with my bros and am even thinking about re-subbing. But then people like you come in "hurr you don't accept that this game is pure perfection, go back to wow" despite me flat out saying I don't play wow. YOU are the ones driving people away from TOR. One day you'll get your wish, one day all those people WILL leave just like you want them to, and then you'll realize "oh, wait, we needed those subs to prove our game's successful".



Edited by ColonelColt
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SWTOR will die because of it's core design flaw


SWTOR is a WoW clone with less areas and more linearity. The question you have to ask is, what does SWTOR offer that WoW doesn't? Voice over? REALLY? And i don't know if you've noticed but the cinematics and overall gameplay is TRAMPLED by actual single player games. In single player games, the world changes because of your actions. In SWTOR everything remains the same.


Even in WoW your actions actually can change the game world, phasing ftw!


Really, who thought it was a good idea to make a game about story, an interactive medium where your story can change the world and then settle on merely telling the story when there's allready another game out there that actually shows the story.


It's mindbaffling.

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REALLY? You went there? Sigh, not even sure I should dignify your post with a response. But I will, not like I have anything better to do at the moment.


Lightsabers, space missions, in depth story missions, companions that play parts of the game for you. These are hardly game changing things. Lightsabers are just glowing swords. Space missions are just minigames. Companions are just pets with added functionality. The only part here that's actually different from WoW is the story-based quests, which don't even make up a large percentage of the game.


WoW also has guild halls. TOR doesn't have player housing and never will, and guild ships = guild halls just with a scifi twist. WoW also has operations (they're called raids) and flashpoints (they're called dungeons)


TOR is nothing new or unique, just because you paint a SW skin on it doesn't make it different. It has most of the same stuff and what's different is the fact that it LACKS basic features of WoW. It doesn't innovate in any meaningful way, the only innovation being a gimmick that will get old in a few months.


I'm not saying WoW is grand, but there's a reason is has 10million subs, and it's not because it leeches off established IPs and fancy names.


WAIT.. WoW doesnt have guild halls?

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Even in WoW your actions actually can change the game world, phasing ftw!


Really, who thought it was a good idea to make a game about story, an interactive medium where your story can change the world and then settle on merely telling the story when there's allready another game out there that actually shows the story.


It's mindbaffling.


Set up an avatar at least.

Nobody here takes trolls without avatars seriously.

Learn to spell also.

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