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Lambs to the Slaughter....


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I wont bore you with background info that you're all aware of. Though spare me the "the game has been out .... long" and other likewise comments....I'm fully aware.


I'm just curious how after an extensive beta, and over 140 million in development, does something even as simple as the broken nature of wz scaling escape the devs. Im not howling at the moon here either as it has obviously been addressed in the january "lists of this to implement" among other pvp maladies.


So the game was in dev for years, beta for months, but it only took 2.5 weeks to see terrible scaling issues? The reason I say lambs to the slaughter is, i think we've all be given a false bill of sale claiming the game was ready. In my opinion, those higher ups at the corporate level were tired of waiting and sinking money and needed to see results NOW! so release the game, we'll see how it does, and claim like every other mmo that its "a work in progress". if the numbers work, we'll give them the changes their clamoring about in their forums. Conspiracy much? lol. I wouldnt doubt it tho.

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because the devs spent very little time paying attention to pvp and pvp balance, 99.9% of the games development was focused on pve and voiceovers.


Which is a shame becuase the PvE and voiceovers are REALLY GOOD. Just imagine if they had a dedicated team for PvP.... oh wait :rolleyes:


All kidding aside, acknowledgement that you have a problem is the first step to recovery. Let's hope they have solutions that will work.

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Which is a shame becuase the PvE and voiceovers are REALLY GOOD. Just imagine if they had a dedicated team for PvP.... oh wait :rolleyes:


All kidding aside, acknowledgement that you have a problem is the first step to recovery. Let's hope they have solutions that will work.


50 bracket? srsly? fixes all u noobs problems, except that now you will face people like me who will be valor 60 by the weekend, and will have much better gear then you when it was faceroll easy over level tens to acquire.

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50 bracket? srsly? fixes all u noobs problems, except that now you will face people like me who will be valor 60 by the weekend, and will have much better gear then you when it was faceroll easy over level tens to acquire.


Maybe I misunderstand you, but I think the expectation that hitting a 50 bracket naturally means you'll need to gear up for the competition at that level is expected with the current mmo culture.


We dont game in a bubble here folks....naturally a fresh 50 with no...resil? lol....expertise, will have a tougher time than someone who's been 50 for a bit and geared for pvp encounters. Thats obvious. So is the need for a 50 bracket to begin with. And a 40-49, and 30-39, and so on....why did this escape scrutiny? they aren't dumb. neither are we.


The single question i would want answered by devs in relation to pvp: what was the balancing based on? lvl 50? lvl 50 geared? becuz other than those two variables theres little else considering there is no arena in this game. oh and dont get me started why that cant be implemented currently. lol

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because the devs spent very little time paying attention to pvp and pvp balance, 99.9% of the games development was focused on pve and voiceovers.


Personally, i think this is a horrible approach to game design in this atmosphere.


What do pve'rs play for? sure the joy of the encounter, but from my experience its from the e-peen you get from having progression gear that no one else has. so basically bragging rights....we did this, and you wish you could.


The thing is, thats how pvp should run as well. I can get this gear and perform at this level either because I'm good enough to do it or put the time in required. So bragging rights again.


Focusing one one aspect over another is folly. I dont want to hope for this or hope for that here, but why have devs treated their pvp like the red-headed stepchild?

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The biggest problem in any MMO is that people who developed the game and their QA never actually play it to the fullest. Either the QA is inexperienced and just tests what devs tell them, or they use internal accounts that don't portray the real picture.


If any of the devs or QA people actually took the character to 50, then geared it from PvP, and tried "world PvP", I bet you they would see these forums as something other than QQ Land.


That's what closed and open beta are for. To get input from the actual players. From what I know, a lot of the issues have been brought up during beta but fell on deaf ears.


Alas, we are here

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:/ I could pay a gamer $10 to find everything wrong with it, and they spent millions and still failed?



Storywise, mass effect was WAY better. Graphics wise....well actually wow is better.


Not many people noticed but you are playing on a Cabal/Fallout map the ENTIRE game. You just load another place time after time.


WoW has this giant open world, TOR has maps you have to load.


Even if they are "big"(for no reason) they still are single maps through loading screens.

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