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Healing your faction npc's while...


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well i just did this flagged, so if they didnt like it, they could have ran away, then came back to take me on 1-1. instead they just beating the weakling mobs...


later found 2 flagged players questing, at first i kept the npcs alive to do as much damage as possible before i jumped in, but these 2 noobs just kept aggroing more instead of backing into a corner to face me head on 2-1.


i mean really, running around pulling mobs while i was healing them?


some people do have a death wish. they chose their side...

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If they're quest mobs that you are able to heal for some reason, I'd bet it would fall under zone disruption. Especially if you're on a PVE server. If the mobs you're healing are just guards, quest givers or vendors, then healing them is likely fine.
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  • 10 months later...

On a PvP server it's fine, anything goes, as they can just attack you back if they wish.


On a PvE server, I don't think it's fair, as you won't be flagged for PvP and are untouchable to the other guy. If that's how you feel, flag yourself for PvP straight away, and then do it, that would be fair. To wait until they're half dead, and then jump in? That's... well... (Insert your own adjective, 'wanky' would be my option).


I've reported it myself, it's considered griefing. IMHO, rightly so, as you can't gank the c*** back. Once again, flag yourself for PvP and we can go for it.


Just my 2 cents worth.

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  • 2 months later...
the ability to heal your factions npcs while someone is trying to defeat them to complete a quest if a grief tactic because it inhibits your progression, what i don't understand is why bioware let gamers do this is beyond me its like they got a development team that's full of griefers to allow this grief tactic
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the ability to heal your factions npcs while someone is trying to defeat them to complete a quest if a grief tactic because it inhibits your progression, what i don't understand is why bioware let gamers do this is beyond me its like they got a development team that's full of griefers to allow this grief tactic


Stuff like this BW would probably say is "to promote open world PvP". Even though all it does promote open world ganking. I play on a PVE server and every time I have encountered this there is always at least an 8-person operation of flagged players there healing NPCs, running through your AOEs and doing whatever else they can to get you to unintentionally or intentionally flag so they can gank you. If it was 1 or 2 people I wouldn't mind, it's when you start getting numbers like that together and you've basically got 2 choices, die to the NPCs because the players can out-heal your DPS, or die to the gankers because I don't care how good your gear is and what spec you play you got no chance 8v1.

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Stuff like this BW would probably say is "to promote open world PvP". Even though all it does promote open world ganking. I play on a PVE server and every time I have encountered this there is always at least an 8-person operation of flagged players there healing NPCs, running through your AOEs and doing whatever else they can to get you to unintentionally or intentionally flag so they can gank you. If it was 1 or 2 people I wouldn't mind, it's when you start getting numbers like that together and you've basically got 2 choices, die to the NPCs because the players can out-heal your DPS, or die to the gankers because I don't care how good your gear is and what spec you play you got no chance 8v1.


I've had this happen a few times and reported it always as griefing and harassment. I rolled on a pve server specifically because i do not like pvp at all. In Biowares usually cryptic CS responses they don't say anything concrete at all. This more than anything, the bugs, content issues, etc is what put me on the verge of leaving the game. If Bioware ever comes out an specifically says that this is an acceptable game mechanic on the PVE servers, i'll cancel my sub and uninstall the game on the spot.

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IDK, I play on a PvP server, but I imagine on a PvE server something like that could be really disruptive, especially if it doesn't flag you.


IMO something like that should put up your PvP flag so at least the other player can attack you back.

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On a PvP server it's fine, anything goes, as they can just attack you back if they wish.


On a PvE server, I don't think it's fair, as you won't be flagged for PvP and are untouchable to the other guy. If that's how you feel, flag yourself for PvP straight away, and then do it, that would be fair. To wait until they're half dead, and then jump in? That's... well... (Insert your own adjective, 'wanky' would be my option).


I've reported it myself, it's considered griefing. IMHO, rightly so, as you can't gank the c*** back. Once again, flag yourself for PvP and we can go for it.


Just my 2 cents worth.

On a PvE server, it doesn't matter if a player flags for PvP or not while healing an NPC. That player obviously rolled for the PvE server BECAUSE he or she is NOT interrested in PvP. Maybe players reported for doing this should be auto-transfered to a newly created PvP server, where they can merrily heal eachothers' targets, instead of griefing players who rolled for a PvE server because they're not interrested in PvP.

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Would need clarification from the OP, but I think what he is talking about would be for example on Tattooine you are at your outpost and random lvl XX comes up and starts attacking the guards for that locale and you having healing capabilities throw some heals on said NPC guard/s. Which would not be a case of griefing someone trying to complete a mission objective, but helping defend your post from an assault movement on your outpost.


Now if the Op is in fact talking about healing an NPC that is part of someones quest objective to defeat, then I would agree that disciplinary measures may be in order. But to just heal a guard NPC at one of your factions locations for trying to defend it from an opposing faction player then no, that sounds perfectly ok to me.

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The chimps (imperials) on my server did this nonsense. We ROFL-stomped them back into their base for it. Hasn't happened sense. We'll kill 'em if they continue force-flagging. And that's a promise.




~The Shadowlands Server~

Edited by CaptianFordo
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Fine on a PvP server. On PvE servers I always ensure that such people get a temporary vacation by reporting them for harrasment/griefing along with asking guildies to send in a report against such people. Edited by Fornix
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This is griefing. You're getting other players killed and stopping their gameplay. If you do it flagged, you'll likely be destroyed, especially if a guild comes to the defense of the player you're griefing. If you do it unflagged, you'll be considered a trolling coward. However you do it, all around you will consider you a d-bag and you may find yourself with a bad reputation that speads to both sides.
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while other faction players are killing/questing on them. can you get in trouble if the player is not flagged?


I see it as defending my faction. "Choose Your Side" kinda thinking.


Generally speaking, this is considered a grief tactic in MMO's and is typically not tolerated (I cannot think of one MMO where this was allowed/acceptable to the GM's). You may want to be careful with this, especially on a pve server, cause it could get you in a lot of trouble if someone or a group decided to report you on it.

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