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Crit Rating/Power/Surge


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with about 32% crit atm (2% more then id like), + 5% from agent buff, I am consistently hitting for 2k with my massacre + 800 from proc + 400-600 from offhand.


And since Massacre + Scream already get a massive 30% bonus crit dmg from our speccing, we don't need as much surge as you seem to suggest.


my surge is currently only 81%.


With adrenal+relic I can spam massacre for about 3.5k + 1k proc + offhand.


Say I stacked Surge, I would be able to do 4-5k crits with forcescreams pretty much every time, problem is thats the only thing that would be consistent high damage.


Essentially leaving you a one trick pony.


Like it or not Balance is needed for carnage, and its quite obvious based on the people who keep claiming rage/anni are better then carnage, they are clearly trying to stack surge like you would suggest, or they would quickly realise just how effective carnage can be.


Also if you balance your stats you'll lose far less potential bonuses to diminishing returns / soft caps..

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:cool: no biggy, that is exactly why i avoided commenting on rage/anni though, my knowledge of those two is not extensive enough to really make a fair arguement. :)


Rage is a one trick pony no mather what stat they go for though :p

Edited by Munx
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