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Advice on pc parts i chose under 1500$


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Thx Kraith but I dont plan on gettin an i7. I have planned an i5 2500k and also I dont understand how a 460 would be better than a 560ti. I would think the higher number would be newer and better but as I'm learnin with this its not always true


Like what was said, it is better to get a single card, but every card out right now will soon be very outdated by April-May 2012 when the new cards are put on the markets. The 560TI depending on which brand will run from 270-399. That is $$$$ when you think that in a few months it will be irrelevant. I would prefer to pay less money, get better results with SLI until the new tech of these new cards comes out. But as for SLI and CFX causing problems with games, I know CFX has issues but SLI has yet to cause me any issues. The only problem you will face is cooling. With two GPUs in SLI @(16x) will produce crazy heat. So you would have to ensure excellent air flow. I have about 6 fans running in my Case not including the PCU or the CPU fans. I also modded my own case so I could incude as many fans needed as well as sitting a smaller floor fan blowing on the breeze way I built into the front of my case lol.



But you are corret, a single unit will be better but do not always buy the larger number. Look at benchmarks that have been done before buying because some cards/brands are just plan junk like the GTX 550 or the 550TI. Sorry for spelling, to lazy to check and correct.

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Um you don't need to buy a copy if you have a friend that knows where to get them . I have windows 7 ultimate 64bit :) thats if u can get a copy before sopa hits. I have no problems with my os. Edited by Furrywal
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I'm outa luck I guess cause no one I know can get me a copy



dl it what my friend did and put it on a disc for me since hes better at the software i had him do it for me. well pirating that is lol.. best be quick tho before the Sopa act gets put in effect.

Edited by Furrywal
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Um you don't need to buy a copy if you have a friend that knows where to get them . I have windows 7 ultimate 64bit :) thats if u can get a copy before sopa hits. I have no problems with my os.


Friendly advice:


Never recommend a bootleg anything to someone who says they aren't proficient in computers.


It can be a world of trouble.

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Friendly advice:


Never recommend a bootleg anything to someone who says they aren't proficient in computers.


It can be a world of trouble.


Its not that hard i just suck at picking the right one :p so my friend does it for me. and i should say " I am not responsible for anything that harms your computer " or somethin along those lines.

Edited by Furrywal
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Here is the best tip I can give you.


I too once planned on building a $1500 computer. However, here is a better option: Buy a barebones gaming PC for ~$800-900 then spend the rest on the graphics card & other **** you need. So much easier, and to be honest it all meshes together real nice without much issue or hassle.

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Also i did build by pc for less then 1400.


but then again , i had my hdd and screen already....


1450 for this , Look @ Signature...


for those who are wondering about the 6990...


i did bought it for 400 + 2 Year warranty ;)


some friend of me has 70 pieces left x70 6990's for 400euro + 2 year warranty :D Anyone need 1 ? XD
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Its not that hard i just suck at picking the right one :p so my friend does it for me. and i should say " I am not responsible for anything that harms your computer " or somethin along those lines.


LoL. There you go.


I build and fix computers for a living, and you really have to cater to the customer.


Bootleg software can work fine...but also can be wonky. If the customer is not all that versed in the ways of the computer, it can really cause some major headaches.


I have certain customers that I won't even build a custom for, lol. It would be like building a race car, only to have the driver immediately drive it straight into the wall!! No way you are doing that to one of my babies! Dell for you!

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LoL. There you go.


I build and fix computers for a living, and you really have to cater to the customer.


Bootleg software can work fine...but also can be wonky. If the customer is not all that versed in the ways of the computer, it can really cause some major headaches.


I have certain customers that I won't even build a custom for, lol. It would be like building a race car, only to have the driver immediately drive it straight into the wall!! No way you are doing that to one of my babies! Dell for you!


hahahah yeah i have several of my friends in the same business but im not in a commercial business i basically build computers for friends and familys that pay me the right amount of money for the parts + the labor.

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I built a new machine back in August, and the single best component I added was a 120gb SSD drive for my OS. I still have two regular drives in the system one of which is from my previous system for data and games. The difference from old HD to SSD reminds of me of going from a 386 to a 486. It's that big of a difference to me.
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I bought similar hardware 3 days ago except graphic card (asus gtx 550 ti cu) and 1TB samsung hd 32mb cache, and only spent 690€, way too pricey that list. If want i can provide full list and also the store. Edited by Push
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Thank you everyone. Theres alot more involved in pickin out a system than i had originally thought. Thank you for the link to that barebones kit. I like it but with shipping and purchasing a new windows 7 im affraid i'll b over the limit. U guys have givin me alot to think about and been vry vry helpful. And yes I would love it if u can post the links to these parts or similar if they are cheaper. Thx a bunch
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Best buy may have a copy cheaper if not wal-mart. last time i looked at walmart they had win 7 for about 150-170 dollars but i didnt look to see if it was 32 or 64 bit I would just get the home edition cause its the cheapest make sure you get 64bit tho for the amount of ram you have.



Edited by Furrywal
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