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Republic Ghost Town


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So there were queues during launch. /shocking


Pretty much everyone knew it would die down. Some people in my guild were like "Let's move, I had to wait 20 minutes!!11!1!"






20 minutes? :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:


I said "Wait, it will die down." Now the queues are gone and we're at very heavy most of the time.


They are talking about the queues to get into the battlegrounds I believe, not the queue to log into your server. Unless I misunderstood you.

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I'm pretty sure I won't be the only one voting with my wallet.


please make sure to also add a reason for why you cancelled and mention faction imbalance.


Everyone should do that, one day you might want to come back and find the game in a better state because of your feedback!

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Faction imbalance isn't so hard to fix, incentives for the republic and an exclusive cool alien race (Kel'Dor, Togruta or Nautolan) is the way to go.


Everyone should remember what the addition of Blood Elves in Warcraft did for Horde numbers for example.

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The problem itself it´s just to big, for example in the server "The Kumungah" no one will role a republic special race when they see only 25 peeps on the fleet.


Wat i mean is in a server where republic is almost dead, if the new race appear no one will role it on an almost empty republican server.


Soz about bad english

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The problem itself it´s just to big, for example in the server "The Kumungah" no one will role a republic special race when they see only 25 peeps on the fleet.


Wat i mean is in a server where republic is almost dead, if the new race appear no one will role it on an almost empty republican server.


Soz about bad english


New players will roll, they are a big part of the equation and are very important as well.

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please make sure to also add a reason for why you cancelled and mention faction imbalance.


Everyone should do that, one day you might want to come back and find the game in a better state because of your feedback!


I actually unsubbed 4 days into the game due to the pvp lag, and said that. However if I had another opportunity I would state that the faction imbalance is perhaps *the* main reason.


I can't believe how pig-headed BW are being over this. They will kill their own game when there are very simple fixes to the problem.

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Official response from a German CM !!




roughly translated:


Concerning the faction population imballance, we are unable to do anything since we will not dictate which faction players choose.



time to reroll guys :(


Well if everyone rolls empire then the game will die, and i am pretty sure Bioware doesn't want that to happen.


They need to address this problem, not shove it under the carpet and wait for it to fix itself, because that wont happen.


Imbalance is much larger on some servers than on others and if nothing changes Republic people will start asking for character transfers to servers who aren't plagued by this problem, and if that isn't provided as an option at that point then people will quit.

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It's an issue no doubt. I play Republic on a popular server and I never see anyone until I head to the Rep Fleet or Ilum.


Really I'm not sure how much can be done. Around 2 years ago there was a shift in gaming brought on by some famous gamers. Totalbiscuit and Jesse Cox are two that really stand out on this issue. Two years ago TB/****Cata became very popular. TB is well over half a million subs and it's amazing the influence they have had on many gamers.


At their peak/break out moment both commentators were Horde and openly went on tyrades how anyone whom played Alliance must be mentally deficient. Over a period of time this label stuck and people were actually embarassed/ashamed to play the Alliance. Over time it was considered cool or the IN thing to be on the bad side.


I play many games and it's been like a disease. Almost every MMO has seen a complete rush to their percieved bad side. For Rift it's the Defiant outnumbering Guardians 10 to 1, and now in WOW the Horde dominate.


What is happening now are gamers actually choose the percieved 'evil/bad' side due to the influence of Youtubers. The Empire is clearly the 'evil' side and the new Horde for many. People are projecting their WOW ideals onto SWTOR and that's what's causing the imbalance.


It really is a total revolution in the MMO players thinking.

Edited by Darkhosis
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New players will roll, they are a big part of the equation and are very important as well.


It is highly doubtful the small influx of new players will counter the massive drops Republic will suffer in the future, on PvP servers at least.

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you can thank the bioware bias for less republic. i dont know what they thought they were doing.


Well they will have to give it some hard thought because it will kill their game at some point especially if they don't allow character transfers to balance it out and give players a better gaming experience then people will leave.

Many servers are already hit hard with this problem.

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Well if everyone rolls empire then the game will die, and i am pretty sure Bioware doesn't want that to happen.


They need to address this problem, not shove it under the carpet and wait for it to fix itself, because that wont happen.


They are adressing the problem by introducing new same-faction warzones.


Sorry, I meant accelerating the problem :p

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Well they will have to give it some hard thought because it will kill their game at some point especially if they don't allow character transfers to balance it out and give players a better gaming experience then people will leave.

Many servers are already hit hard with this problem.


Server transfers will not help with the root of the problem.It will not balance anything, just create a new, far worse imbalance somewhere else when there will be literally nobody left on Republic side on some servers in order to create a healthy population on others.

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So how do you guys suggest they raise interest in the Republic faction?


PvP is obviously not the solution, so how do you get people to want to play the Republic just because it is the Republic?


I play a sith sorcerer and the storyline is amazing, I love picking the dark side choices it suits my character and works with the story.


How is the Jedi storyline, do you enjoy it? Is it worth checking out?


Maybe educating the people on the good points other than PvP is a potential avenue to take.


I find the gear the Republic gets to wear does look really good from what I've seen.

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So how do you guys suggest they raise interest in the Republic faction?


PvP is obviously not the solution, so how do you get people to want to play the Republic just because it is the Republic?


I play a sith sorcerer and the storyline is amazing, I love picking the dark side choices it suits my character and works with the story.


How is the Jedi storyline, do you enjoy it? Is it worth checking out?


Maybe educating the people on the good points other than PvP is a potential avenue to take.


I find the gear the Republic gets to wear does look really good from what I've seen.


Well for me at least Jedi Knight's story is great, better than his Warrior counterpart, especially if you are a shady Jedi, Smuggler's story is also awesome honestly, Consular is sub par to Inquisitor in every department, story included of course (though for Consular i can judge only for the first 20 or so levels of the story i have seen), and as for Trooper i really don't know yet, but people who play trooper are very pleased it seems, some say his story has a good Mass Effect vibe to it, i will check it out eventually.

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The choices of sith inquisitor are much cooler than the counterpart of him. To you want to torture your target by shooting lightning out of your hands (you get darkside points) or do you want to allow a relationship between two jedi (you get darkside points). :D Edited by GHeissi
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Incentives, cool exclusive alien race, better armor design etc.

Much can be done really to increase players interest regarding a specific faction.


Lets see some specifics then, what kind of incentives?


Bonus items? Levelling perks? Bonus Valor?


Which alien race do you want?

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I think most people starting the game don't know much about class balance, so I wouldn't read too much into the exact details of 'imperial ability is 0.25 seconds faster'.


So, why would people pick Imperial over Republic?


- Imperial stuff looks better. Tie fighter, imperial star destroyer, [a ship that looks like the normandy from ME] vs a bunch of asymetrical ships some of which look like they're going rusty.


- whilst the exact details of ability A vs ability B is 'beyond players', the feeling of 'reponsiveness' is not. Having delayed abilities feels unresponsive.


- the SW universe is actually quite poor. The films were great for their storyline, Episode I focused more on 'the proper universe' and pretty much stank. Biggest problem? Jedi /yawn. Edgy? Sexy? Fun? Pretty much the opposite of all of those...


- storyline. The most popular classes are the ranged Jedi/Sith. The Consular storyline "takes a while to get going" (as far as I remember anyway, I kindof gave up on it).


- architecture. The problem with curvy, spacious buildings is that you can spend 5 minutes just walking into a room. Special mention to Corruscant senate and Alderaan's palace-thing! bonus points for putting the taxi rank around 16 miles away from the senate.


I ended up playing a republic commando and enjoy it - but my first choice was imperial.

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The whole republic vs empire situation is totally laughable when you fight your own faction most of the time.


Then join the Republic! We barely have mixed Huttball! We tend to lose more often and can't play open world PvP properly though.

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Lets see some specifics then, what kind of incentives?


Bonus items? Levelling perks? Bonus Valor?


Which alien race do you want?


Items definitely not as far as i am concerned, Valor could work.


As for races they have been mentioned multiple times in this thread, either Kel'Dor or Nautolan or Togruta being made exclusive for the republic would increase interest for the faction definitely, not to mention the fact that it wouldn't contradict the lore much giving any of these races to the Republic only.


Their models are already in game and working properly so i don't think implementing this would be much of a problem.


Republic race selection was done poorly by Bioware from the start when compared to the Empire, Empire has three exclusive races, Republic has only two, and those two they could have chosen much better instead of Miraluka and Mirialan.

Edited by Vlacke
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Then join the Republic! We barely have mixed Huttball! We tend to lose more often and can't play open world PvP properly though.


And in some critical situation you will to star the WZ with only 6 peeps becouse there is not enouph republics. lol

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