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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Republic Ghost Town


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You forgot to say: Abilities effects and graphs cooler for Imps. Lightin much cooler than debris.


It's not really about 'cool' its about appeal. Tossing rocks and crap at people could very well be done awesomely. It was 'cool' in The Force Unleashed because of how it was presented.

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this is EXACTLY how i found myself as an imperial:


"Oh, bounty hunter. YES! Fire! YAY!" And so i made a bounty hunter.

"Hmm, not really star wars without lightsabers... but i do like heavy armor... hmmm..." so i went to roll a sith warrior.

"GAH! red zabraks? i want just plain color. maybe sith... WAH? tentacle face? okay, to each his own i guess." Then i clicked republic...

"YAY! jedi! YAY! normal color zabraks! Wah? what is this green guy? hmm, kinda like that." made my jedi.

playing my jedi then "hmm, these are some LAME animations."

"let's find a helmet..." searching for helmet "hmm, a little bit o' string and my brain is A-Okay! that is pretty meh. worse actually. that sucks. let's see if i can find some trooper gear."


while looking for trooper gear i got a call from my cousin. he said he had a substantially higher level character on another server and wanted me to join him.


"want to play republic?" i asked.

"nah, those guys get slaughtered on this server like 5 to 1." he informed me.

"hmm, well i do like bounty hunter." and i made a bounty hunter


I was all for republic. It had the races i liked. It had the companions i liked (love t-7 and Kira). I even enjoy trooper over BH tbh minus death from above(love me some rocket rain).


I won't go back to the republic, at least until there is NOTHING else to do as the republic has flaws. And most of them are story related(have not played all the classes through, so some story elements might be good on republic).

The jedi tug you around and make you their little pet even more so than the sith.

The republic seems very underhanded and sketchy and does not really give that good guy feel.

Republic, at least for jedi, has very poor armor design.

The individual stories for classes are less intriguing. As an imp BH i don't want to know the deal with mako. i NEED to know what is going on and it drives me deeper into the story and deeper into leveling to get more story. I didn't even begin to care for the republic story until kira, and then it was mostly back to being sad at kira's brown and beige duds.

these are keystones of what the republic is now though.


  • bad looking gear
  • oppresive jedi regime
  • unpassionate story(at least in early levels)
  • side stories often range from sleazy to being a babysitter for some childish story arc


that is just what the republic is and will be for anyone starting out. In My mind that is what caused the problem. It is too late to change now.


All the republic faults aside, any player coming to swtor looking at possibly joining the republic is looking at one of two things:

A) statistically speaking, if they have friends on the game they are most likely imperial.

B) if they want some gank protection, they have to pick imperial.



There are ways to deal with both those issues:

Solution A) If a server exceeds 3:2 ratios, simply grey out the over populated faction on the character screen. Ultimately this will hurt subs, but balance faction pop.

Solution B) in world pvp, limit the number of people that can attack a single player. If more than 3 players are attacking a single person, then they don't count towards damage. Healers could still group with damage to effectively keep those 3 unkillable, but that is life.

(these are suggestions and obviously would need some tweaking. also, if you notice, neither really sounds fun.)


Now i will just say this: I did not delve too deeply into the republic, class wise or story wise, but then again if i decided to eat a dirty sock for lunch, i would not care if there was chocolate way down at the toe, i'd have the bad taste in my mouth at the first nibble. and what a sweaty, salty nibble the republic is.


With the Empire, I CAN HAZ CHEEZ BURGER! and you can too...

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Do you people even see what is happening on Illum on majority of servers after this patch got implemented, there are even videos in PvP section of the forum of like 30-40 Imperials zerging a few republic players.


Soon the republic players will stop even showing up on Illum, then no one will be able to complete their daily quests and such, not even empire because it will just be them over there.


Maybe THEN Bioware will finally acknowledge the problem and address it.

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Do you people even see what is happening on Illum on majority of servers after this patch got implemented, there are even videos in PvP section of the forum of like 30-40 Imperials zerging a few republic players.


Soon the republic players will stop even showing up on Illum, then no one will be able to complete their daily quests and such, not even empire because it will just be them over there.


Maybe THEN Bioware will finally acknowledge the problem and address it.


They are too busy making same-faction Warzones to notice.

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one way to fix it, but kinda broken.


allow a faction change on imbalance servers to imperial, 2} allow a imbalance server's repub to xfer to a diff server with low faction, but don't let the empire xfer to that server.


or give us 2 - 3 months free time and remake the republic skills, cuz its ovbiously you guys did a better job on our skills/story/ and etc



im a empire btw...

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one way to fix it, but kinda broken.


allow a faction change on imbalance servers to imperial, 2} allow a imbalance server's repub to xfer to a diff server with low faction, but don't let the empire xfer to that server.


or give us 2 - 3 months free time and remake the republic skills, cuz its ovbiously you guys did a better job on our skills/story/ and etc



im a empire btw...


Why would they change sides now? Have you seen how much they're able to camp Ilum and gear up? What downsides are the Empire facing? They're getting every benefit under the freaking sun.

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Why would they change sides now? Have you seen how much they're able to camp Ilum and gear up? What downsides are the Empire facing? They're getting every benefit under the freaking sun.


Their downside is that in two days time the Empire players wont be able to see a Republic player on Illum because the Republic will avoid it completely for obvious reasons.

Then even the Empire won't be able to get what they came for.


I have to repeat this once more honestly..


Incentives for the republic, adding one alien exclusive race (Torguta, Kel,Dor, Nautolan or even Wookie), improved armor design.


Much can be done really to increase interest for a specific faction and fix imbalance.


I know this comparison won't be to every ones liking, but all who are familiar with WoW and majority of people are regardless of what they say, can remember what a simple addition of Blood Elves to the horde did for the faction numbers, they increased vastly.

Edited by Vlacke
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Bioware said:

We are currently aware of an issue regarding Ilum PVP and our teams are working dilligently to investigate this issue.


Investigate the issue?




We've all been TELLING Bioware what Ilum is going to be like for the past few weeks. This thread has been open for two weeks. There's no need to INVESTIGATE what you should already know. Is this incompetence on Bioware's end for real? Yeesh


Yes I'm raging a bit. I'm sorry for letting it unleash but this is seriously turning many people off not only from pvp, but from staying confident in Bioware. How can we at this point? This is not the first drastic slip-up, it's more like a final straw. Their inability to fix this tomorrow will be the end of them

Edited by Auxili
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Great post by a user in another thread:


1) Why should I trust future patches to this game to be any more competent in predicting easily foreseen issues or demonstrating technical competence?


2) Why should I continue subbing to a game where the consensus seems to be catering only to the easily pleased and half-way fixing everything rather than going for polish and actual heft?


3) Given the poor long-term ramifications of this "fix", should I worry now that your so-called "adjustments" to Slicing , Cybertech and Biochem are equally short-sighted and poorly planned?

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Bioware said:



Investigate the issue?




We've all been TELLING Bioware what Ilum is going to be like for the past few weeks. This thread has been open for two weeks. There's no need to INVESTIGATE what you should already know. Is this incompetence on Bioware's end for real? Yeesh


Yes I'm raging a bit. I'm sorry for letting it unleash but this is seriously turning many people off not only from pvp, but from staying confident in Bioware. How can we at this point? This is not the first drastic slip-up, it's more like a final straw. Their inability to fix this tomorrow will be the end of them


Investigate an obvious issue of faction imbalance due to them apparently favoring the Empire side over there at Bioware.


Republic needs more appeal like you've granted to the Empire on a silver platter.

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I'm not sure on any Republic favored server, least not PvP. All I've seen are Empire > Republic imbalances everywhere.


indeed while i make my daily with my sith char it took max 1-2 hours on the other side i need at least twice amount of time with my jedi shadow :rolleyes: i just wonder thats all, thanks for information btw

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So this whole thread was TLDR, if some one has already suggested this my bad; why not consider cross-server pvp queuing?


-just a thought-


Because the heavy majority of servers have a small republic population compared to empire (by exponential margins as well). That, and cross-server queueing has only damaged games in the past.

Edited by Auxili
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