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Thana Vesh Potential Companion


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I enjoyed her quest chain on Taris and if anything given some thought as a potential companion in a future update. She is like a unsheathed sword always looking for a fight and great for potential development as a character and a romance.


Think on it Bioware

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Couldnt help but push the [Flirt] button everytime i spoke to her - i even lied to the person i teamed up with to not kill her if he got the higher social role because she would give lots of cookies and rewards if he spare her - it worked :D
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That would kinda ruin the questline imo. I mean i chose to kill her, why? She pissed me off with her attitude and insabordinance to somone CLEARLY better than her. If they made her a companion they would need to do the following:

a.) they would need to pick a class to get her, as of now only HK and the other droid are universal companions and i dont think they would add another nuetral it would take away the uniqueness of the classes companions

b.) The questchain would need to be removed completely from the classes that wouldnt get her (Eg if the BH got her than the SW, SI and IA would lose the questchain)

c.) Add a Republic companion to even it out because you know the SECOND the empire gets one more companion than the republic every republic player in the game would cry at the same time...

I like it the way it is, you can love her or hater, kill her or save her. no change needed imo :)

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But im sure there is a equal potential future ompanion for the republic. It woujld be nice to see old faces from questing turn up as companions. Especially the sith lord from the dark temple.


Hey he might make a good sith after all :p

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But im sure there is a equal potential future ompanion for the republic. It woujld be nice to see old faces from questing turn up as companions. Especially the sith lord from the dark temple.


Hey he might make a good sith after all :p


Make her a Republic companion then, would love to see them work that one out. Maybe give em to the Jedi Knight are a counter to the companion the Sith Warrior gets where they can go light/dark depending on your actions.XD Course that means you would have to come up with 7 other companions, but I'm okay with that.

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I was thinking the exact same thing, last night. She could be Ashara's DS counter part. I also thought that she would make a very interesting romance option; she is all like "I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!", but out of nowhere, it turns into that scene in the Last Crusade between Harrison Ford and Alison Doody.
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