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I think the haters are leaving!


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Not once have I seen a "I'm quitting!" thread from someone who loves the game!


The flying spaghetti monster has touched the game with his noodly appendage and in a mighty blast of marina sauce and meat balls he sent the haters running away.



Edited by titanmike
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we kinda gave up since we hope bioware will fix the game if we make a big deal out of it but bioware is totally zen about it and continue to not fix their game


I think they call that trimming the fat...

Edited by Fraxture
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Well, allow me to retort.


I love this game


If they don't address the bugs I will not give them any more money until they do.


It makes me sad that they don't seem to care about the encyclopedia of bugs this game has.


I'm not talking about minor stuff like the green flashing lights. i can deal with that. I'm talking about stuff like my gear not registering its stats when i load into a zone.


They don't have to fix everything, but they have to at least acknowledge everything.

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Well, allow me to retort.



Pulp fiction FTW.



I'm sorry, did I break your concentration? I didn't mean to do that. Please, continue, you were saying something about best intentions. What's the matter? Oh, you were finished! Well, allow me to retort. What does Marsellus Wallace look like?
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Not once have I seen a "I'm quitting!" thread from someone who loves the game!




"If any of you mutes have a problem with that, speak up now, or forever hold your peace!"


I don't know. I think people that cancel and are really bummed that it's not something they can enjoy, 'especially' if they are ex-SWGers, I really feel for them. To be excited about something only to have it not be what works for you, that's a bummer.


If it's someone spamming hate because they just like spamming hate and they are "Pro 50" players who played their free 50 and weren't going to sub up anyways, those are the folks that make me angry. That's the stuff that isn't constructive and only hateful.


To the 'Pro 50s' who beat the game and are moving on to the next one without needing to post hate, hope you had a good time. :)

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What ain't no country I ever heard of!



Do they speak English in what?




The real quote was

"What" ain't no country I've ever heard of. They speak English in What?


This thread is now about pulp fiction and the FSM.

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