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Ability Question


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Are there any abilities that are "useless" to a Watchman Sentinel? The ones that come to mind are Force Kick, Riposte (by the time Rebuke gets done cooling down, even with a couple Ripostes, the fight is usually over anyway), Crippling Throw, and Leg Slash.


Also are there any specs in the Watchman tree that are best left untouched? Similarly, is there anything in the Combat or Focus trees that are useful for a Watchman?

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Are there any abilities that are "useless" to a Watchman Sentinel? The ones that come to mind are Force Kick, Riposte (by the time Rebuke gets done cooling down, even with a couple Ripostes, the fight is usually over anyway), Crippling Throw, and Leg Slash.


Also are there any specs in the Watchman tree that are best left untouched? Similarly, is there anything in the Combat or Focus trees that are useful for a Watchman?


Force kick is one of your best abilities.


Riposte is meh, your action points are better spent elsewhere imo except possible if you just need that lil extra bit to take a nuker down before he blasts you and your global is up.. but its soooo situational your better binding that hotkey to something else.


CT is ok against healers but I personally dont use it, once again would rather use my points towards something with more bite.


I dropped leg slash when I got inflammation and its working out fine but I know many will disagree.


Everything I said was in regards to pvp, not sure about pve since I rarely do it anymore.

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Force Kick is one of the best abilities you have! If you're not using it, you should be. That little blueish bar that fills up under a boss/champion is their cast bar. You should be force kicking them when they are casting stuff. It makes living through the fight a whole lot easier.


Crippling Throw and Leg Slash are pvp abilities. Slows and healing debuffs are always good in PvP.


Riposte is a good ability since it can't be parried, etc and always hits.

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Are there any abilities that are "useless" to a Watchman Sentinel? The ones that come to mind are Force Kick, Riposte (by the time Rebuke gets done cooling down, even with a couple Ripostes, the fight is usually over anyway), Crippling Throw, and Leg Slash.


Also are there any specs in the Watchman tree that are best left untouched? Similarly, is there anything in the Combat or Focus trees that are useful for a Watchman?


Leg Slash - will come in handy later, it rolls well with force punch which does an instant dmg when target is slowed/ incapacitated... and of course, useful in PvP


Force kick - is your best interrupt (at least for me).


Riposte - costs too much; but useful at times. Since it's an unavoidable hit.

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As said before, if you're not using Force Kick, that's not good. You can get by in solo play, but if you're playing in a group in Heroics or Flashpoints, Force Kick is your best interrupt ability to stop enemy casts. It's cheap to use, cools down quickly and stops enemies from laying down their biggest skills.


Otherwise, I agree, I don't find much use for Leg Sweep or Crippling Throw, as they seem to be much more PvP oriented.


The other skill that's fallen out of my rotation is Blade Storm. It costs twice as much as Slash and isn't instant. Since you can't really stun anything stronger than a garbage mob, I don't even bother with it anymore, especially when my Slash has the opportunity to complete the cooldown of Cauterize.


Another one I don't really ever use is Transcendence, mostly because in group fights I prefer the healing I can contribute with Zen, although it does certainly have it's uses.

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Since most of the specials are useful, but simply niche its better to arrange PVE and PVP specific toolbars and swap them out when you do one or the other.


For example, Opportune Strike and Pommel Strike cant be used on players but are great for trash mobs, whereas Leg Slash and Crippling Throw are great in PVP but of minimal PVE value. Disable Droid is great in PVE, but really has no use for PVP (unless you happen to run into an Agent who happens to be useing Scorpio as a companion I guess)


So, rather than just retiring any particular specials Id reccomend just making situationally specific toolbars and toggling them from scenario to scenario.

Edited by thepilk
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