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Quest log : Un-Abandonable quests


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Am I the only one that sees no reason outside of class quests for a quest in your quest log not the be able to be abandoned? Why are there 7-8 quest in my quest log at level 39 that I cannot get rid of? If it gets any worse it's going to start having an impact on grabbing current quests without hitting my quest cap. The part that gets me is that there seem to be no rhyme or reason to it. Anyway here is some solutions that would help with this problem.


1. Make every quest outside of class quests abandonable.

2. Make a little pop-up warning before getting a quest that is un-abandonable so we can choose whether to accept the quest or not.


Either of those would work really. I've just been in several situations where I get into a dialog and accept a quest that I didnt even want and it's a not abandonable so I'm forced to do it or just let it sit there in my log taking up space. This cant be intended.


Am I alone in this? Is there a way to get rid of these quests that I missed? I even put in a ticket 4 days ago and so far no response at all.


I really like this game and enjoy playing it but this issue I believe needs to be addressed in some way.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Now i know we all paid for the game, and shouldn't have to 'work around issues' and all that.


But if you have been struggling with it for weeks, why not just take 30 minutes and... i dont know... complete the actual quests! *gasp*


meant as constructive critism, not a bash :)

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Now i know we all paid for the game, and shouldn't have to 'work around issues' and all that.


But if you have been struggling with it for weeks, why not just take 30 minutes and... i dont know... complete the actual quests! *gasp*


meant as constructive critism, not a bash :)


I have 2 quest already completed, even a class story line quest.

Still there, grey, unable to abandon, or even get to since it is an instance.

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I'm still having this issue as well. Is there a way of predicting what quests will be abandon-able and what ones will not?


As far as going back and doing them, yes, I could.. But yeah some are gray. Also, my plan is to level more than one character so I generally don't worry about being a completionist the first time around, leaving some things to do later...


edit: In case anyone hasn't seen there are CSR posts on this issue here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=39754&highlight=abandon+quests&page=3

Edited by cielleskye
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You will do the quests and like it!


Seriously though they'll get it fixed. Takes time to fix bugs and BW has quite a bit on their plate right now. You could always do the quests if it's causing you some sort of serious issue. Only thing I can think of is clogging up your quest log.

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Now i know we all paid for the game, and shouldn't have to 'work around issues' and all that.


But if you have been struggling with it for weeks, why not just take 30 minutes and... i dont know... complete the actual quests! *gasp*


meant as constructive critism, not a bash :)


I cant , some of them are just the bonus mission that for some reason is bugged and left there after my actual class mission ...

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Yeah, sometimes those undroppable quests are bonuses for class quests that you can no longer access. On one of my toons my JK got the bonus quest for one of the first class missions while he was doing the mission to get his lightsaber. So, he couldn't go back into the area to finish the quest since it was no longer accessable, and honestly, he had done it already when he was actually at that step of the game. Every quest should be abandonable beyond class quests, and even those are able to be reset.
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  • 2 weeks later...
But if you have been struggling with it for weeks, why not just take 30 minutes and... i dont know... complete the actual quests! *gasp*


I tried that. 1 Balmorra undroppable quest turned into 6. I'm having to waste limited play time to do quest that give me no worthwhile rewards instead of being able to accept the daily missions.

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This is getting really annoying. I have 16 quests that I can't abandon and I submitted ticket 3 times and posted it on forums also with all quests name but the only answer I'm getting is the issue is passed to relevant department and nothing is going on for about last 2-3 weeks.


Now I can only have 9 quests I can pick up and sometimes, new quests I pick up becomes unable to abandon quests.


With all class quests, flash points quests, space battle quests and companion quests, getting really hard to do much with quests.


I was hoping that today's patch will do something about it but still none.


SWTOR, please do something

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I tried that. 1 Balmorra undroppable quest turned into 6. I'm having to waste limited play time to do quest that give me no worthwhile rewards instead of being able to accept the daily missions.


That. Plus they said this would be fixed in not last nights patch, but the one before that, so we keep thinking "not worth doing all these grey chain quests, we can abandon them after Tuesday", then Tuesday hits and we still can't abandon them.

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