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Wishing people used the forums for something other than complaining


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everyday i check the forums hoping to read something useful from the community and all I read is constant complaining. I guess the rest of the community is like me and enjoying the game too much to waste time posting how awesome and fun it is.


Maybe one day these people will take back over the forums. Only reason I'm posting is b/c I'm at work and was trying to find some kind of small swtor fix.


I still have not found any kind of bug that would stop me from playing. Apparently you people are not experienced with mmo's. For all you WoW trolls there are still major bugs up until now. mmo's are a constantly evolving game which is part of the fun. OMG it's a bug... so what move on and keep playing don't act like a 12 year old girl that's scared of bugs (insects) and freak out. Grow up ladies.


Keep up the good work swtor! Y'all did a great job up to this point so keep pushing foward.


I tried... I posted a light-hearted swtor-related project me and my friends worked on here in the general forums, with and had some positive feedback of the game at the end in an attempt to lighten the mood... then some silly mod moved it to the much less trafficed (making that a word) community forums :(


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everyday i check the forums hoping to read something useful from the community and all I read is constant complaining. I guess the rest of the community is like me and enjoying the game too much to waste time posting how awesome and fun it is.


Maybe one day these people will take back over the forums. Only reason I'm posting is b/c I'm at work and was trying to find some kind of small swtor fix.


I still have not found any kind of bug that would stop me from playing. Apparently you people are not experienced with mmo's. For all you WoW trolls there are still major bugs up until now. mmo's are a constantly evolving game which is part of the fun. OMG it's a bug... so what move on and keep playing don't act like a 12 year old girl that's scared of bugs (insects) and freak out. Grow up ladies.


Keep up the good work swtor! Y'all did a great job up to this point so keep pushing foward.


Do you have to have an active account to post here like with World of Warcraft? Cause I can see the free month running out and then suddenly most of the complaining will cease.


In the mean time people who don't like the game for whatever reason are frustrated they bought a game for 60$ that they can't play anymore after this free month expires.

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Also since the forum has no search option *cough* you get a lot of people making new posts about the same issues.


Even with a search function we will get a lot of reposts. People figure if the thing they want to talk about isn't on the front page no one has heard about it.

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It's not feedback, it's wingeing and moaning about how other games are better. Their time could be better utilised in finding something to play that better suits their needs.


A good amount of the threads are not simple whining and actually have valid points to them. They may not be presented in the best fashion, but that makes them no less valid.


Making such a broad generalizing statement like that makes you no better than the ones you protest against.


And OP...irony much?

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Oh ok.


So according to you, and I'm sure you arent a fanboy at all, there is:


1) positive feedback

2) whinging and moaning.


You're delusional, even the whiniest of posts are actually complaining about something specific to the game.





Maybe I am delusional because I'm not completely sure what you're trying to get at... And ''fanboy''?? not sure what that is as this is my first day in the forums, but if that means I think the game is awesome then yes I suppose I am.


And a lot of the posts I've seen haven't been very specific.


Also, Bioware know's about the issues, posting about them here constantly is not going to help in any way. This game only just came out, everyone wants everything perfect right away.

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We appreciate you taking the time to express your thoughts and concerns, but will be closing this thread, as there is little room for constructive discussion about gameplay. We encourage you to make threads about specific game-related topics.
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