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EARLY ACCESS SCHEDULE!! (Educated Speculation)


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God I really wish they wouldn't do this Early Access thing. It just gets people all het up. :(


I didn't even look at the blurb on Amazon at first. My son and daughter in law and grandson are going to play and I had just come out of hospital, so I thought okay, I will. I had no intention of going for Early Access, I was just going to play on Launch Day.


It was only when the email from Amazon confirming my order came and I saw this code for Early Access and the instructions to redeem it that I actually realised I could get early access to the game. Even then I wasn't really bothered. In fact I was stunned when I got into the Beta Stress Test.


Gaming companies don't half upset people with this to-ing and fro-ing with this stuff.

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It's a shame they do not give us a heads up on their official plan of invites.

Judging by this estimate i wont get in till Saturday, of course i hope it will be sooner.

But i already counted on it being late.


I just think it's a bad idea not to let people know in advance when they will be able to enter, or at least tell us their planned schedule.


I have RL obligations, which is fine my own thing to worry about, but it would give me a better idea of planning if they actually would have let me know when.


I completely agree. I have a weird work schedule and go when called in. I would feel much better knowing in advance so i dont have to wonder **** will I be pissy at work today because I will get an invite but have to take my happy *** to work? I would much prefer to know the day even if its the 19th(I preoreded in Sept) than to wait and wonder every day. Lets me be excited every day at work thinking.... this is what I will do when I get home from work on so and so(Played Beta)........ This is truly the best MMO I have ever played, and I would play if even if it was only a Single Player RPG.

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I don't think Bioware/EA is making people wait just to be jerks. They're trying to make sure the game is completely functional. If they let too many people in and servers go down... then you know who get's to play? No one. Plus, they'll get a terrible starting reputation.


I know how you though feel man, we're all excited to play.


[COLOR="Yellow"] No they are incompetent which is worse, this BW screwup is actually frightening. Think about it they have only 900K ppl to get online now, they esitmaite 1.5 Million Launch day. They aren't able to hold their mud with a pititful 900k now on launch day the servers will just freeze up, not to mention Christmas just 5 days later.


IMHO...who put the chimps in charge? After 5 or so years how HOW can you screw up so badly you don't know if you can handle launch?[/color]

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this chart is already apparently incorrect if not disproven entirely as we're 1/3 of the way through the 2nd window after one wave today.


The estimate people are throwing around is 100k per wave, with it already up to august 8.


At that size, it wouldn't be out of the question to get everything up to and including september in by the last wave, since us preorders were only 130k for all of sept.


My estimate is at least all of august with some of sept today.

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OK let me explain something to you about the way forums work...oh never mind..you knew what this forum thread was about from the OP and now you want to come up in here and post what you know will get negative emotional response from some? I call that trollish and more ridiculous then the obsessing over it...Get a life loser.



Ya, I'm a troll for having some semblance of patience...


The irony of you telling me to get a life is hilarious. I'm not the one who's getting wound up about not playing a video game an extra few days early. As great as this game is, I have plenty of other things to keep me busy and other things to worry about, life. Maybe you should check it out too and stop being preoccupied with something as mundane as this.

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[COLOR="Yellow"] No they are incompetent which is worse, this BW screwup is actually frightening. Think about it they have only 900K ppl to get online now, they esitmaite 1.5 Million Launch day. They aren't able to hold their mud with a pititful 900k now on launch day the servers will just freeze up, not to mention Christmas just 5 days later.


IMHO...who put the chimps in charge? After 5 or so years how HOW can you screw up so badly you don't know if you can handle launch?[/color]


I don't think it's a screw up to be honest. They are giving people free time to play before launch. If they did this after the 20th then I would be concerned. And to be honest I'm glad they are trying everything that they can to make sure the game launches smoothly. Better than just saying oh well I hope it works out and then have servers crash. I for one am excited and probably wont get an invite until saturday since I ordered in November. Either way it's better than having to wait until the 20th.

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I've been reading posts about how people are SO frustrated and angry because they are not playing the game for a day now.


You people that are complaining so much really think that 2 or even 4 days ahead will make the difference? We are talking about a game that you (at least I) will play for the next YEARS! and you complain about a few days ... I dont get it.


I bet less than 10% of the initial players will play for YEARS.

Like Rift, SWTOR is a filler game until GW2 is released (for me at least).

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I think that you all are forgetting that its 5 days from the release date, which is the 20th. By might count would mean that you shouldn't start playing until the 16th. If people are getting to start sooner, then Yahoo! more play time. Its just that BW doesn't need to start any sooner than that. So please stop your belly acheing and take a more mature tone. Be happy that your getting a chance to play at all. My appologies if I offended anyone there but I am getting tired of seeing it.
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[COLOR="Yellow"] No they are incompetent which is worse, this BW screwup is actually frightening. Think about it they have only 900K ppl to get online now, they esitmaite 1.5 Million Launch day. They aren't able to hold their mud with a pititful 900k now on launch day the servers will just freeze up, not to mention Christmas just 5 days later.


IMHO...who put the chimps in charge? After 5 or so years how HOW can you screw up so badly you don't know if you can handle launch?[/color]


Apart from the fact youre calling BW incompetent when posting mistakes in a simple forum post - they havent started the advertised Up to 5 days EGA yet. Its still the 14th.


They've given 2 days additional play-time to some lucky b*ggers (not me) which should then have a positive knock-on effect to the remaining Q times. In all likelihood, you'll probably get EGA earlier than you would have otherwise.


OMG. I looked at the positive. Bad times.

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I agree that the wave invite process is probably inflaming people's anger. It's the old playground thing.... why is he allowed on the climbing frame and I have to sit on the bench and wait. It's ingrained in us all, the competitive streak of our personalities. We see other people having what we want, we don't understand why we can't have it and we sulk and get angry.


It's easy for people to say 'act maturely' when deep down we still want to act like a kid. It's not that easy to be mature and say 'it doesn't really matter, it's just a game'


Me, I am happy just be alive to play the damn game, because I nearly wasn't!


i wish people would use the word mature right... being mature doesn't mean to be uptight or not get angry or anything like that. It means you take responsibility for how you act. People should act as stupid as they want... but then also accept the consequences...


there are a few things that tick me off...

The servers can currently house about 420,000 people on the first 4 zones


The community of whiners and anti-whiner d-bags


The lack of communication from the devs giving info.. there are a number of people that would just like to know a ballpark of when so they can go do something else... kinda like when you call the electrician or a phone company or the cable company to come out and they simply tell you "friday between x and x or saturday between x and x" and so you spend the next 48 hours waiting and getting pissed because they are making you waste today and tomorrow regardless of whether they come today or tomorrow because you can't plan or do anything.


this really ticks me off and i deal with it all the time with my family members... I have to calculate their delay period and project out a modified date and time for them to be somewhere. i feel it's inconsiderate and as such i feel that EA/BW is being in considerate and not creating a very good launch community...but then again the SW nerd community is one of the worst to begin anyways imo ^.^

Edited by Durakken
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IF the company does not provide acces before 15th, as it was announced, I will play my prepaid month and quit it, as it is impossible to return money for the failed preorder. I always loved their games, but this "waves" system is totally wrong, one should first prepare all the hard- and software and then let Everyone in at the same time. No matter what their reasons are, I find the way Bioware treats game's fans and costumers irogant and defiantly unacceptable. I feel bad, as it was supposed to be a great game, but with such start, the it won't last long. It's rather funny how you can spoil the whole project with a single wrong decision.


How bout you just cancel now? I mean serious all i ever see on here is ppl crying , I wanted early acess and so i pre-ordered early as it was explicitly stated by bioware several hundred times that EA was based off of time of code redemption. Just because you can't read or choose not to don't go running around demanding to be given more just because you feel they owe it to you.


I mean do you threaten to kill yourself because you are going to quit at life if mommy doesn't go to the store and get you frosted flakes when all you have is cheerios?

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I don't get what all the fuss is about. Pre-Order...at least in the US...was 5$. If you got the deluxe or collectors edition, the pre-order was still only 5$. Why is everyone complaining about how much they spent on preordering the game when...once again, it was 5$.
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i wish people would use the word mature right... being mature doesn't mean to be uptight or not get angry or anything like that. It means you take responsibility for how you act. People should act as stupid as they want... but then also accept the consequences...


there are a few things that tick me off...

The servers can currently house about 420,000 people on the first 4 zones


The community of whiners and anti-whiner d-bags


The lack of communication from the devs giving info.. there are a number of people that would just like to know a ballpark of when so they can go do something else... kinda like when you call the electrician or a phone company or the cable company to come out and they simply tell you "friday between x and x or saturday between x and x" and so you spend the next 48 hours waiting and getting pissed because they are making you waste today and tomorrow regardless of whether they come today or tomorrow because you can't plan or do anything.


this really ticks me off and i deal with it all the time with my family members... I have to calculate their delay period and project out a modified date and time for them to be somewhere. i feel it's inconsiderate and as such i feel that EA/BW is being in considerate and not creating a very good launch community...but then again the SW nerd community is one of the worst to begin anyways imo ^.^


Believe it or not, I do understand where you're coming from and I also agree that there is a lack of communication about what it is Bioware are trying to achieve, apart from pissing people off that is.


I personally am not concerned about the whole issue, mainly because I feel lucky enough to be alive at this point. There was a chance a few months ago that I wouldn't make it. So I am happy to play whenever, today, tomorrow, or the 20th. However I do think that BW should be more forthcoming about exactly how they are doing this. It really isn't enough to just send out a Twitter or a post on Facebook saying 'another wave has been sent folks'. It's almost as if they are TRYING to make people angry.


I don't understand that at all. A little explanation to folks who ARE getting themselves upset wouldn't go amiss at this point.

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