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PVP will level you faster than quests


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After comparing XP, credits and the pros/cons for each its interesting that pvp will give you more money, xp and badges faster than questing.


On average i get around 800-1000 credits per pvp match and 6-8000 xp + warzone commendations.


Some of you may argue that you are neglecting your story line but really after you get your ship and first companion you can quest to finish your story line at any level.


Between time running to quest points, quest rewards, cut scenes and all the other associated time wasting its more efficient to level through pvp if you want more xp/money/ and badges to buy pvp gear that you can also quest with.


Leveling is super fast no matter what you do tbh.

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There's a rumor going around, doing Missions + PvP does level you up even FASTER! So much, that you are 2 or 3 lvl above the region for your next class mission. Which means: you go through very fast and receive mission XP even easier and faster.


Sounds like a combination of both is overpowered, doesn't it? Maybe they should fix that, best by patching out either PvP or PvE!


Space missions are a fantastic way to get a little bump in your leveling if you do your dailies. My ship is practically maxed out on all gear and there is no space mission that Bioware has yet to throw at me that I don't survive or get all objectives complete. (This isn't bragging, this is just stating how over powering the epic ship items are.)


Everything I kill in a space mission yields either 7, 14, or 20 xp. Doesn't sound like much does it? Well, on itself it isn't. But on the higher end missions you can generally kill over a 100 fighers, damage or wipe out, 4 - 6 cruisers, and even take on capital ships and space staions with over 30 turrets and shield generators each.


All in all just from killing stuff in the mission you can easily rack up over 2k xp. Add in another 5k xp for the mission itself, and 20k xp for the daily and you can get 30k - 35k xp if your daily requires two missions to complete. And all within 15 mins or less. Add in multiple missions (if level appropriate) and I think you can get my point.


Once the dailies are complete though it is a waste of time to continue doing space missions. Much quicker xp and money questing or doing warzones.

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Feel bad for peolpe in a hurry to finish. Take your time smell the flowers enjoy the content.

Since when is this a rat race on efficiency?


Thats no fun.


Maybe because people have already been doing "loot this" and "go kill 10 of these" quests for years. The story for the side quests are usually pretty terrible I found the higher the level I got.

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This isn't even close to true that warzones are faster experience then questing. If you lose a warzone badly you could get 3-5K exp. At least thats what I got last night for a few warzone losses at level 32. I can get 3-5k killing strong mobs my level in about a couple minutes not counting any quest exp. Even if you win a warzone the exp I was getting was like 12-15 k for 15 minutes of work. When people leveled fast through pvp it was broke and matches ended prematurely and you got full winner's exp. Unless you win well over half the time leveling through pvp is miserable in this game. Edited by Kwll
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I leveled my 1st character through PvE missions, so I have seen pretty much all the side quests on Republic side.


My 1st alt I am going to level through Warzones, Space Dailies, Flashpoints, and my class quest only. I'll have to see how it goes. Seems more fun to me than doing all the side quests again.

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I can say 110% that OP is incorrect. By level 45 I was valour rank 46. I pvp'd constantly whilst my clan mates soared ahead on levels.



Quite an achievement considering valor rank is capped at your characters level...

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People need to say what level they are when they try to say things like I got 6-8k exp for a warzone like that is a lot. Your average warzone takes about 15 minutes. 6-8 k exp is about the average reward for a single level 25 quests which does not take nearly as long as 15 minutes plus you get exp for killing mobs along the way doing the quest plus any bonus objectives as quests. The math doesnt work people sorry. I pay attention to the numbers though most people just like to complain. Fast leveling through pvp went out the window a week ago.
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With the lack of level brackets in PvP right now, you're leveling experience is going to become a nightmare when 8 50s clad is expertise gear come barreling down on you. Lets see bolster fix that!


It is going to become much harder for you to achieve objectives, kill others and gain medals, so the experience flow may slow down for you as we see more and more geared level 50s enter the scene.


Who cares. You win some you lose some. If you expect to pvp without getting facerolled at times, then you have unrealistic expectations.


Personally I'd rather face off against a bunch of leet mofos that know what they are doing, so I learn how to pvp better myself. playing against gimbos with no skill is not my idea of fun. Maybe thats what some people dig on, but i think its boring and unsatisfying.

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