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Comparison with facts


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Since so many people have mentioned just how massive SWTOR is and how it dwarfs WOW let's please do this experiment.


*** Landmass of WOW compared to landmass of SWTOR - let's ignore the openess of the maps and the all corridor-type travel in SWTOR - let's look just at the size of it all.


*** Number of quests


*** Number of dungeons


*** PvP zones (not an expert on PvP but I have read tons of complaints)


*** end game content



If you want to reply, please remember not to time travel back to 2004 - it is a nonsense comparison. Just to remind you the current year is 2012


Also can we have a few 50s to report here as they are the ones that have experienced most of SWTORs maps.

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If you want to reply, please remember not to time travel back to 2004 - it is a nonsense comparison. Just to remind you the current year is 2012


I was gonna reply untill i read that line.


You cannot compare a game that is live for 7 years against one that is live for 2 weeks either.


In short.. STOP COMPARING WOW TO SWTOR! It's not a valid comparison no mather how you look at it.


Just enjoy swtor for the game that it is. If you cannot do that, just cancell your subscribtion.

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I was gonna reply untill i read that line.


You cannot compare a game that is live for 7 years against one that is live for 2 weeks either.


In short.. STOP COMPARING WOW TO SWTOR! It's not a valid comparison no mather how you look at it.


Just enjoy swtor for the game that it is. If you cannot do that, just cancell your subscribtion.



but we can compare a game that has been in the making for 4 years. And has turned out nothing like what was promised

Now please go

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WoW is clearly bigger. In my opinion you don't start seeing huge maps until you reach Tatooine. There are definitely more quests in WoW also but the questing in TOR is obviously better. Pvp WoW wins. Illum is pointless because it's exactly what Hellfire was trading bases back and fourth. Endgame not sure I have yet to reach level 50 but I also hear there is no crafting endgame which is dissapointing considering Bioreps kept saying "we love crafting" and not too worry.
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Since so many people have mentioned just how massive SWTOR is and how it dwarfs WOW let's please do this experiment.


*** Landmass of WOW compared to landmass of SWTOR - let's ignore the openess of the maps and the all corridor-type travel in SWTOR - let's look just at the size of it all.


*** Number of quests


*** Number of dungeons


*** PvP zones (not an expert on PvP but I have read tons of complaints)


*** end game content



If you want to reply, please remember not to time travel back to 2004 - it is a nonsense comparison. Just to remind you the current year is 2012


Also can we have a few 50s to report here as they are the ones that have experienced most of SWTORs maps.


Blizzard and Bioware are not buddies living in a commune sharing information.

You can look at a product and say 'we need to be just like them..and better'.


But most of it you will have to pull your design out of your arse since they aren't in bed together and willing to share the tricks of the trade.


Kind of like why Coke and Pepsi are rivals, each have their fans and haters.

And each provide a different service (flavor).


Coke doesn't give out it's formula to it's competitors.



If you love WOW, wonderful...go play WOW.

But if you love SW:TOR, great stay and help us make it better.


But don't go to the doors of Pepsi and complain about how Coke is greater.

Cause they will just tell you to go enjoy your Coke with a Smile. :rolleyes:

Edited by Fraxture
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If you want to reply, please remember not to time travel back to 2004 - it is a nonsense comparison. Just to remind you the current year is 2012


I think you will find that when it comes to ammount of content, comparing a game which has had 2 weeks of live development to a game which has had 7 years of live development is far more nonsense than comparing the games at similar times in their lifespan.


However comparing technical advancement from a game that was launched 7 years ago and comparing that launch to a current launch, is completely unfair and nonsense.


You really need to be more specific when you are trying to dismiss other peoples arguments wholesale.

Edited by aimbotcfg
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I was gonna reply untill i read that line.


You cannot compare a game that is live for 7 years against one that is live for 2 weeks either.


In short.. STOP COMPARING WOW TO SWTOR! It's not a valid comparison no mather how you look at it.


Just enjoy swtor for the game that it is. If you cannot do that, just cancell your subscribtion.


What? I do not recall receiving a discount because I am buying an unfinished game. I paid full price, probably more than I would have paid for WOW (not sure), so I expect a full game. If anything I expect a BIGGER and BETTER game.


Anyway, can we have some facts please :) Square footage of maps would be great start. Number of quests and dungeons.


I think but may be wrong, all of SWTOR's maps ( the areas you can really reach not the props), all that would fit in 1/5 of WOW's maps, say Azeroth.


I assert SWTOR's reachable land mass is 1/5 of WOW. There.

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What? I do not recall receiving a discount because I am buying an unfinished game. I paid full price, probably more than I would have paid for WOW (not sure), so I expect a full game. If anything I expect a BIGGER and BETTER game.


Anyway, can we have some facts please :) Square footage of maps would be great start. Number of quests and dungeons.


I think but may be wrong, all of SWTOR's maps ( the areas you can really reach not the props), all that would fit in 1/5 of WOW's maps, say Azeroth.


I assert SWTOR's reachable land mass is 1/5 of WOW. There.


I feel like this guy is trolling... Why? He probably didn't play WoW in the beginning, or he forgot what it was like when it just came out and for how long it took for the actual game to be finished.

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There are definitely more quests in WoW also but the questing in TOR is obviously better.


Citation needed. Opinion is not fact so give credible and irrefutable reasons as to why it is better in TOR.

Edited by Ruggle
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There are definitely more quests in WoW also but the questing in TOR is obviously better.


Citation needed. Opinion is not fact so give credible and irrefutable reasons as to why it is better in TOR.


Actually... Westfall quests, remember those? Get goretusk livers and you find out that NONE of them actually have a liver, only like 4 out of the 50 goretusk population does... I havn't had that in TOR yet.

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I was gonna reply untill i read that line.


You cannot compare a game that is live for 7 years against one that is live for 2 weeks either.


In short.. STOP COMPARING WOW TO SWTOR! It's not a valid comparison no mather how you look at it.


Just enjoy swtor for the game that it is. If you cannot do that, just cancell your subscribtion.


Yeah, stop comparing SWTOR to the game is has blatantly tried to emulate in almost every way. No fair bringing reality into this discussion!

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I was gonna reply untill i read that line.
Protip: you did reply.


You cannot compare a game that is live for 7 years against one that is live for 2 weeks either.
Yes you can. TOR doesn't exist in a vacuum; it exists alongside a game that has been live for 7 years, and another game that has been live for more than 12 years, and many others. It can be compared to all of them, as they exist today.
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I think you will find that when it comes to ammount of content, comparing a game which has had 2 weeks of live development to a game which has had 7 years of live development is far more nonsense than comparing the games at similar times in their lifespan.


However comparing technical advancement from a game that was launched 7 years ago and comparing that launch to a current launch, is completely unfair and nonsense.


You really need to be more specific when you are trying to dismiss other peoples arguments wholesale.


You must be a dedicated fan if you are willing to pay same price for something inferior. Or completely fed up and bored with everything else so that price does not come into the equation.

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Actually... Westfall quests, remember those? Get goretusk livers and you find out that NONE of them actually have a liver, only like 4 out of the 50 goretusk population does... I havn't had that in TOR yet.


Statistical sample size: 1%? 0.5%?


Remember those cats in the Jedi opening quests that you can only loot one tooth from?

Edited by Ruggle
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Actually... Westfall quests, remember those? Get goretusk livers and you find out that NONE of them actually have a liver, only like 4 out of the 50 goretusk population does... I havn't had that in TOR yet.
meh, lack of gladiators and pit fighters on nar shaddaa is about the same.
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Since so many people have mentioned just how massive SWTOR is and how it dwarfs WOW let's please do this experiment.


*** Landmass of WOW compared to landmass of SWTOR - let's ignore the openess of the maps and the all corridor-type travel in SWTOR - let's look just at the size of it all.


*** Number of quests


*** Number of dungeons


*** PvP zones (not an expert on PvP but I have read tons of complaints)


*** end game content



If you want to reply, please remember not to time travel back to 2004 - it is a nonsense comparison. Just to remind you the current year is 2012


Also can we have a few 50s to report here as they are the ones that have experienced most of SWTORs maps.


SWTOR probably has much more landmass


WoW probably has more quests (but the quality of which is ****, whereas SWTOR quests have actual quality)


WoW obviously has more dungeons since it's had 3 expansions worth of additional content to add, it probably has about the same number of dungeons as Vanilla WoW. Again though, I would argue SWTOR dungeons are on a level of quality above WoW dungeons, especially BT.


Hutball is the greatest battleground ever made. Imbalances obviously need some work. Animations/ability activation times need to be fixed. Overall, SWTOR has all the potential here to pass WoW if they fix obvious bugs and can manage to work towards balance.


Endgame dungeons/heroics/dailies/quests/etc all seem to be superior in SWTOR. The only question is will Operations be superior to raids? IDK, haven't done an OP yet. Lack of dmg meters/combat logs doesn't look good for SWTOR though, people love parses.

Edited by GGTeMpLaR
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You must be a dedicated fan if you are willing to pay same price for something inferior. Or completely fed up and bored with everything else so that price does not come into the equation.


In wow I can run 1 current raid over and over week in week out.


In SWTOR I can level 8 times and have it be entertaining, then run 2 current raids over and over week in week out.


Bad troll is bad.

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