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Nothingface 50 Op pvp video


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Just a little something I put together for those wanting to see some 50 Op action. I have a couple Champ pieces that are meant for medics, I was going to take one for the team and heal in PvP but as you can see I can't leave the playstyle of chasing people down :D I have a long way to go but here's something for you aspiring Operatives out there who have any doubts playing this class.


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You can adjust the height of the health bars I believe. Haven't tried it myself, but it looks like he just made his really big.


Yeah I was trying to heal people in warfronts before, it's nice to use this option for healers. I prefer it over the regular frames.

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I like the movie.


Overall well played. Of course sometimes you make some mistakes, but I guess when I play I make more mistakes.


Thank you for the movie.


The music is ok.


Thanks man, it means a lot to me. I plan on making a solid video picking out the best scenes over a month or two period. This one was the best of three matches lol.

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nicely done. I like the 2 v 1. Pretty rare.


I'm trying to rework my keybindings. How do you have your set up? Especially for the strafing.


For number keys : 1=Escape 2=Nade 3=Interrupt 4=To be determined


Q=Flashbang E=Melee stun R=Our ranged snare and slow Z= Energy regen probe


The rest is all macros on my g9x mouse. Until they allow macros in game, we have a clear advantage. On one button I have Stimboost>Shiv>Lacerate>Blaster shot and on a second I have Hidden Strike>Backstab. How this works is if an ability is not available or is on cooldown, it goes to the next in line. This can be a curse sometimes as you can see I am quick on the gun when I am flirting between melee and ranged range, causing me to wait on the gcd to land a melee attack. On seperate buttons I have Acid blade, Corrosive dart, sleep dart on seperate mouse butttons.


As Far as strafing goes, I always hold down the right mouse button and Move with WASD. It takes some getting used to, but man is it nice to to use all your moves without looking at the UI. I actually tried to play with the UI off, But it disables input and you can't see your health lol.

Edited by Willmatic
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