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No real time damage?


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I just noticed there's no real time damage. When you use an ability, the target takes damage before the animation happens. This goes for both melee and ranged. Why is that? It kinda throws the combat off. There's no damage when a light saber hits or when blasters hit.


For example:


For Melee, there is a Jedi ability that strikes twice. Say for example, the damage for the ability is 100. The first strike should hit for 50 and the second for another 50. That would total 100.


For Ranged, say the blaster shoots 10 rounds of bolts. If the damage on the ability is 100, each bolt would do 10 damage.


Of course this is all based on crit. There is one bolt that might hit for 15 while another hits for 8 and another for 25.


This just seems odd and makes the game feel weird. I knew something was wrong the moment I played. I'm not use to this type of combat animation.

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I know about the 0.5 second delay. This is something different. I've experienced the delay on every class I try to play. It's when the ability sometimes doesn't cast or takes long to cast. This is much different. This actually does instant damage before the animation is complete.
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