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surname help!


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didn't know where to post this but o well. i just wanted a little help picking a surname and wanted to know what other people where doing to give me ideas i have a few but don't know how they would be. being all my alts would have it. what i have been thinking is.. Starkiller ( yes rip off Force ) Starunner (reminded me to much of home star ) Myis ( old rp last name i used to use) Deathscharm or HoofFlexerXL ( old wow toons) im a chiss BH named Slissa (chiss name Kres'lis'sabosen). don't know what to do wish i could just pick different ones for each alt was even thinking of using Kres.
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Now personally I went with soulcrusher. needed something dreadfull and "captain trinin Soulcrusher"does sound pretty cool.



As for you i would say your own imagination is the best choice. Any direct intentional references to films tv shows or books show a dreadfull lack of imagination in my opinion.


How about Gravetalon? Or anything with talon for that matter. Talons are awesome.

Redshift or blueshift? Corona, deepwalker, etc. possibilities are endless.

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Now personally I went with soulcrusher. needed something dreadfull and "captain trinin Soulcrusher"does sound pretty cool.



As for you i would say your own imagination is the best choice. Any direct intentional references to films tv shows or books show a dreadfull lack of imagination in my opinion.


How about Gravetalon? Or anything with talon for that matter. Talons are awesome.

Redshift or blueshift? Corona, deepwalker, etc. possibilities are endless.


I chose Bathory as my surname. It's a reference to the greatest serial killer of all time.

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I went with Ocelot. My Gunslinger is now named Revolver Ocelot.


On topic: Choose the one you like the most, honestly. Yes, it sucks having to choose, but you have to do it at one point anyway.


Again. Stealing names from well known franchises or even lesser known or obscure ones is simply lame.

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