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We want/need dev response(s) to all major issues with PvP


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Title says it all.


We need a Dev to respons to all the major issues regarding PvP such as:


- Balance of classes - Is it addressed?

- RNG of Champion/Battlemaster Bags

- Ranked PvP

- Expertise

- Brackets in PvP [1-49],[50]

- Ilum and Outlaw's Den reward system

- Cannot pick which WZs you want to queue up for

- Only 3 WZs




We need to know that Devs are paying attention to this forum and not only saying that they read the forums and appreciate all feedback.



I have canceled my subscription and without knowing that PvP is on top of the "to-fix" list, I will not be resubscribing.



Support this thread!


EDIT: I DO have a level 50 and this is not a QQ thread or a Hate thread or a Troll thread or anything. It's simply a thread through which I am hoping devs will realize they need to answer to some of the major concerns regarding PvP

Edited by freakyinmate
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Bad troll is bad? Yep. I think its funny that your flaming someone who is trying to get things done for something your probably interested in.


Not once did they mention an OP class or really complaints about anything. They asked for a response to the main issues about pvp that have been brought up on the forums. You must be one of those players who thinks they are a god at pvp when of course, you either play one of the accused OP classes and spam your strongest ability, or you get carried.


Your post really just makes you look foolish and I hope you do it more, because people will remember the name and just take you for a joke every time they see it.

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Yea, i really wish BW would talk with us :/ What's the reason they don't? Yea, there are many Idiots here but what about, let's say, Reddit? Couldn't they make there a Q&A?


I just don't see why i should be playing this Game after the Free month. What's the Endgame PvP? In WoW you had the Titels. It was amazing to earn a Gladiator. Also i always loved duels and raiding another city. This was my Motivation mostly. What do i have here? Freaking nothing. No Open PvP at all (Ilum is a completely unfinished planet), no real duel area (Like really, why no Duel Zone in the Republic Fleet?), no "E-sport" PvP. What exactly should i do in this game? Why am i farming like an Idiot my Gear? Where the hell did the 80 Millions go?


Hell, Guild Wars 2 had even some E-Sports tournament and it isn't even released :/

Edited by Teabaker
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Yea, i really wish BW would talk with us :/ What's the reason they don't? Yea, there are many Idiots here but what about, let's say, Reddit? Couldn't they make there a Q&A?


I just don't see why i should be playing this Game after the Free month. What's the Endgame PvP? In WoW you had the Titels. It was amazing to earn a Gladiator. Also i always loved duels and raiding another city. This was my Motivation mostly. What do i have here? Freaking nothing. No Open PvP at all (Ilum is a completely unfinished planet), no real duel area (Like really, why no Duel Zone in the Republic Fleet?), no "E-sport" PvE. What exactly should i do in this game? Why am i farming like an Idiot my Gear? Where the hell did the 80 Millions go?


Hell, Guild Wars 2 had even some E-Sports tournament and it even wasn't released :/


That IS the question most people are trying to figure out the answer to.


Of course there is a lot of exploration to do, gathering datacrons, farming Hard Mode Flashpoints, Warzones, theres is a Raid to do, Space Combat....but most of those things get boring if done frequently.


I, for example, dont like doing flashpoints because they are so time consuming. I DO have quite a lot of time on my hands, but I would rather PvP instead, and earn commendations rather than do a 2h [HARD] Flashpoint, without knowing that I will earn something...even if it isnt much. (credits dont count)


So, frankly, there are many things to do but most of those things are repeatable, daily, or simply not rewarding enough.



To be honest, I dont even know what EXACTLY is wrong with the end game. I wont say THIS, and THIS, and THIS is wrong and needs a FIX ASAP, because I havent quite figured out what THIS and THIS and THIS are....but there IS something wrong with the end game in this game, and most of us know that.


What I am trying to do here is get a response from the devs regarding end game (PvP mostly), saying that they KNOW about the issues and that they are working on them. (or something of this sort)

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Please be so kind to tell me in what way I am crying.


I am asking for nothing more but for a dev response to all major concerns regarding PvP.


He made the comment because of your premature sub cancellation. Everyone wants ALL of the problems they've attributed to the game fixed tomorrow. In reality it's going to take MONTHS! I completely understand being concerned for the game, and wanting them to make it as best as they can. I think that's what everyone wants. But people are being so unrealistic in the timeline they want Bioware to respond in. The game has been out 2 weeks, and I've seen so many people claim to have cancelled their subs over the dumbest things. I don't understand how anyone could be so shallow.


If you want to help the game, stay for a few months, voice your opinions in a coherent manner, and have some freaking patience. No one knows what Bioware has in store, and anyone who knows Bioware knows they keep things to themselves for the most part. As far as anyone knows, they could have a miracle patch waiting in 2 weeks that puts lvl brackets in pvp, solves server stability issues, etc. A lot of the issues I see people complaining about were things Bioware did out of experimentation. Such as not being able to select WZs, pvp lvl brackets, ranked pvp. Things Bioware could easily change if people would just give them some time to do so.

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Title says it all.


We need a Dev to respons to all the major issues regarding PvP such as:


- Balance of classes - Is it addressed?

- RNG of Champion/Battlemaster Bags

- Ranked PvP

- Expertise

- Brackets in PvP [1-49],[50]

- Ilum and Outlaw's Den reward system

- Cannot pick which WZs you want to queue up for

- Only 3 WZs




We need to know that Devs are paying attention to this forum and not only saying that they read the forums and appreciate all feedback.



I have canceled my subscription and without knowing that PvP is on top of the "to-fix" list, I will not be resubscribing.



Support this thread!


EDIT: I DO have a level 50 and this is not a QQ thread or a Hate thread or a Troll thread or anything. It's simply a thread through which I am hoping devs will realize they need to answer to some of the major concerns regarding PvP




- Balance of classes - Is it addressed?

yes they are balanced get above 450 expertise and ull understand that.


- RNG of Champion/Battlemaster Bags


It maybe RNG but the gear that matters battlemaster you will have a full set prolly at rank 67 but no way you will not have a full set upon reaching elite warlord.


- Ranked PvP

would be dumb to implement ranked PvP and reward those people while the majority of the community isn't even 50.



- Expertise

what about it it makes you take less dmg and do more dmg.


- Brackets in PvP [1-49],[50]

Brackets will come when theres enough 40-50 to makes brackets they've already stated this.


- Ilum and Outlaw's Den reward system

Whats wrong here? On my server Death Wind Corridor theres guilds who roll in packs just ganking people trying to do there weekly if your server is carebearing up just to get the weekly finished fast then do something about it gank them.


- Cannot pick which WZs you want to queue up for

Im sure later on they will implement queing but right now they capped it 4man premade / random BG because they dont want geared premades Queing Derpball over and over because they can score 6 points in 5 minutes and powerlevel an alt...


- Only 3 WZs


Pretty much all MMo's just release Warzones they implement more later on to give the buyer a wow factor that they made something new maybe i should resub.

Edited by warkat
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He made the comment because of your premature sub cancellation. Everyone wants ALL of the problems they've attributed to the game fixed tomorrow. In reality it's going to take MONTHS! I completely understand being concerned for the game, and wanting them to make it as best as they can. I think that's what everyone wants. But people are being so unrealistic in the timeline they want Bioware to respond in. The game has been out 2 weeks, and I've seen so many people claim to have cancelled their subs over the dumbest things. I don't understand how anyone could be so shallow.


If you want to help the game, stay for a few months, voice your opinions in a coherent manner, and have some freaking patience. No one knows what Bioware has in store, and anyone who knows Bioware knows they keep things to themselves for the most part. As far as anyone knows, they could have a miracle patch waiting in 2 weeks that puts lvl brackets in pvp, solves server stability issues, etc. A lot of the issues I see people complaining about were things Bioware did out of experimentation. Such as not being able to select WZs, pvp lvl brackets, ranked pvp. Things Bioware could easily change if people would just give them some time to do so.



Those issues have been addressed in Beta for MONTHS and nevertheless the game was released with them. Dont give me that crap that the game is 2 weeks old...

Edited by freakyinmate
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Those issues have been addressed in Beta for MONTHS and nevertheless the game was released with them. Dont give me that crap that the game is 2 weeks old...


I'm sorry you don't understand game development. Beta exists for several reasons. One reason it doesn't exist is to cater to your specific wants and demands. Could you give me a list of all the things they had time to fix in beta, and the issues they planned on releasing with hoping to iron out afterward? Okay then.

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Classes are balanced... if anything:



Decrease damage of tracer missile/ grav rounds but increase damage of the other abilities- just an opinion its way to easy to counter and its pretty pitiful to watch them sit there when you interrupt them, no clue why they spam them like they do but makes my life easier


Scoundrel emergency Medpack is a little crazy lol ridiculous really


Jk,sent Could use a buff


Lol please dont QQ about inquisiters once there bubble is gone they are dead in like 2 seconds... they're wet paper


People with huttball's resolve should fill 50-100% faster


Make it harder to get pvp gear besides luck and RNG


what else is there...


They have already talked about adding more warzones... so idk what that's about

Edited by Mastersix
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- Balance of classes - Is it addressed?

yes they are balanced get above 450 expertise and ull understand that.


You just proved a point I was trying to make, thank you!



- RNG of Champion/Battlemaster Bags


It maybe RNG but the gear that matters battlemaster you will have a full set prolly at rank 67 but no way you will not have a full set upon reaching elite warlord.


I am rank 54 and I have gotten 2 pieces of gear from the Champion bags...whilst a guildie of mine has 5/6 at rank 34


- Ranked PvP

would be dumb to implement ranked PvP and reward those people while the majority of the community isn't even 50.


And after everyone hits 50? (2-3 weeks max) Then what?


- Expertise

what about it it makes you take less dmg and do more dmg.




- Brackets in PvP [1-49],[50]

Brackets will come when theres enough 40-50 to makes brackets they've already stated this.


- Ilum and Outlaw's Den reward system

Whats wrong here? On my server Death Wind Corridor theres guilds who roll in packs just ganking people trying to do there weekly if your server is carebearing up just to get the weekly finished fast then do something about it gank them.


Other than dailies and weeklies? Or for you its all about doing the quest and getting the reward?


- Cannot pick which WZs you want to queue up for

Im sure later on they will implement queing but right now they capped it 4man premade / random BG because they dont want geared premades Queing Derpball over and over because they can score 6 points in 5 minutes and powerlevel an alt...


It should have been implemented in Beta. People are giving negative feedback about it since then



- Only 3 WZs


Pretty much all MMo's just release Warzones they implement more later on to give the buyer a wow factor that they made something new maybe i should resub.


Need an official response from devs, just like they announced a raid and a flashpoint will be coming out in January, they can do the same about the warzones.


Again...I am not asking for changes...even though I would like some...I am asking for a response from the devs

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Title says it all.


We need a Dev to respons to all the major issues regarding PvP such as:


- Balance of classes - Is it addressed?

- RNG of Champion/Battlemaster Bags

- Ranked PvP

- Expertise

- Brackets in PvP [1-49],[50]

- Ilum and Outlaw's Den reward system

- Cannot pick which WZs you want to queue up for

- Only 3 WZs




We need to know that Devs are paying attention to this forum and not only saying that they read the forums and appreciate all feedback.



I have canceled my subscription and without knowing that PvP is on top of the "to-fix" list, I will not be resubscribing.



Support this thread!


EDIT: I DO have a level 50 and this is not a QQ thread or a Hate thread or a Troll thread or anything. It's simply a thread through which I am hoping devs will realize they need to answer to some of the major concerns regarding PvP


It's a good idea to read Dev Tracker every couple of days, some of the issues you listed have already been answered.

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I'm sorry you don't understand game development. Beta exists for several reasons. One reason it doesn't exist is to cater to your specific wants and demands. Could you give me a list of all the things they had time to fix in beta, and the issues they planned on releasing with hoping to iron out afterward? Okay then.


That would be fine..... if Testing didn't last more than a full year


Could you give me a list of current known issues and no dev responses to them?


....oh wait...list would be too long


- "Doing emotes while mounted" doesnt count though - they addressed this major issue in the last patch.


Ok then.



Beta exists for several reasons.


Do inform me? Isnt one of them fixing known issues and trying to get rid of them all BEFORE the game launches?

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They have spoke about the majority of the stuff you listed... Should read forums more often




It's a good idea to read Dev Tracker every couple of days, some of the issues you listed have already been answered.






Other than the Ilum banhammer there have not been a DEV response regarding any PvP issues

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I'm sorry you don't understand game development. Beta exists for several reasons. One reason it doesn't exist is to cater to your specific wants and demands. Could you give me a list of all the things they had time to fix in beta, and the issues they planned on releasing with hoping to iron out afterward? Okay then.


Listen I am going to stop you before you make even more of a fool out of yourself.


These issues were brought up in beta to the developers directly and when I say directly I mean in a direct chat with them when we got to play with them on days they had set aside for pvp.


The boards were lit up and feedback reports sent in by the thousands and yet here we are.


I know exactly how the game industry works because I actually work in it so this kind of stuff doesn't fly. Ignoring your beta testers feedback in mass quantities is never a good show of faith from you as a developer to the community buying the game.


Even if you have to change some of your vision of what you wanted to see, the bottom line is that if the people testing the game and buying the game aren't happy with some features then you focus on researching the issues, finding out how popular they are among other games that have implemented something similar and if everything checks out, adapt them to your game.


I am not saying give us the same moldy crap we have had for years now, I mean take what is out there, adapt it and improve upon it then implement it. The pvp here is very old feeling and not in a good throw back way.


TL;DR Listen and communicate to your community as a developer.

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