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BORED of SWTOR Already!!!


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Level 50

Valor 61

Legacy 7


Nothing to do but daily quests for 2hrs a day to get battle master bags for retarded RNG pvp then log off.....


First MMO you have played on release? Most MMOs have endgame content that is either too grindy or too easy. Takes a lot of time to tweak it. Welcome to the world of release MMOs.

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It's sad, but all these people bashing the OP are really going to be in for a rude awakening when they, themselves hit 50...


Level 50 is really ...very...boring...


There is nothing to do. If my server is any indication of the others (and there are enough people on my FULL server to make a good comparison with most) then these are the things your gonna find:


4 or 5 end game guilds that are mostly comprised of 4-5 core members and nothing else - Not much in terms of serious raiders/pvpers because the game is so simple (Read: Not easy, but simple as in MR) that its almost not needed.


2 lvl 50 instances that are a joke on Normal and drop terrible gear and take forever to complete - so no one does them...


6 Hardmode instances that are way too hard unless you are geared out in pvp gear - which the pvp gear is better than the instance gear so...no one does them...


10-15 dailies between a couple planets/pvp that you are forced to run day in, day out in order to get decent gear and they are all..really...really...boring...


A PVP gear system that is based entirely on RNG - Do your Daily PvP (Which took me over 3 hours today cause my side freaking sucks and kept losing and you win 3 matches per day) and then get a bag and then you roll a dice if you get gear or 3 commendations (takes at least 30 to get 1 LESSER item and that's for the belts, better items are more and you can't even buy the good items with commendations...).


2 Raids, which combined, take about 3 hours to complete and are so buggy the real accomplishment was actually being able to complete them...but if you can actually get them to work they drop 136 gear (about the same as T2 PvP gear...which you get with the Random Daily Slot Machine! Which after a week of hardcore working at the slot machine I have yet to see 1 item.)


Standing around on the Republic Fleet queuing for PVP match after PVP match because there really is absolutely nothing to do after you've finished the raids...



What I hope is that these things are changed before all the slow levelers get to 50, because if it's not then the Casuals are gonna flip a lid at how mind-numbing lvl 50 progression is...


Don't act like this post didn't happen. Read it you ******es. Everything he says is the truth.

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come back when you hit 50 and get bored of rolling alts.


And that will be a long ways from now giving them plenty of time to patch in new content and stuff to do. Your logic fails again. If you're 50 NOW and only want to PvP and not roll alts, you're not experiencing the full range of the game. I'm 40 on one character and 26 on another and loving it. I'll be experiencing the Imperial side of things while I do max level stuff when I get there. There's PLENTY to do when you don't forcibly limit yourself to 1/4 of the game's content.

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What on earth, out of the bazillion things that have been posted about this game, would lead to believe it was focused on end game pvp?....lmao. Nice try.


Sadly the hole in your life will not be filled by SWTOR, move along, nothing to see here.

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Yea I have been anticipating this game for years. I took two weeks off work to play. To be honest I had so much fun I actually played the whole two weeks for hours.


They should focus on finding a way to make MMO last longer than 200hr storyline.


To be honest I think the pvp mechanics are fun enough that that alone I would play for years like I do other games like Battlefield/League of Legends. Though to pay-per-month for few hours of pvp a day doesn't seem right. Especially for a game that has 3 maps that you randomly get dropped into with half of your team being pugs.


Am I the only one that thinks this way? I know most pvp players probably dont read the forums so Im probably the minority here.

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Yea I have been anticipating this game for years. I took two weeks off work to play. To be honest I had so much fun I actually played the whole two weeks for hours.


They should focus on finding a way to make MMO last longer than 200hr storyline.


To be honest I think the pvp mechanics are fun enough that that alone I would play for years like I do other games like Battlefield/League of Legends. Though to pay-per-month for few hours of pvp a day doesn't seem right. Especially for a game that has 3 maps that you randomly get dropped into with half of your team being pugs.


Am I the only one that thinks this way? I know most pvp players probably dont read the forums so Im probably the minority here.


More to the game than just pvp?

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What on earth, out of the bazillion things that have been posted about this game, would lead to believe it was focused on end game pvp?....lmao. Nice try.


Sadly the hole in your life will not be filled by SWTOR, move along, nothing to see here.


Except...the End-game is focused on pvp -- too bad the pvp isn't very fun and after the 1000th game (and no that was not sarcasm) the same 3 maps get really...really...old...

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Yea I have been anticipating this game for years. I took two weeks off work to play. To be honest I had so much fun I actually played the whole two weeks for hours.


They should focus on finding a way to make MMO last longer than 200hr storyline.


To be honest I think the pvp mechanics are fun enough that that alone I would play for years like I do other games like Battlefield/League of Legends. Though to pay-per-month for few hours of pvp a day doesn't seem right. Especially for a game that has 3 maps that you randomly get dropped into with half of your team being pugs.


Am I the only one that thinks this way? I know most pvp players probably dont read the forums so Im probably the minority here.


The second Mods are allowed you bet your *** there will be an AVenabler mod for swtor so the 4 man cap will be moot.


Rated WZs will obv be 8 man and thus will be very appealing to pvpers.


As for the whole 3 map thing?


Eh. It covers the basics of MMO pvp. Cap the flag, hold the point, and payload. We could eventually see a SPAAAACEEE av. I would actually enjoy that. Reskinning capture the flag a few time does not add much value to the game for me, personally, I even find it somewhat annoying.


Its week 2. Lvl the other classes. Treat it like an RPG for at least the first few months. Or cancel and come back in half a year when the PVP stuff has been addressed. The first half a year is going to be debugging / expanding pve.

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It's sad, but all these people bashing the OP are really going to be in for a rude awakening when they, themselves hit 50...


Level 50 is really ...very...boring...


There is nothing to do. If my server is any indication of the others (and there are enough people on my FULL server to make a good comparison with most) then these are the things your gonna find:


4 or 5 end game guilds that are mostly comprised of 4-5 core members and nothing else - Not much in terms of serious raiders/pvpers because the game is so simple (Read: Not easy, but simple as in MR) that its almost not needed.


2 lvl 50 instances that are a joke on Normal and drop terrible gear and take forever to complete - so no one does them...


6 Hardmode instances that are way too hard unless you are geared out in pvp gear - which the pvp gear is better than the instance gear so...no one does them...


10-15 dailies between a couple planets/pvp that you are forced to run day in, day out in order to get decent gear and they are all..really...really...boring...


A PVP gear system that is based entirely on RNG - Do your Daily PvP (Which took me over 3 hours today cause my side freaking sucks and kept losing and you win 3 matches per day) and then get a bag and then you roll a dice if you get gear or 3 commendations (takes at least 30 to get 1 LESSER item and that's for the belts, better items are more and you can't even buy the good items with commendations...).


2 Raids, which combined, take about 3 hours to complete and are so buggy the real accomplishment was actually being able to complete them...but if you can actually get them to work they drop 136 gear (about the same as T2 PvP gear...which you get with the Random Daily Slot Machine! Which after a week of hardcore working at the slot machine I have yet to see 1 item.)


Standing around on the Republic Fleet queuing for PVP match after PVP match because there really is absolutely nothing to do after you've finished the raids...



What I hope is that these things are changed before all the slow levelers get to 50, because if it's not then the Casuals are gonna flip a lid at how mind-numbing lvl 50 progression is...


Lets just say the next month or 2 is going to be very interesting when the masses hit level 50 ;)


I on the otherhand have been playing since December 15th atleast 6+ hours a day and only level 40 and still not bored. Of course only because its Star Wars im still playing, if it was a typical fantasy elf/orc game I would care less about the story and quit within a month like I did warhammer online.

Edited by LoL-K-Noob
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Level 50

Valor 61

Legacy 7


Nothing to do but daily quests for 2hrs a day to get battle master bags for retarded RNG pvp then log off.....


How are you only rank 7 Legacy. I'm rank 53 Valor and ONLY PvP and am rank 10. I call shenanigans.

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More to the game than just pvp?


actually, no theres really not - because the best gear comes from PVP so ...no ones does the PVE content at 50 --everyone just grinds out pvp dailies and gets pvp gear and then sits around on the Republic Fleet...


Its sad, for all the new people hitting 50 these days, more and more are quiting...Its like we can't make progress because 50s get bored after a week or two and either quit or make an alt...and most people who make alts dont make it to 50 again because the idea of having to redo all those terrible side quests almost makes your head explode.


There is no end-game in SWTOR...THAT IS A PROBLEM...

Edited by Trevalon
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I think the main point of this thread was that there is no endgame content at level 50.


I love how people immediately started saying "Omg, you have no life if you're already level 50!!". It was pretty evident that this was the central remark/comment throughout this thread and I find it hilarious that people turn to that thought immediately.



...Human nature for you.

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I think the main point of this thread was that there is no endgame content at level 50.


I love how people immediately started saying "Omg, you have no life if you're already level 50!!". It was pretty evident that this was the central remark/comment throughout this thread and I find it hilarious that people turn to that thought immediately.



...Human nature for you.




Most people know that end game at launch is meager.


Its not even worth posting really.


I feel bad responding to your post.


I shouldn't have too.


It should be evident due to the whole 2 weeks since launch thing...





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Most people know that end game at launch is meager.


Its not even worth posting really.


I feel bad responding to your post.


I shouldn't have too.


It should be evident due to the whole 2 weeks since launch thing...






Usually meagre end game is balanced out by having a levelling process that is reasonably lengthy to make up for it, to stall for time for end game to be patched in.


The levelling process is pretty short though, really. Thats why we have the problem of people hitting 50 and jumping on the forums to say how bored they are. Theres always going to be a few that rush through levelling even when it is lengthy, but when you have an experience that can be as short as SWTORs, the problem is obviously more pronounced.

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You guys should do just like me, play a lot of games in slow pace.


I have Skyrim, SSF4,BF3 and SWTOR to spend some hours per day playing.


For those that just focus on SWTOR for now, yes the game will be boring at endgame. But then again, the same thing happened with Rift, Aion, Guild Wars and even with everyone's favorite golden baby: WoW.

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Most people know that end game at launch is meager.


Its not even worth posting really.


I feel bad responding to your post.


I shouldn't have too.


It should be evident due to the whole 2 weeks since launch thing...






These are the games I have played to max level within the first month of launch in the last 7 years (IE, since EQ2 release):


Everquest 2

World of Warcraft

City of Heroes

Lord of the Rings Online

Age of Conan




Every one of these games with the exception of CoH - had more end-game content than SWTOR does..


Age of Conan...had more end-game content than SWTOR does...yes, it did...that's sad...oh and before you say: "yea well AOC endgame was terribly buggy and almost unplayable at launch!" ...well you haven't dont EV have you? Because its just as bad as AoC was...


Its clear Bioware spent all their time and money on voice acting and it shows...the game is a shell other than your main class quest and the end-game just goes to prove that they put absolutely no thought into it...

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