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BORED of SWTOR Already!!!


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I have heard of bioware. I have played Baldurs Gate, Dragon Age, Mass Effect. All of the versions of those plus add-ons.


I thought since this game was $15bucks a month It would offer more content past 3 weeks. Thats usually what MMO's offer. No matter to me, Its not my problem its Biowares. Ill just give them more money when they figure out how to make a subscription based game.

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I thought the Inquisitor story was actually good. I didn't skip and not go through the main quest line. Though I don't think I would pay per month to go through 7 more main quest lines. I actually like having one character and progressing him. In every Bioware game I have ever played I always used the same character name and I don't re-play them with another name just to see alternate endings.
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I have heard of bioware. I have played Baldurs Gate, Dragon Age, Mass Effect. All of the versions of those plus add-ons.


I thought since this game was $15bucks a month It would offer more content past 3 weeks. Thats usually what MMO's offer. No matter to me, Its not my problem its Biowares. Ill just give them more money when they figure out how to make a subscription based game.


do you know how new mmos normally stretch out playing time before a major content patch? Making you grind out your levels. WoW did it, Aion did it, Lineage 2 still does it, Guild Wars did it, and I'm sure I could keep going.

Edited by Kamay
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I thought since this game was $15bucks a month It would offer more content past 3 weeks


They did. You aren't taking advantage of it. You said earlier you did it to PvP - that's half of what is offered at 50. You also rushed to that point and aren't attempting the rest of the leveling experience. Its not Bioware's problem if you aren't maximizing your experience of what they've designed.

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I have heard of bioware. I have played Baldurs Gate, Dragon Age, Mass Effect. All of the versions of those plus add-ons.


I thought since this game was $15bucks a month It would offer more content past 3 weeks. Thats usually what MMO's offer. No matter to me, Its not my problem its Biowares. Ill just give them more money when they figure out how to make a subscription based game.


If you want 4 reskinned bosses every 2 months go play wow.


I hear they are very green in regards to their content.


If you'd rather play an RPG and play through all 8 story lines and really take the time to listen to each quest then stay a while and listen /caine


As for pvp content,


What more do you want? Arena? 90% of the community dislikes / is concerned about it hijacking balancing. So that's not going to happen. Rated WZ? Yeah that's on the way. Sit down and wait a bit.


What other pvp do you want? World? Well your going to have to wait till the masses hit 50 in about 2 weeks.


Honestly though, you dont sound like you are looking for an MMORPG experience. You are most likely looking for a PVP experience. For that I would choose something FTP like LOL or TF2. That way you dont even have to spend money to PVP

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I would say it is Biowares problem thats $180/year that they will be missing out from me. Im sure they are a multi-billion dollar company now and that isnt even a grain of sand on a beach for them but im sure im not the only one that wanted to play a Star Wars MMO for PVP not PVE.


To be honest I wouldn't mind a PVP grind. Give me more warzone maps and make me have to work harder and longer to get pvp gear. I'm not saying the game sucks. I rather like the game. which is why I probably have played it more than any of you.


Im just seriously bored because there is nothing to do with MY character. I have collected all datachrons, Have done all flashpoints. Its just boreing...

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I would say it is Biowares problem thats $180/year that they will be missing out from me. Im sure they are a multi-billion dollar company now and that isnt even a grain of sand on a beach for them but im sure im not the only one that wanted to play a Star Wars MMO for PVP not PVE.


To be honest I wouldn't mind a PVP grind. Give me more warzone maps and make me have to work harder and longer to get pvp gear. I'm not saying the game sucks. I rather like the game. which is why I probably have played it more than any of you.


Im just seriously bored because there is nothing to do with MY character. I have collected all datachrons, Have done all flashpoints. Its just boreing...


Yeah. I spend like 90% of my time just standing in stormwind waiting for the raid to start trolling trade chat...


Oh wait.


Wrong forum.

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Level 50

Valor 61

Legacy 7


Nothing to do but daily quests for 2hrs a day to get battle master bags for retarded RNG pvp then log off.....


Ok thanks for the info. Now instead of telling us this, you have two choices. Stay or leave. Make a decision. good luck. Goodbye.

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Honestly, even though they took the time to post, no one here really cares about you, your feelings, or your thoughts regarding the game. You are bored. Nothing new. Everyone gets bored. You got bored fast. I don't care. Neither does anyone else.


We only posted because we're bored at work. And I'm sure you don't care about that. Neither does anyone else. Especially me. I just don't care.


About your stuff...I don't care about that either. It will be there waiting for you when you get back. See you later.

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I play for pvp not for story. I didnt know that this game was for people who like single player storylines and to play them over and over again. Thought this was an MMO with endgame PVP content.


guess it was my mistake.


Lmao, well when a game has been in development for several years with plenty of information being released consistently about it - topped with the fact that every single video/review of the game refers to it as a 'story-driven MMO'...


Yes, yes it was your mistake.


Yet it remains an MMO. Remains to have end-game PvP, although limited.


It's just not what YOU want - or rather, it's not WSG/AB/RBGs/Arena.

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It's sad, but all these people bashing the OP are really going to be in for a rude awakening when they, themselves hit 50...


Level 50 is really ...very...boring...


There is nothing to do. If my server is any indication of the others (and there are enough people on my FULL server to make a good comparison with most) then these are the things your gonna find:


4 or 5 end game guilds that are mostly comprised of 4-5 core members and nothing else - Not much in terms of serious raiders/pvpers because the game is so simple (Read: Not easy, but simple as in MR) that its almost not needed.


2 lvl 50 instances that are a joke on Normal and drop terrible gear and take forever to complete - so no one does them...


6 Hardmode instances that are way too hard unless you are geared out in pvp gear - which the pvp gear is better than the instance gear so...no one does them...


10-15 dailies between a couple planets/pvp that you are forced to run day in, day out in order to get decent gear and they are all..really...really...boring...


A PVP gear system that is based entirely on RNG - Do your Daily PvP (Which took me over 3 hours today cause my side freaking sucks and kept losing and you win 3 matches per day) and then get a bag and then you roll a dice if you get gear or 3 commendations (takes at least 30 to get 1 LESSER item and that's for the belts, better items are more and you can't even buy the good items with commendations...).


2 Raids, which combined, take about 3 hours to complete and are so buggy the real accomplishment was actually being able to complete them...but if you can actually get them to work they drop 136 gear (about the same as T2 PvP gear...which you get with the Random Daily Slot Machine! Which after a week of hardcore working at the slot machine I have yet to see 1 item.)


Standing around on the Republic Fleet queuing for PVP match after PVP match because there really is absolutely nothing to do after you've finished the raids...



What I hope is that these things are changed before all the slow levelers get to 50, because if it's not then the Casuals are gonna flip a lid at how mind-numbing lvl 50 progression is...

Edited by Trevalon
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either way I will play it out until subscription time. If nothing changes ill just cancel and come back in a few months.


Like I said im not bashing the game. Just saying whats up. Dont know why the fanboys get offended when someone mentions that the pvp is boreing at end game.

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lol, what content ? fanboys are delusional


Oh, sorry, I must be a fanboy if I acknowledge that there's leveling content. Lots of it.


Yeah, it must be my slavish devotion to Bioware telling me that exists. I couldn't actually be playing through it.


Incidentally, I'm sure I'm not the only one who'll flag posts with "fanboy" or "hater" in them. It wouldn't hurt this place at all if people made an attempt to be civil.

Edited by imtrick
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Oh, sorry, I must be a fanboy if I acknowledge that there's leveling content. Lots of it.


Yeah, it must be my slavish devotion to Bioware telling me that exists. I couldn't actually be playing through it.


come back when you hit 50 and get bored of rolling alts.

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