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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

SWTOR More Active Players than WoW!


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The numbers are a jump since it is new, they will go down level out then slowly come up. SWTOR appeals to a large fan base, not just mmo players, I meet several people that have never played an mmo before trying out swtor.


This, i think that's why BioWare wanted, some fresh meat in this market :)

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World Of Warcraft:

World of Warcraft has total of 266435 players weekly average logged on peak hours in US and EU regions combined.

Link: http://www.warcraftrealms.com/weeklyfactionactivity.php


Star Wars The Old Republic:

The firm estimates that TOR has approximately 350,000 peak concurrent users spread across 215 servers.

Link: http://massively.joystiq.com/2012/01/03/research-firm-swtor-has-350-000-peak-concurrent-users/


Source: http://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/1057141-SWTOR-has-more-active-players-than-WOW-atm-in-US-and-EU-regions


Just found it, take it for what it is. But kinda neat anyway, if it's true ofcourse.

I don't care about either, as long as BioWare gets enough money to give us expansions and me a new car, boat & house.




Anyone else feel that Bioware has plants posting nonsense to try to make it appear that the game is doing better than it actually is?

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Anyone else feel that Bioware has plants posting nonsense to try to make it appear that the game is doing better than it actually is?


Anyone feel Blizzard has plants posting nonsene to make it appear the game is doing worse than it actually is?



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Anyone else feel that Bioware has plants posting nonsense to try to make it appear that the game is doing better than it actually is?


I'm not a BioWare employee in any shape way or form.

I do not work for EA either. I did not take out Marilyn monroe, nor did i shoot 2pac.


Sigh... i need my tin-foil hat now, do you have one to spare?

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people like you just don't give up do you....


when this game just gets bigger and bigger you will go..


"just wait after 30 days is up...then you'll see"


"just wait after 3 months is up...then you'll see"


"just wait after 6 months is up...then you'll see"


I mean..really...you guys who do that are just in for one hell of a surprise.


I remember when people were posting.."SWTOR will go free to play within one week of launching I guarantee it, Mark my words!" and stupid crap like that. So just stop with the "my opinion matters more than everybody elses, I am god" mentality and just enjoy the game and continue to watch it grow"




First they said: Wait 30 days

Now they say: Wait 60 days

I Promise you they will say wait 4-6 months...


But let them, it's hilarious ^^ Time to log on.

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280 ppl yesterday europe peak time at Imperial Fleet. And yes, framerate was BAD!


Was around 145 folks on my server non prime time, it was also laggy.

But it's not good that people start doing a WoW here aswell... staying in capital (fleet).

Edited by Tiriensoul
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Was around 145 folks on my server non prime time, it was also laggy.

But it's not good that people start doing a WoW here aswell... staying in capital (fleet).


Not like we have a choice atm do we? It will even out once "if" the LFG system comes out.

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Even if those numbers were accurate... Who cares how many people are actively playing, it only matters how many are actively paying.


I dare say that more people are paying for WoW, not that it matters as SWTOR has to survive on it's own accord.

Edited by ChipHazard
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All I care about is me and my wife are logged in every single night and having the most fun we have had in years with a video game. We will continue to log in and continue to give Bioware cash as long as they keep SWTOR running. After 7 years with WoW we have moved on. Some of you guys should probably do the same. I know it hurts. It hurt when I left EQ. Sometimes though it is for the best.
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Thank god all the wow fanboys will be leaving soon.


Would a WoW fanboy, by definition, not stick with WoW rather than defect to another game? Most former WoW players here are probably here because they're looking for something else to entertain them for whatever reason - sure some have been disappointed not to have found that something in SW:TOR, but a "fanboy" in the way you mean it wouldn't have been seeking that something anyway, surely?


It's a perfectly natural, human thing to compare a product or experience with other similar ones from your past and to evaluate them against one another. For some that might be Star Wars movies, Bioware RPGs, Star Wars Galaxies or, yes, World of Warcraft. If some features compare disfavourably to WoW (no matter how "fair" it is to compare them) it doesn't make someone a fanboy simply for pointing them out.


Honestly people, is this really the sort of spokesman you want?

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just canceled my subscription to this game why play a game u cant click a button once and it does the ability have fun but SWTOR u have lost 1 sub right here and i can tell u right now u will loose alot more why cant u make the game more reactive ? wow did it and im going back to them they are a far superior game makers and with old software they did alot better job than use have did with this game have fun i give u all 1 year tops and ull all have left :)


This is obviously an old post but I really have to comment, you are a **** for a kick off but aside from your clear lack brain matter and offensive use of the word "use" *facepalm* there are a couple of clear reasons I won't be leaving this game.


Number one, I don't like wow it's bland and simple, It lacks in alot of ways when it comes to customer relations and taking an active role in the community as a company I sincerly hope SWTOR don't follow suit and branch out and listen to the community like they have stated they will and I for one believe it.


Secondly this is not a free game, did someone pay for this game? If that's a no then yes you are currently paying for it and the time your spending in it. If you leave after the first 30 days more fool you because you just spent 50euro on a game you will never get to play again. Do you really expect BioWare to catch up with Blizzard in 30 days there are going to be problems and things that can be done better but it's not going to happen over night it needs a little bit of commitment not stupid comments because something made you rage. (I do understand though there are alot of things that are very irritating at this moment in time and they need to be addressed very very quickly.)


Lastly at least while the game finds it's footing people like you won't be here, I don't think that needs explained.

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