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8 hours for patch?


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Before I ask this question, I am not trying insight a rage war, nor am I trying to troll or bait people. A genuine question:


Why are servers coming down for 8 hours to implement the smallest of patches (that doesn't fix the BH quest bug *rageface*)?


Or is it the normal scheduled maintenance as well?

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Before I ask this question, I am not trying insight a rage war, nor am I trying to troll or bait people. A genuine question:


Why are servers coming down for 8 hours to implement the smallest of patches (that doesn't fix the BH quest bug *rageface*)?


Or is it the normal scheduled maintenance as well?


It takes a long time to implement "you can now emote while mounted!"

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I personally think the maintenance downtimes are a extremely long. 8 hours is a joke and a disappointment. I would expect 2-4 hours but not a full day.


Perhaps you should go apply for a server admin job at EA, since you're clearly much more experienced.

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I personally think the maintenance downtimes are a extremely long. 8 hours is a joke and a disappointment. I would expect 2-4 hours but not a full day.




TOR and WoW get a pass here, but not other MMO's. Bioware this needs to be shortened and you know it. The game needs more differences between WoW and TOR not more similarities.

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Before I ask this question, I am not trying insight a rage war, nor am I trying to troll or bait people. A genuine question:


Why are servers coming down for 8 hours to implement the smallest of patches (that doesn't fix the BH quest bug *rageface*)?


Or is it the normal scheduled maintenance as well?


They're still on a very new infrastructure that will likely require long maintenance windows even without patches so they can do anything required on their end. WoW kept long windows like this for YEARS before they got to the stability of enabling nothing more than server restarts. Expect long windows for a while and use them to sleep a little more :p

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TOR and WoW get a pass here, but not other MMO's. Bioware this needs to be shortened and you know it. The game needs more differences between WoW and TOR not more similarities.


Really?.... REALLY?!


How privileged are you folks? They chose 8 hours, during the middle of the night and that is too much, on the second week after launch?! Stop and think before deciding that your minor inconvenience is a major problem.

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Nothing on the patch notes, and people raging in the PTS forums. It is NOT fixed in this patch.


Unless you can provide proof?






Number One with a Bullet: Players who choose dark side options now correctly receive the mission First Strike after completing this mission.

First Strike: Players who did not receive this mission will now receive it upon entering their personal starships.


EDit: oops wrong one. Too tired.

Edited by bluumberry
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I personally think the maintenance downtimes are a extremely long. 8 hours is a joke and a disappointment. I would expect 2-4 hours but not a full day.


Others do it for 8 hour. Some do it for 6. It's not unusual or anything.

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Really?.... REALLY?!


How privileged are you folks? They chose 8 hours, during the middle of the night and that is too much, on the second week after launch?! Stop and think before deciding that your minor inconvenience is a major problem.


For some of us it's from a little before noon/at noon till evening.

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Again, go apply for a job if you can do it better. Mall Ace.


I see Rift do it better every week so jump off the soap box please. Bioware is well aware this some stuff people hated from Blizzard.


If they are smart come out and say it will be reduced from 8 hours to something lower over time and also separate EU and NA. Everyone knows it is possible. Come on it is 2012 after all here guys.

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1. The maintenance time was chosen based on usage statistics. It's done at a time where the number of people playing is very low so it impacts the fewest number of people. Can't really argue with that.


2. The maintenance is important. We get it that you can't play and you wish you could. We're all in the same boat. But it's way better than the alternative of having bugs never get fixed and servers start to crash because they're not maintained. This is why you do things like change the oil in your car, get the brake pads checked out, monitor your fluids. If you screw that stuff up, you're going to run into much bigger problems down the line. 8 hours getting you down? It's nothing compared to 3+ days.


3. @ the people saying 8 hours is way too long and it should be done in 2 hours.......please go home. You sit at your computer and vegetate all day long and the extent of your expertise stopped when you clicked the open button on your browser. You don't know a damn thing about the game, the servers, the inner workings, anything that needs maintenance, what maintenance they perform, how long things take, etc etc etc. In this game or any other. Because you just sit there and pretend to know things. Inb4 couch IT experts claim ridiculous credentials.

Edited by dreadpirateandy
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