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Spoilers in Quest Names and on Chat Channels *Warning SPOILERS*


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I'm extremely happy with this game, but this is a story based MMO so the plot twists should be concealed as best as possible.


I'm talking specifically about the quest ****SPOILER AHEAD****














...Kill Zash. This is a quest on a the Imperial starter planet of Dromund Kaas but it's a lvl 30-ish quest and the closure to chapter 1 of the Sith Inquisitor storyline. While playing my juggernaut last night some inquisitor kept spamming for help with the Kill Zash quest. Meaning every lvl 10 inquisitor just found out what happens after 20 levels of serving her. I only partially blame the person (and several others who have asked for help on this quest). But it's really annoying and a massive spoiler for what should have been a fantastic reveal.


Can we get the name of the quest retitled to something that people can spam in chat without revealing that you go kill your mentor to all the new inquisitor players that don't even have sprint yet? On the chance there are similar revealing tidbits on other quests, could we get those looked at too? The story is awesome, as long as you don't already know the ending.



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