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Why are so many people mad?


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I don't feel strongly enough to say mad. I'm mildly irritated the way this has been handled and will probably go down in my mind as the worst mmo launch in history. Why?


Because it's better to have a bit of lag and crashing than a smooth start for the privileged few in my opinion. The level staggering will split up groups and also implies their server infrastructure can't hold a lot of people all in one area. What's going to happen when everyone is 50 in a just few zones? They have instanced zones for what reason if not to prevent overcrowding?


Bad form from Bioware.

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Yeah I had to deal with my whole school calling me a nerd for talking about Star Wars when they where playing games like CoD and WoW just for them to say "DID YOU HEAR ABOUT THAT GAME SW:TOR"? Yeah... I'm pretty sure I've been talking about that for the last 4 years haha.


Little off topic but just wanted to share that with you guys.


lol Sometimes people just won't accept something until they think they discovered it themselves. Keep stayin a step ahead of the pack man.

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I'm mad because by the time I see a load screen someone will have:

1) name-locked any cool name on all servers including clever bank alt names

2) max leveled

3) max leveled a profession

4) owned the auction house and setting the economy

5) forced me to choose a different way of playing MMOs because I will have to wade through no-life level 50s camping out the level 20 zones on PVP servers

6) I have no guarantee that certain accounts weren't put to the head of the line... pre-order or not

7) Bioware effectively negated server and world "firsts" which... even though I would never ever get one myself... was SO FUN to participate in and see happen. I won't even be there to see any type of server history.



Yes because it only takes a day or two for one person to COMPLETELY OWN AN ENTIRE SERVER right?

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Some of the people who got in might be as good as you are or better. A competitive MMO that cannot maintain the basic fairness is fail in my opinion.


Both staging and early access are bad.


Theres no disadvantage. Sure they will be a higher level. But whos going to do Operations or whos gonna get FULL dect out PvP or PvE gear in just a few days? I could care less if someone got MY NAME I wanted for 3 days earlier then me I probably will still kick their butt in PvP. Game takes more skill then level.
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People are entitled to be upset when they're waiting for something they're looking forward to and realise they have to wait a little longer.


I understand all the anger and annoyance. They're (and I'm) jealous. It's human nature. People just want to vent on the forums.


What I don't understand is why so many people, who claim not to care, get so easily riled by people having a good moan.

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You're mad that you don't get to play a MMO 7 days early...I pre ordered Sept 4th I hope I would get in today or tmw but if that doesn't happen I'm not going to rage, people saying "I wasted 5 dollars to only get 1 day or 2 days of early acess!" Do you not realize that all pre order games are 5 bucks to pre order? And whats really amazing is that they raise the Early Access 2 days up and people who orderd on July or Early Access are mad. Did you not see that orginally you were suppose to get only 5? Gosh people I'm 15 and I have more patients then you I've been waiting for this game sense I was a 6th grader and I'm at peace if I get 1 DAY it's still EARLY ACCESS.


Agreed.. for the most part. Here's my deal with that. I live in a city with 8% sales tax... now if you add 8% to the $60 cost of the game, the total comes out to $64.80. I didn't pre-order untill November 29th. Hmm.. I still get a chance at early access, and I paid 20 cents more. I don't think I have a reason to complain. Nor does anyone else. If your dying to play that badly the very SECOND it comes out, why didn't you pre-order in july?


With that said.


MAXIMUMFAIRYSUIT you probably shouldn't have patients at the age of 15. I'm sure that you can't get malpractise insurance at your age. Just not a good idea unless your Doogie Howser. Try having "patience" instead.

Also, the force must be very strong with you "since" you could sense the release of this game so early. ;) Just letting ya know.

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Yes because it only takes a day or two for one person to COMPLETELY OWN AN ENTIRE SERVER right?


If you have studied economics even a little, you should know that yes, one person or maybe one small group of people in this case, can completely control that server's market if they start before the majority.


Example: I get to level 50 first, this means i can farm the materials to make high level items first. This means i can dominate that market with little ease. Even if other people start getting lvl 50 and farming the same stuff, by then i will have made so much money off my headstart, that i can buy them out and set an artificial price floor.


This effectively ruins the market for that item, if its an important item (maybe whatever is used to make highlevel bags) then yes, it will affect the whole server.



Disclaimer: i may have used examples of items not in the game... its an example get over it, you get my point.

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While I am not upset I understand where some people are coming from. I do have a question that may help me understand/sympathize even more. During the 1st couple months of pre-order , were we told this is how things were going to go down? I don't recall it was but this could be an oversight on my part.


While I would love to be playing with some of my friends right now, I have plenty of other things to entertain me. With that said, I still wouldn't mind playing ToR with a bunch of my friends. Now if they did inform us on day one of pre-order, then I am at fault. If not, Bioware/EA should take some of the blame.


I have gotten over it, I can understand why some people can't. I hope subscribers and Bioware/EA have learned from this experience. All I know is I can't wait till I get in game! Woohoo!

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Agreed.. for the most part. Here's my deal with that. I live in a city with 8% sales tax... now if you add 8% to the $60 cost of the game, the total comes out to $64.80. I didn't pre-order untill November 29th. Hmm.. I still get a chance at early access, and I paid 20 cents more. I don't think I have a reason to complain. Nor does anyone else. If your dying to play that badly the very SECOND it comes out, why didn't you pre-order in july?


With that said.


MAXIMUMFAIRYSUIT you probably shouldn't have patients at the age of 15. I'm sure that you can't get malpractise insurance at your age. Just not a good idea unless your Doogie Howser. Try having "patience" instead.

Also, the force must be very strong with you "since" you could sense the release of this game so early. ;) Just letting ya know.


During July I was really on the fence on the game. When pre orders went out I was like ehh I kinda lost the hype for the game becuase every chance I got I could never get in to try it. My old account I sighned for beta 2009 first day it opened never got in and the push back on dates too, how it was suppose to be spring then it was fall, now winter. I was just like I don't know if I want to play this anymore. Until I was just at my local Gamestop pre ordering BF3 then I said screw it ill just pre order. That was September 4th.

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If you have studied economics even a little, you should know that yes, one person or maybe one small group of people in this case, can completely control that server's market if they start before the majority.


Example: I get to level 50 first, this means i can farm the materials to make high level items first. This means i can dominate that market with little ease. Even if other people start getting lvl 50 and farming the same stuff, by then i will have made so much money off my headstart, that i can buy them out and set an artificial price floor.


This effectively ruins the market for that item, if its an important item (maybe whatever is used to make highlevel bags) then yes, it will affect the whole server.



Disclaimer: i may have used examples of items not in the game... its an example get over it, you get my point.


I think the funniest part about this post is that you seem to actually think its true. :rolleyes:

Edited by Fardreamer
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Ive learned how to wait...for example my computer broke during open beta on Thanksgiving I was really pissed but I waited was able to play for the last day...I even let my freind come over and try it out I could have said Screw you i'm playing but I didn't want to be selfish and I let him try it out for himself.
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While I am not upset I understand where some people are coming from. I do have a question that may help me understand/sympathize even more. During the 1st couple months of pre-order , were we told this is how things were going to go down? I don't recall it was but this could be an oversight on my part.


While I would love to be playing with some of my friends right now, I have plenty of other things to entertain me. With that said, I still wouldn't mind playing ToR with a bunch of my friends. Now if they did inform us on day one of pre-order, then I am at fault. If not, Bioware/EA should take some of the blame.


I have gotten over it, I can understand why some people can't. I hope subscribers and Bioware/EA have learned from this experience. All I know is I can't wait till I get in game! Woohoo!


No, for those of us that pre-ordered early, there was no "real" information on how things would go down. The only thing stated was that there would be "early game access". In fact, there wasn't even a release date announced until late September. Not until these last few months was it shared that those pre-ordering would get "up to 5 days" of early game time. I think this is why so many are unhappy with this staggered launch. If it had been made known early on that those that pre-ordered first would get in first, my guess is that there would have been an even higher number of orders in July.


Basically, I don't think majority (until recently) were prepared for any type of staggered launch, as it was never stated back in July, nor is it something we've seen MMOs do in the past. Even though I did pre-order early, I can see why so many are irate over this launch. Had Bioware shared at the start that those purchasing first would get 24-96 hour "head starts" then I think we'd be seeing a lot less drama. However, they did not....and here we are.

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Why should one pre-order a game before one can read enough review about it, hopefully beta test it a bit to see if it is worth it?


A staging early access is just bad idea given everybody paid for the same game. People queuing at launch would have been better overall.


Agreed.. for the most part. Here's my deal with that. I live in a city with 8% sales tax... now if you add 8% to the $60 cost of the game, the total comes out to $64.80. I didn't pre-order untill November 29th. Hmm.. I still get a chance at early access, and I paid 20 cents more. I don't think I have a reason to complain. Nor does anyone else. If your dying to play that badly the very SECOND it comes out, why didn't you pre-order in july?


With that said.


MAXIMUMFAIRYSUIT you probably shouldn't have patients at the age of 15. I'm sure that you can't get malpractise insurance at your age. Just not a good idea unless your Doogie Howser. Try having "patience" instead.

Also, the force must be very strong with you "since" you could sense the release of this game so early. ;) Just letting ya know.

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I thought I would offer yet another viewpoint.


You may also want to look at it this way. In a sense, people are being rewarded early access by pre-ordering a game that was still in development. What's the opposite of rewarding someone? Punishing someone. While not a shrink, I promise you that many people feel they are being punished for being cautious to pre-order. In this economy and with so many failed MMOs, you can't blame people for not wanting to pre-order ASAP.

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Yes because it only takes a day or two for one person to COMPLETELY OWN AN ENTIRE SERVER right?


If other games are any indication, then yes. Any small number of days makes a giant difference to the extremely hardcore (which is what this person was talking about). Albeit they are a very small percentage of the game's population.


Examples (the last two rollouts I was involved in)


1. WOTLK release: Naxx was cleared on the 3rd day I think. That included leveling and killing the first 11 or so raid bosses in the game.


2. Rift release: People were in Greenscale (the first raid) in days. That included leveling.


It can have a gigantic effect on competitive PVE kills. It doesn't personally bother me, but I can certainly see how it could be frustrating to those guilds who maintain that level of progression.

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Why are customers attacking other customers? This only happens in gaming, stop responding, if someone has a problem with something they paid for they have a right to complain. If I bought a Honda Civic and it came with no brakes, and you got one with brakes you wouldnt attack me verbally. Again only in gaming do paying customers attack eachother so much that the companies get away with more and more. Its to the point that gaming companies and publishers have no fear and can just do whatever dirty business they want knowing that half there customers will blindly attack the other half as they get away scott free. Edited by RichLather
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