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Sith: Vector/Voss Marriage Issues!


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Greetings! I married Vector on my Imperial Agent before I got to the planet Voss. At Voss due to my storyline one of my options was to marry a random Voss person to progress my storyline. After this fake marriage I no longer receive mails and other things from my hubby Vector :(


Does anyone know if the Voss marriage overrides your crew marriage like the one I have with Vector? It sounded like this was another one of those use someone by doing a fake spy marriage thing but it appears to have overrode my love of Vector?!

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I married a Voss as well after my male Agent married Ensign Temple. I had her along for the wedding and she was very understanding.


I still got mail afterwards. But there was only so many to get. Perhaps you're at the end of your possible mail so far?

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Yes, after a certain point, interaction with your LI simply ends. It's rather disheartening really.




My first agent married Vector right at getting to Belsavis. After about 3 or so emails, all interaction stopped. Your class quest marriage had no effect on the LI marriage .. interaction just stops after awhile anyway.

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