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Why are a "select few" getting to play , when we purchased the same thing?


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I purchased a pre-order the day it was first offered. I am surprised I have not recieved an email with an invite yet. Starting to believe that they are not actually going by WHEN you pre-ordered. lol


Joined: Sep 2011


Actually, they're going by when you entered the pre-order code, which was also stated numerous times (and also when you entered the code itself). QQ some more.

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so your mad because i want what i payed for?


i dont how its your problem to be honest



You didn't "Paid" for anything. You have a bit of time yet to pay. You don't want the game call Amazon and say "I no longer wish to purchase this game, have a nice day."

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I'm just amazed by how little Bioware seem to have learned from past mmo's. From everything past devs have said about how vital it is to create a stunning first impression, and exciting initial customer experience, and how they lamented how much they screwed those things up.


Personally, I'm not bothered as I havn't got a lot of time on my hands atm, and I find the amount of negativity on the forums annoying. Yet, imo, doing anything at launch that causes such a negative backlash can only be a mistake.

Edited by shootist
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im mad cause your trying to claim some form of property that 1 isnt yours to claim 2 was stated clearly as a timeframe to recieve. 3 Its not that im mad im just dissapointed in the schooling of this nation if you cannot spend 15 seconds to read and be like OH hey i have to wait my turn to log in thats very sad :( and as for the other point prove me wrong that you can manage to be the best in the game without ever reading anything and that you are amazing enough to deserve to be in at the same time as the people who took it on themselves to learn what to do to play before you :D
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Playing devil's advocate here.

What you fail to see though is that the lamp shop has more than 91 lamps, and out of some weird unproved business method they decided to let the line of customers only buy the lamps a few (wave) at a time.


So 91st customer learns to dislike lamp because he doesn't see why the favouritism, as he sees it, happens. He then tells others who may have also bought lamps and consequently the lamp shop gets a bad rep and therefore poorer sales than if they had done it differently.


See there is always a counter argument to every argument.


Or a complete fallacy, in your case. BioWare must giggle at all the prognostication of financial doom that has been predicted since the forums first opened up.

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I'm just amazed by how little Bioware seem to have learned from past mmo's. From everything past devs have said about how vital it is to create a stunning first impression, and exciting initial customer experience, and how they lamented how much they screwed those things up.


Personally, I'm not bothered as I havn't got a lot of time on my hands atm, and I find the amount of negativity on the forums annoying. Yet, imo, doing anything at launch that causes such a negative backlash can only be a mistake.



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You didn't "Paid" for anything. You have a bit of time yet to pay. You don't want the game call Amazon and say "I no longer wish to purchase this game, have a nice day."


Actually i am quiet sure the money went out of my account the instant i purchased the game from amazon, unaware i was about to be scammed by BW/EA

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Thats what the beta was for bro.. u know to test server stability and whatnot. If they are worried about server population they need to be adding new servers whenever the current ones fill up. Rift did this the first day of launch they saw the demand and added servers within hours based on the demand. Its so simple..


Even load is not the same as server stability. It's for not having to remove servers after launch and forcing people to transfer. It's what happens every time a MMO lets everyone in at once - some servers are full and some have 100 people. And those 100 people can't support the server, so it has to be shut down. By evening everything with a staggered launch you can avoid this to a degree.


Also, Rift had like 100k of accounts on launch, it's not really comparable. And they had to shut down quite a bit of servers due to what I described above.

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That is not what makes you stupid. I would imagine a vitamin or mineral deficiency during your gestational period is what made you this way. Your inability to read and comprehend is what makes it obvious to the rest of us that you suffer from this condition.


Yevon.... that is so cool to say, really fast, with a bit of an accent...






Sorry, continue.

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Actually i am quiet sure the money went out of my account the instant i purchased the game from amazon, unaware i was about to be scammed by BW/EA


how good sir are you being robbed when you clearly know the terms and you clearly are trying to rouse people. also please do sue them so i can be shown how wrongly you were treated until you can back it up and show some backbone stop your QQ and as for the kid claiming we are all fanboys are you not a "fan boy" of SWTOR too? is that not why your soul is crippled by your inadequate information gathering in this THE EARLY GAME ACCESS portion of the not released yet game?

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Actually i am quiet sure the money went out of my account the instant i purchased the game from amazon, unaware i was about to be scammed by BW/EA


Amazon don't chage until dispatch. It's in their Terms and Conditions'. Try another lie.

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Yeah, and why do people in line ahead of you at the store get to buy their groceries first?







Tbf this isn't like being in a shopping queue at all.


It's like the supermarket opening early, but only allowing a few people in to buy stuff.




Bioware EA can do what they want, of course, but your analogy wasn't right.

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I go to my favorite SWTOR-selling website, and they post "You preOrder? Have EGA for free". I said maaan, what I look like? A Star Wars nerd? I took the EGA, and THREW IT ON THE GROOOUUND! I don't need your hand-outs! I'm an adult! Please, you can't buy me BioWare!
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I paid for the game in July, still haven't received an invite and I don't feel robbed. You know why? Because I don't have a false sense of entitlement since I actually followed the game and read the FAQ.



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how good sir are you being robbed when you clearly know the terms and you clearly are trying to rouse people. also please do sue them so i can be shown how wrongly you were treated until you can back it up and show some backbone stop your QQ and as for the kid claiming we are all fanboys are you not a "fan boy" of SWTOR too? is that not why your soul is crippled by your inadequate information gathering in this THE EARLY GAME ACCESS portion of the not released yet game?


I clearly knew the terms?

go to amazons site, as if you are going to preorder star wars, tell if you see anywere , were it says , PEOPLE WHO PREORDER THE GAME FIRST WILL BE PLAYING IT FIRST . tell me if you see anything like that before you click pay the money

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