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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Why are a "select few" getting to play , when we purchased the same thing?


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Real problem is Bioware dont send enough people in each wave...did you see streams or did you talk with people who are in game already? They have problem find groups for 2+ quests, areas are empty etc. more like level up some alt half year after release of game..
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There is a problem with EGA because people are different. To people who love to compete and pvp, I can imagine getting in later than some is a bummer.


But to people like me who just wants to explore as much as possible, play the game at my own casual pace and so forth, EGA gives me a few more days to play. For FREE. So to me it's nothing but good.


No game will ever satisfy everyone, I still think they made a good choice with this EGA. Let the haters hate.

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Real problem is Bioware dont send enough people in each wave...did you see streams or did you talk with people who are in game already? They have problem find groups for 2+ quests, areas are empty etc. more like level up some alt half year after release of game..


The servers were FULL when I checked the server status. I so wish I SS'd it now. oh well, hindsight.

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They did not spell out the terms clearly in july, by the time people realized they wouldnt get to start day 1 it was already too late, again, you have no logic or credit behind your idea.


Actually on the 21st July, 2011 I received an email from swtor stating that pre-order is released and very clearly it said this:





• Early Game Access - create your character and explore the universe first.


• The order in which you purchase and redeem your Pre-Order Code is the order in which you will gain early access to the game, prior to official launch day.


• A unique Color Stone to change your weapon effect - only available via pre-order.


Note bullet point 2, what part of that is hard to understand? Even my 7 year old daughter can figure it out (I just asked her!).

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I got in on wave 1 all I did was reserve names for me and my friends. They ordered like at the end of nov so they aren't gonna get in so easily. Am I playing? nah im just waiting they get their access to play with them. It does not matter which day u get in, this fake advantage ppl seem to create is seriously ********, also if u don't wanna get ganked play on a pve server. I seriously dont get why ppl would play on a pvp server if you can just queue to get in pvp zones from any server why would anyone want to get ganked while leveling?(unless they wanna do the ganking, in which case I feel sorry for them as this desire really demonstrates the type of person they are)


Oh and yeah they add servers every day so, why not join the server that opened on the day you got in and poof no advantage.

Edited by Damedus
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Actually on the 21st July, 2011 I received an email from swtor stating that pre-order is released and very clearly it said this:





• Early Game Access - create your character and explore the universe first.


• The order in which you purchase and redeem your Pre-Order Code is the order in which you will gain early access to the game, prior to official launch day.


• A unique Color Stone to change your weapon effect - only available via pre-order.


Note bullet point 2, what part of that is hard to understand? Even my 7 year old daughter can figure it out (I just asked her!).


+1 for your 7 year old!

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for every QQer in these forums trying to be special and whinning constantly about 1 or 2 days of EGA, there are legions of people who are patient and have no problem with this proccess and arent even posting about it...


inb4 sithstorm


If you have EGA problems i feel bad for you son!

I dodged 99 invites but my knee took one!



here's to waiting


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I think Cylak's parent's should recall the model. It is obviously malfunctioning, the logic board must be fried, maybe he has a bad power converter?


I think we should sue Cylak's parents. They didn't let us know that Cylak would be such a problem, and we've paid all this time to Cylak. We had no idea Cylak would be so intractable.


It's against the law to knowingly provide defective merchandise.



Previously of "Xenosaga" forums

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no its people getting an advantage , which they should not be getting, we all purchased a PREORDER , why in the hell are people playing and some are not?


Because since they started to accept pre-orders they announced from the beginning they will be doing a staggered EGA and that the day you get in very much is determined by the date you enter it.


As to the why? Think would would happen to their servers if all of a sudden a few million people just decided to try and login all at once. I was there for WoW's launch which had about a few hundred thousand people on the first days and it was so bad that the game was fully unplayable during the first month because of all the server issues.


I mean, it was so bad Blizzard actually credited people between 3-5 days of free game play (depending on server).

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Sory dude no simpify from me either, i am not in yet but i know the rules, earlier you order the earlier you get in.


think of it as a physical object say a lamp


I love lamp


So say you really want this lamp but 90 other people also want this lamp and there are no others in store.


You put yours on order behind the other 90 because they have already order


now 30 lamps come into stock, do you expect yours before the customers get theres even though they ordered first? Lets me honest..... Probably not


So you wait for perhaps the 2nd or 3rd shipment to come in


they are doing a staggered launch to quality control servers and their load, this type of roll out take time as you do each server at a time add it to the cluster, test it etc.


So they let us in to the game in batches, just like you get your lamp in an shipment.


all you have to do is wait for your shipment to arrive. in either case you may already paid a deposit if not the total amount of the lamp or the game, and either way someone else has the item before you, the lamp or the game. But you do not go crazy on the store who let someone else have their lamp first do you?


So why do you feel it is appropriate here?


think about it.

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I got in on wave 1 all I did was reserve names for me and my friends. They ordered like at the end of nov so they aren't gonna get in so easily. Am I playing? nah im just waiting they get their access to play with them. It does not matter which day u get in, this fake advantage ppl seem to create is seriously ********, also if u don't wanna get ganked play on a pve server. I seriously dont get why ppl would play on a pvp server if you can just queue to get in pvp zones from any server why would anyone want to get ganked while leveling?(unless they wanna do the ganking, in which case I feel sorry for them as this desire really demonstrates the type of person they are)


so you got early access and you are not playing it but bragging about it to cylak whos about to burst a vein up in hurr. thats cold y u no sith?

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