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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Why are a "select few" getting to play , when we purchased the same thing?


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SHOW me were this was stated to me before buying it at amazon online, BEFORE i payed my money.





You pre-ordered it on Amazon. You haven't bought anything yet. You haven't even paid anything yet.


They always said up to 5 days early access. Up to. Launch is next week. Cry me a river, build a bridge over it and jump.

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Well you know what to do then. I dont believe for a second you didnt know about the early access system. You're now just being dishonest to bolster your point because you know you're wrong. This is just a tantrum because you didnt get what you wanted.


These threads are becoming seriously pathetic


I am emailing BW and EA, asking to let this kid in ON THE 19TH!


You should all do the same

Imagine how he will explode LOL

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Its called queuing. Those of us in Britain used to be good at it.


Think of it this way. You buy a ticket for Disney World and your now at the back of the queue for a ride. Using your argument you have the right to push to the front as you have paid the same as those currently on the ride.


This is just first come first served and an excellent way of ramping up the numbers to ensure server stability.


I'm still waiting to sign in and am happy to do so as I was early access was sold as UP TO 5 days. After all it is just a game.


If you don't like it then cancel your order.



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notice the number of angry people is lowering as the community yells at the 4 angry kids with the 700 sitting there reading out of boredom and the other 300 that are laughing and taunting the 4 angry kids im sith for crying out loud plz cry moar when i decimate your planet will you still cry? no you will be dead.
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SHOW me were this was stated to me before buying it at amazon online, BEFORE i payed my money.





Hey, you are the fool that bought a game without looking into it first. If you had done some basic reading you would have known.


Tough for you fella. Cry sum moar.

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Originally Posted by cylak

if you think annoying 80% of your paying customers is smart, then seriously i find that pretty sad.


also them doing this has caused people to cancel the game, thus loosing them money


Did you also know that 87.65% of statistics are also made up on the spot?

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notice the number of angry people is lowering as the community yells at the 4 angry kids with the 700 sitting there reading out of boredom and the other 300 that are laughing and taunting the 4 angry kids im sith for crying out loud plz cry moar when i decimate your planet will you still cry? no you will be dead.


Hey, I'm no sith. But apparently I'm not a very nice Jedi, either.

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if you think annoying 80% of your paying customers is smart, then seriously i find that pretty sad.


also them doing this has caused people to cancel the game, thus loosing them money


Please provide a link to the poll you conducted where you derived that figure from.

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SHOW me were this was stated to me before buying it at amazon online, BEFORE i payed my money.





I get it now. Bioware didnt call him on his phone and say "Hey you know how we're making this SWTOR game right? well just FYI if you preoder now you'll get in to EGA sooner. We just wanted to let you, Cylak and Cylak alone, know about this. We know how bothersome it can be to you know, READ, stuff like FAQs, forums, and dev blogs. So we thought we'd call and tell you personally. TA TA!" Because like gawd who wants to actually READ stuff and things Pfft..LOSERS. :p

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you go to a movie. There is a queue. The quy in front of the queue will get his ticket before you. Will get a better place than you, maybe the one that you wanted. Will get in the cinema BEFORE you. Will see the adds before the movie starts. Still you pay for the same ticket, same amount!


Well, guess what ... what you paid for (the movie) will start at the SAME time for both of you: on 20 december.






This isn't a movie...


I don't see why you posted that. Is it random post day? Post something with no relevance day?


Must've missed that memo...

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I can see him sitting on the floor helpless "SHOW ME SHOW ME, I'M INCAPABLE OF DOING THINGS MYSELF"


See, potential mothers, this is what happens when you coddle a child too long. The long term ramifications can be disastrous.


(IE: 5 years old is too old to wean your child off of breastfeeding)

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