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Why are a "select few" getting to play , when we purchased the same thing?


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I wish these threads would go away soon. It's a MMORPG launch. None have been perfect. Not ever, because it's not possible. When you release several hundred thousand (or million) players into the same world, all the starting areas will be crowded as hell, and the server strain would be enormous. I still have horrible memories from when World of Warcraft launched. Getting anything done was nearly impossible because there were hundreds of level 1 characters scrambling for the same mobs.


Doing it this way, they are providing a more level playing field. Yes, some get more play time. They also pre-ordered earlier. I pre-ordered November 11th, and I am well aware that I probably won't get to play for a few days. It's my fault for not pre-ordering earlier.


And by letting people in wave after wave, they can carefully monitor how their servers deal with everything that's happening. Which is a good thing.


Also, when people get to play before you, they get to discover all the bugs and report them so that when the people who were slow to pre-order get to play, the bugs might be fixed. That is a good thing!


Apart from all the inpatient children whining, this has been a very good launch.

Edited by Vegost
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if i got what i payed for, i would beplaying like the others.




Also...just because YOU PAID for something obviously doesn't mean that BioWare feels you PAID for the same thing. And since they made it VERY clear how this system would work, you lose.


Should have PAID more attention.

Edited by kaloralros
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No, that's your expectation (and a foolish one at that). I want a link to the actual RULE you say is in place. The one that makes Bioware LIBEL.


Also, they have given you exactly what you paid for. What is stated on Amazon, that you'll get early access, is exactly what you're getting.


if they had given me what i payed for, what those who are now playing payed for, which was what i purchased, i would now be playing.


do you see how wrong your statement is?

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I wish these threads would go away soon. It's a MMORPG launch. None have been perfect. Not ever, because it's not possible. When you release several hundred thousand (or million) players into the same world, all the starting areas will be crowded as hell, and the server strain would be enormous. I still have horrible memories from when World of Warcraft launched. Getting anything done was nearly impossible because there were hundreds of level 1 characters scrambling for the same mobs.


Doing it this way, they are providing a more level playing field. Yes, some get more play time. They also pre-ordered earlier. I pre-ordered November 11th, and I am well aware that I probably won't get to play for a few days. It's my fault for not pre-ordering.


And by letting people in wave after wave, they can carefully monitor how their servers deal with everything that's happening. Which is a good thing.


Also, when people get to play before you, they get to discover all the bugs and report them so that when the people who were slow to pre-order get to play, the bugs might be fixed. That is a good thing!


Apart from all the inpatient children whining, this has been a very good launch.


IT would be perfect if i was in there, didnt you hear, the server wont run right unless i am there

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"The server won't work right unless I'm there". Oh really? ha ha



How did you know?? who let you in on the secret? my special powers should not be known to the world, prepare to be killed by the lightsaber of 1000 truths when you do get in the server.:cool:


I am currently playing for the 2nd straight day! I am soo happy with what BW has done.

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Kill them, cure them, and sell them as jerky. Pre-packaged jerky is overpriced like a mofo..you could make a killing. Then, sell the Bananas too..since everyone loves Bananas.


Why no..I'm not going to play a Bounty Hunter...?


Oh, come on people. Obviously you kill only ONE of them to show them who is boss... the others you sell into slavery after training them with shock collars.


You lace the bananas with spice and pass them out for free, securing another alternative revenue source while outfitting your crate as a posch smoothie stand.


Securing a distributor for further fruits and another distributor for more of the extra special sauce that goes in smoothies, you build from there until the cops get wind of your operation, then you go legit and replace the special ingredient with a healthy frogurt blend.


Having already trained the populace to enjoy your special brand of smoothies, you go corporate and outsource your operation to india or china, where you can rinse/recycle the entire process for fun and profit.


What, I thought it was obvious?



Previously of "Xenosaga" forums

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Don't give up on Cylak, Folks! He really doesn't have anything. Nothing at all except for his attention in this thread.


He doesn't even have The Old Republic.



Previously of "Xenosaga" forums


Yes, this thread is the only chance at fame he will have in all his life


How sad...

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if they had given me what i payed for, what those who are now playing payed for, which was what i purchased, i would now be playing.


do you see how wrong your statement is?



You know you can go back and cancel your order instantly, right now? Because amazon won't charge the cost of the game until it actually ships it.

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In no way am i trying to troll


what i want is what i payed for, and at the moment i am not getting that, i payed for a PREORDER , which was the same money and same product as those who are currently online are.


Which is not what i am getting, i have been scammed, which is against the law


After 80+ pages you still have not grasped the fact that, when you preorder will determine when you get early access.


"scammed....against the law"......*** are you on :confused:

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if they had given me what i payed for, what those who are now playing payed for, which was what i purchased, i would now be playing.


do you see how wrong your statement is?


This is so fail. You paid for access starting the 20th. This is when Bioware starts taking your money. They gave you early access. It's free, you did not pay for it.

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This is so fail. You paid for access starting the 20th. This is when Bioware starts taking your money. They gave you early access. It's free, you did not pay for it.


Actually, he didn't pay for anything. Everyone who ordered on Amazon said that they don't charge you right until release.

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We very well can complain and it's really none of your damn business what we do. Fact is I acted on an advertisement that read,"pre-order to gain early access." Not,"pre-order and you may gain early access." In the end that's false advertisement and I don't care if it was tattooed on the BW CEO'S butt as,"may." Every advertisement should have made it self explicitly clear on how early access works.

we have until the 19th at 11:59 pm before its the end of early access so all the qq is un needed if you cant play before the 20th or sometime after then you can complain about being cheated until then this is kinda all a moot point.

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You're getting boring, you know.


I say this thread is now about Spider-Man.


Yes i would assume someone who is right would start getting boring when all you are trying to do , is validate why i have been scammed by BW/EA.


and yes all those people that preordered and arent playing have been scammed, its that simple.

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if i got what i payed for, i would be playing like the others.


no you didnt spend money to play early, what dont you understand about this?? preorder does not mean early access, it means you reserve a copy of the game before it comes out to secure your copy on release...you dont even know proper definitions and you're trying to convince people your skewed perception holds weight

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