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Why are a "select few" getting to play , when we purchased the same thing?


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dude....forget the box. you aren't going to get in no matter how hard you complain about it. they effectively used the words 'may' and 'up to' and people complained about it then, they will complain about it until launch. "Thats just the way it is".


Look I was mad too...I'm sure everyone who hasn't gotten the chance to play yet is upset or at the very least disappointed about not being selected, but that doesn't mean the game is changing. it's still going to be fun.


It's just not worth it to carry on a 50+ page rant about wanting to see a box, ya know? you like boxes?


go play some nude yahtzee with your grandmom and hope for the best.



if you like being mislead, and having others showed favoritism for the exact same thing you purchased go ahead.


But frankly i dont. I purchased a preorder, not at anytime did the supplier nor the box tell me the people who buy the preorder first gets to play first.



which puts them at FAULT and makes them LIABLE

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If I was playing right now, I probably wouldn't be typing here, but I still hate this launch. I hate every head start launch, but this staggered launch is a lot worse. MMO's are about competition, remember there is no end-game, only the false end-game we provide ourselves in beating our neighbour or setting our own goals. Bioware is giving some people a head start, they win the first round because I couldnt even compete.


Cata was just the last expansion. I remember Warcraft launch as well. Two days of server crashes and constant loot lag, but at least I was in game. When the server went down, it went down for everyone. We were mad at Blizzard, but we were mad at Blizzard together. Look at these forums, there are two types of fans atm. Those that are playing and love Bioware and others that are playing. Also, those that are not playing and hate Bioware and hate those others playing. With crossovers of course.


The reason I bring up Cata is because it was successful and it is what SWTOR could have been. Bioware should have did a better stress test or added more shards, instead they alienate a great portion of their customers while rewarding a small portion. Yes, yes, pre-order sooner. You really think that is a justification for not providing a solid launch? Many other mmo's did recently such as LOTRO, AION (although it was overseas for a while), Warhammer wasnt bad (but game was released too early), EQ2, AoC was ok, and all of warcrafts expansions (which is worth mentioning because of their subscriber amount).


If all these games can do it, why can't SWTOR?


ps. I don't really care, just don't understand all the fanboyism when this staggered release DOES NOT benefit the gamers. It was only a lazy way for Bioware to launch their game instead of doing it properly like every other MMO.



I wouldn't say "properly" involves "Two days of server crashes and constant loot lag", but it most definitely is not what BW is doing right now, either.

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if you like being mislead, and having others showed favoritism for the exact same thing you purchased go ahead.


But frankly i dont. I purchased a preorder, not at anytime did the supplier nor the box tell me the people who buy the preorder first gets to play first.



which puts them at FAULT and makes them LIABLE


where did you order the game?

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Are you for real, again, not at any point was i made aware of this from the provider, nor is it on the box before playing the game.


Nor did the provider tell me to log onto origin.com before buying the game


It is on the box, I've made a photo, it's on page 54.


Now stop trolling.

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Are you for real, again, not at any point was i made aware of this from the provider, nor is it on the box before playing the game.


Nor did the provider tell me to log onto origin.com before buying the game


You don't need to login, you need to scroll down on the product page. That's all.




Scroll to the bottom. It's there, I promise.






Again... scroll to the bottom. It's all in there.

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I remember Warcraft launch as well. Two days of server crashes and constant loot lag, but at least I was in game. When the server went down, it went down for everyone.


Not true. Some of the servers where much worse off than others, so if you were unfortunate enough to be on the wrong server you were at a disadvantage. That is, if were you playing to participate in some imaginary competition with no one but yourself, since WoW at launch had no Achievements to track world firsts at the time. Just like SWTOR currently doesn't.

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Show me were it states that on the box


Seeing as you can't be assed to read the text which I painstakingly retyped letter by letter for YOUR benefit alone.. Here's a scan of the box! http://db.tt/QtediJOr

What you need to read is the text directly below system requirements. The text you want is on lines 8 and 9.

If you can't find it, and still claim to be misinformed, go cancel your preorder and leave the game to adults.

I sure as hell do not want to login one day to see a bunch of preschoolers with their constant "WAAAAAA WAAAA WAAAAAAA HE KILLED THAT THING I WANTED TO KILL AND TOOK MY LOOT WAAAAAA WAAAAAAA WAAAAAAAA" get lost!

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if you like being mislead, and having others showed favoritism for the exact same thing you purchased go ahead.


But frankly i dont. I purchased a preorder, not at anytime did the supplier nor the box tell me the people who buy the preorder first gets to play first.



which puts them at FAULT and makes them LIABLE

We just discussed this...it's on the box, it's on the announcement on the website, it's on the pre-order page of the website, it's on the pre-order ticket, and it was plastered all over the forums.


Maybe they should have sent a personal assistance to your store to read it to you before you purchased it. I know they didn't consider simple logic and reading comprehension when they released the pre-orders...shame on them.

Edited by Hordequester
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if you like being mislead, and having others showed favoritism for the exact same thing you purchased go ahead.


But frankly i dont. I purchased a preorder, not at anytime did the supplier nor the box tell me the people who buy the preorder first gets to play first.



which puts them at FAULT and makes them LIABLE




Check the disclaimer at the bottom.


"Up to..."

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I think we've all made some excellent progress here, I wish to thank all of you for participating in this thread! We're done, that's a wrap... I mean if we just kept working, it'd just be circles in circles and that's all just utter madness.


I'd like to thank all of you guys for coming out, commenting and giving some kromulant input about all the places you can find the text informing us of the pre-order terms! It was a great game of finding Waldo, except it was a lot more like that page where there were a bunch of Waldo's and only one of them had the right hat.


I suppose if this were a game, we'd all be winners... mostly on account that we couldn't fail to find what we were looking for. I mean, you'd have to be a slightly ********, myopic, hairless mole rat to miss the signs.


In any case, good job everyone!



Previously of "Xenosaga" forums

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Waah,waah,waah,aaghh,QQ,QQ........,So what,watch tv or somthin,talk to friends.

build paper airplanes. There are tons of things to do,besides cryin about nuthin,like I

can't play a game I want. They are serious,that's the sad part.

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if you like being mislead, and having others showed favoritism for the exact same thing you purchased go ahead.


But frankly i dont. I purchased a preorder, not at anytime did the supplier nor the box tell me the people who buy the preorder first gets to play first.



which puts them at FAULT and makes them LIABLE


They said from the beginning that the EGA would be based on when you pre-ordered, because I remember hearing about it right after I pre-ordered on the 23rd. But by all means, go forth and have a lawlsuit, I'm sure you'll be able to hold up in cort. :rolleyes:


Otherwise, stupid with the "FAULT" "LIABLE" stuff. Seriously.

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if you like being mislead, and having others showed favoritism for the exact same thing you purchased go ahead.


But frankly i dont. I purchased a preorder, not at anytime did the supplier nor the box tell me the people who buy the preorder first gets to play first.



which puts them at FAULT and makes them LIABLE



Honestly, do you have to be told everything? They're not liable. Maybe in your country, where ever that is, but not here.

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Check the disclaimer at the bottom.


"Up to..."


ok i will explain this to you simply, my friends said star wars is coming out , you should get it, i said cool, i will preorder it, brought it from amazon, not at any stage was i informed about the preorder restrictions, not from amazon, nor is it written on the box.

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