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Why are a "select few" getting to play , when we purchased the same thing?


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Maybe they should offer "I Participated in Pre-Order, I WIN...YOU WIN" Trophies for the idiots who are throwing the temper tantrums because they did not invest in the pro-order until later..


Seriously, get over yourself...and pay attention to the many, MANY awareness notes, posts and emails that were given to you and for the love of CHRIST get over the entitled society mentality.


You're right, we should bow like the slaves we are to our new corporate lords...

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OMG! I usually stay out of this stuff but THIS got to me! I pre-ordered the game also....5 weeks ago I think. I READ about early access and am kicking myself in the rear for not pre-ordering in July. It's NOT bioware's fault I'm not in right now, IT's MINE! And I accept and completely understand that. You should be upset at yourself, NOT anyone else. It's ENTIRELY YOUR fault! Personally, I think the way they are doing this is great. I ( and you ) waited too long to pre-order.


Second, early access is a gift from Bioware, not a right. But there were rules on how to get your gift ( See above ).


The ONLY other reason that you would complain about this is that you are illiterate and couldn't read what you were buying. Oh wait.... most 12 year olds don't do their research before they do something either. They just wine and complain because people won't give them what THEY want.


Word of advise...Grow up! And good luck finding people to play with you with that attitude.





Well said! Totally agree!

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Quoted from the email I got on July 21st...






• Early Game Access - create your character and explore the universe first.


• The order in which you purchase and redeem your Pre-Order Code is the order in which you will gain early access to the game, prior to official launch day.




Discussion ended.

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If this is the launch, then go to a store, buy a retail version, go home and play.


Did you really just say that? Think about it logically. You can level your character today and it will never be reduced for its lifespan. What you do on your respective server will always remain for the remainder of its life (as in gold/materials obtained).


The game is out. People are playing. Get with it.

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Im sure this has been addressed. Games are doing this to eleviate stress on the servers at launch. A lot of people creating characters at the same time can/does corrupt databases and create false D.O.S. attacks.


It was also stated before the game was released for pre-sale that this would happen. The OP should not be upset about this. They could of ordered the game when this was announced. It was in both MMORPG and the Gamestop magazine that I know of and was a big deal.


It was also all over the front page of swtor.com.

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My flatmate is level 20 now, If i get in tonight he should be level 30 by the time i'm level 1. Looks like we will both be solo levelling the whole way to 50, there is no way im catching up.
This is the only problem they should have avoided. I don't mind getting in later, but pre-formed guilds should have been invited TOGETHER.
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own 2 cars , atleast with them i knew what i was buying, there was nothing special saying, you can buy the car but cant drive it until 40,000 others do.


I don't know how it can be explained any clearer. The terms of the EGA were ALL OVER THIS WEBSITE AND IN EMAILS. If you can't comprehend that then you're on your own. Just because YOU didn't take the time to figure it out doesn't mean it's Bioware's fault. You're trying to use ignorance as an excuse, which is...well, I won't get into that.

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My flatmate is level 20 now, If i get in tonight he should be level 30 by the time i'm level 1. Looks like we will both be solo levelling the whole way to 50, there is no way im catching up.


Yeah, I hear this is that Star Wars game where you can only have one character ever.

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I will say this again


This is misrepresentation on there behalf



Not at any point did they have there provider let the customer know, YOU WILL BE PLAYING AFTER THE PEOPLE WHO PREORDERED BEFORE YOU.



Nowere this was stated to me, which is against the law.


stop with you soap box preaching, its old, you whole argument has been taken apart over and over again. They havent done anything "against the law" the information was avalible on the website,


the place you had to go to to register your preorder code. its YOUR fault for not looking at the signs, if you preordered from amazon it says in the email preorder access, nothing about the amount of days.


Stop being a child and get over it, or talk to a lawyer in the morning if you feel so wronged, or better yet, cancel your preorder and tell bioware how you really feel about it. At this point you are only hurting your self.


(Edit to make the block of text.... not a block.)

Edited by Cormyrlightner
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own 2 cars , atleast with them i knew what i was buying, there was nothing special saying, you can buy the car but cant drive it until 40,000 others do.


That's because they put no stipulation on it up front, did they. I have a lease on my Audi A6. I can only drive it so many miles per year. If I go over that, they are going to charge me, because that was stated up front, before I purchased the lease. So if I bring it back with more miles than the contract allows, I will be charged, and I can kick and scream about people who own the car being able to drive it more miles per year, but that won't stop them from billing me.

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Im sure this has been addressed. Games are doing this to eleviate stress on the servers at launch. A lot of people creating characters at the same time can/does corrupt databases and create false D.O.S. attacks.


It was also stated before the game was released for pre-sale that this would happen. The OP should not be upset about this. They could of ordered the game when this was announced. It was in both MMORPG and the Gamestop magazine that I know of and was a big deal.


It was also all over the front page of swtor.com.


Stated were?

on the box? or from the provider i purchased it from?


tell me were i was told?

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own 2 cars , atleast with them i knew what i was buying, there was nothing special saying, you can buy the car but cant drive it until 40,000 others do.


How do idiots get so much money? I'm white, too. Where's the love? I can barely afford this game. Luckily, I'm cheap as dirt.

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its not well said at all, he purchased a game and was not made aware of these circumstances, which alienate people and allow people on before others.
You can't fix stupid...he could, however, learn how to read before swiping a credit card. Even stupid people can learn how to read eventually. I highly recommend it before making any purchase.
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Did you really just say that? Think about it logically. You can level your character today and it will never be reduced for its lifespan. What you do on your respective server will always remain for the remainder of its life (as in gold/materials obtained).


The game is out. People are playing. Get with it.


A little QA:


Is the official release on the 20th? Yes


Are people playing now? Yes


Is it fair? Yes


You know why? Because it was stated in the frigging rules you agreed to when you purchased the game. If you didn't bother to read or comprehend that then it's your own fault.

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Quoted from the email I got on July 21st...






• Early Game Access - create your character and explore the universe first.


• The order in which you purchase and redeem your Pre-Order Code is the order in which you will gain early access to the game, prior to official launch day.




Discussion ended.


But I shouldn't have to read emails! The box didn't say so! It also didn't say I had to have a computer to read the emails on! :t_evil:

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We also bought at stores that didnt tell us about the whole wait your turn thing. Site however did tell us. If you think such things important enough take it up with the store that sold you your copy for pre order. They failed to inform you and as a consumer your fight is with them.
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Literate much?


This "debarcle" is really not much of a debacle at all... It's a buch of people who deluded themselves into thinking that what had explicitly been written was not what was going to happen simply because they wished for something else....


I can't very well be sympathetic to the people who wasted time off without knowing that they'd be in. I can't be very sympathetic to the people who want to compete for firsts but didn't bother to examine the fact that their place in Early Access was not going to allow them to compete because they didn't preorder until late.


And for those who keep ranting that the sky is falling, I'll note it's falling because you're not in the game. I'll also note that not a single person is here complaining that there are queues or latency or crashes or loot-lag or anything of the sort.


So yeah, I am sorry I am not in but given that I was literate enough to know that I would not *be* in on the first day having ordered late I have not been in any way disappointed by anything but the glaring self-centered illiterates who are upset that their world is coming crashing down around their ears because they've missed 24 hours of a game that they'll be able to play for months...


As someone else posted much earlier this morning in another whiny thread... "God forbid any of you guys ever suffer a real catastrophe."


Oh, thank goodness, I was afraid my immediate friends and I were the only sane people about to play this game.

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its not well said at all, he purchased a game and was not made aware of these circumstances, which alienate people and allow people on before others.


It seems the only person who didn't know any preorder details was you.


To everyone else. I challenge you to cease responding to this thread and all others like it.

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