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Why are a "select few" getting to play , when we purchased the same thing?


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You are just so completely wrong on Cataclysm. It only had 550,000 pre-orders. SW:TOR was over 900,000 before EGA. Back under the bridge with you.


Blizzard waited too long to offer digital downloads, most people had pre-ordered at brick and mortar stores that most likely did not bother passing that info on to Blizzard. They sold 3.3 million copies the first day. Most were probably midnight releases, come on, the only worse fanboys than Bioware are Blizzard fanboys :)

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I will say this again


This is misrepresentation on there behalf



Not at any point did they have there provider let the customer know, YOU WILL BE PLAYING AFTER THE PEOPLE WHO PREORDERED BEFORE YOU.



Nowere this was stated to me, which is against the law.


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And then Billy shoves Sally out of the way and grabs the ball. That's the proper thing to do..after throwing the stupid legos at mom.


How dare you! LEGOs are not to be thrown! LEGOs are holy!


If you want to get back at mom, you leave a few of the nice sharp-edged LEGOs in the middle of the bedroom floor. Her feet will find them. Like a d4 caltrop...

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as title says.


Discrimination much?


add in the other problems, lvl issues , especially on pvp servers, economies ruined , players having clear advantages.I could go on and on, there are millions of problems with this staggered launch, its mindblowing that nobody in any of these companies didnt realize the problem this was going to create.



You will find alot of people no longer buy things from the companies assiocated with this game, i know that for a fact, because i already have friends who refuse to play anything EA has there name on, which is this, even though its star wars and they like it, they wont play due to EA, now, all i can say is WOW, way to go with this latest debarcle.



this is Coming from a very pissed of customer


Can I have your stuff?


Oh... right. You don't have any yet :sul_grin:

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I will say this again


This is misrepresentation on there behalf



Not at any point did they have there provider let the customer know, YOU WILL BE PLAYING AFTER THE PEOPLE WHO PREORDERED BEFORE YOU.



Nowere this was stated to me, which is against the law.


I hope you never have to buy a house or a car.

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I will say this again


This is misrepresentation on there behalf



Not at any point did they have there provider let the customer know, YOU WILL BE PLAYING AFTER THE PEOPLE WHO PREORDERED BEFORE YOU.



Nowere this was stated to me, which is against the law.


Then sue them. Hey you might earn millions in emotional damage payments.



Personally I heard about this back when I never would have even considered pre-ordering an MMO. But hey, what do I know.

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This drives me crazy, this is NOT DAY 1!!! Day 1 is the 20th. We are getting free game time. If you want to be the first to 50, find a new server when you get your access (they said they will be adding new servers DAILY) And get to 50 before the rest of the world gets to play on the 20th.


I for one am disappointed that I don't get to play yet, but I also know that since my pre-order was later, that I wouldn't be until a couple days in. Disappointed but realistic.


the servers are live, the bioware founders call this the games launch, today is the game launch. dec 20 is when they force you to put in your retail codes. this time is the grace period.

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I will say this again


This is misrepresentation on there behalf



Not at any point did they have there provider let the customer know, YOU WILL BE PLAYING AFTER THE PEOPLE WHO PREORDERED BEFORE YOU.



Nowere this was stated to me, which is against the law.


Oh, it was stated everywhere, you just didn't bother to read. That, or your retailer cheated you, so sue him.

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This drives me crazy, this is NOT DAY 1!!! Day 1 is the 20th. We are getting free game time. If you want to be the first to 50, find a new server when you get your access (they said they will be adding new servers DAILY) And get to 50 before the rest of the world gets to play on the 20th.


I for one am disappointed that I don't get to play yet, but I also know that since my pre-order was later, that I wouldn't be until a couple days in. Disappointed but realistic.


The game is out. What people do today will affect the servers for the remainder of their lives. They call it early access, not free time. I repeat, the game is out.

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Maybe they should offer "I Participated in Pre-Order, I WIN...YOU WIN" Trophies for the idiots who are throwing the temper tantrums because they did not invest in the pro-order until later..


Seriously, get over yourself...and pay attention to the many, MANY awareness notes, posts and emails that were given to you and for the love of CHRIST get over the entitled society mentality.

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Blizzard waited too long to offer digital downloads, most people had pre-ordered at brick and mortar stores that most likely did not bother passing that info on to Blizzard. They sold 3.3 million copies the first day. Most were probably midnight releases, come on, the only worse fanboys than Bioware are Blizzard fanboys :)


Yeah, nobody has been tracking pre-orders at brick and mortar stores for a decade now. Geez. I'm glad you at least got your facts straight about Cata's actually sales instead of saying "13 million." There is a big difference. and SWTOR WILL outsell Cata.

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I will say this again


This is misrepresentation on there behalf



Not at any point did they have there provider let the customer know, YOU WILL BE PLAYING AFTER THE PEOPLE WHO PREORDERED BEFORE YOU.



Nowere this was stated to me, which is against the law.


It was directly stated in the early discussions of early access being handed out in order of preorder code redemption. You need to work on your reading skills bro.

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Could you link to one that is 1000 pages long? or has such a large proportion of its customers upset? There was a small percentage of people experiencing login issues and the only reason it happened is because Blizzard did not take down the servers for Cata launch. The clock hit midnight and millions of people hammered the login server to load Cata. Most of those people were in within 10 mins.


SWTOR has been out officially for 19 hours(?) and I still can't play.

No, I can't show you one that was 1,000 posts long but I also can't show you one that had half a million page views in less than a hour (which SWTOR had). Cataclysm almost had enough people around to make that many hits..almost. But, most of them were off trying to log in instead of posting.


I also don't see a single post from Blizzard stating there was going to be login issues at launch. But, I can clearly see it stated (in advance) where Bioware was going to have staggered invites.



Edited by Hordequester
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LOL are you dense?


What planet do you live on? pissing of there customers is a BAD thing, it looses a company money, if for 1 moment you think this is a good thing, you are a fool.


Heres the problem, most customers who are truly pissed off, tend to get their money and never shop there again. In this case use their service again. You however are spending so much time and effort on complaining that I feel your going to be playing regardless of when you get in the damned EGA, so what you really are is whiny and entitled.


However thank you for the hours of entertainment today its kept me busy feeding off of your QQ while waiting for my EGA invite.

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The servers may be live, but this is EARLY game access. It is not the official release date. They say 20th. If today was the Release Date, then they would say 13th. Not 20th. Get over it people. Wait a few hours, and you will get into your game!


And I for one... well I will continue to wait patiently and radiate my excitement!

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the servers are live, the bioware founders call this the games launch, today is the game launch. dec 20 is when they force you to put in your retail codes. this time is the grace period.


Paid time doesn't start until the 20th, therefore the official launch is the 20th.

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I PREODERED the game


OMG! I usually stay out of this stuff but THIS got to me! I pre-ordered the game also....5 weeks ago I think. I READ about early access and am kicking myself in the rear for not pre-ordering in July. It's NOT bioware's fault I'm not in right now, IT's MINE! And I accept and completely understand that. You should be upset at yourself, NOT anyone else. It's ENTIRELY YOUR fault! Personally, I think the way they are doing this is great. I ( and you ) waited too long to pre-order.


Second, early access is a gift from Bioware, not a right. But there were rules on how to get your gift ( See above ).


The ONLY other reason that you would complain about this is that you are illiterate and couldn't read what you were buying. Oh wait.... most 12 year olds don't do their research before they do something either. They just wine and complain because people won't give them what THEY want.


Word of advise...Grow up! And good luck finding people to play with you with that attitude.

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