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When to use Cure?


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Can someone please give a few specific examples on when you would use Cure? both pve and pvp examples.


I've tried using it a few times and it hasn't done anything, I assume I was trying to use it on the wrong type of affects, so I'm just looking for a few specific effects that it removes so I know when to use it.


Also - can you name a few specific things that are not fixed by Cure, but are fixed once Cure Mind skill is trained. I am debating as to whether that is worth spending a point on or not.



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If you have a question, just hover over the debuff. It cures anything with (Physical) or (Tech) after the name and, when talented, anything with (Mind). The list of things it can and can't remove is incredibly expansive, but in PvE the biggest category of things it cannot remove are untyped debuffs. Even if they likely come from a physical (or tech) source, unless they are labeled as such, you can't cleanse them.
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yes, I realize the list is expansive, but general categories like 'physical' and 'tech' aren't really what I was looking for because that's already what the tooltip says. Plus the little debuff icons are tiny and its pretty impossible to hover over them and read the full description in the middle of a warzone or boss fight.


How about categories like 'stunned' or 'immobilized' or 'DoT'? does it ever work on those? I can see a player getting stunned pretty easily even without hovering over the icon, so when you see a player get lifted up in whirlwind or death grip or being shock stunned or somthing - is that a time you would cast Cure?


For example, in Huttball, if the ball carrier on my team gets stunned or immobilized or something - is Cure something that you would cast on him to free him? or would that not usually work? Which stuns etc would Cure work against? Are there some stuns that could be cured once Cure Mind is trained? Maybe does cure usually work on effects of stun grenades but not work on class ability stuns?


How about DoTs? Can Cure or Cure Mind remove any DoTs?


Or maybe a better and more basic question is - when have you ever used Cure? Was it in pvp or pve? Was it really better to cast that Cure instead of just casting an extra Heal?

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How about categories like 'stunned' or 'immobilized' or 'DoT'? does it ever work on those? I can see a player getting stunned pretty easily even without hovering over the icon, so when you see a player get lifted up in whirlwind or death grip or being shock stunned or somthing - is that a time you would cast Cure?


Yes, it works on many stuns, snares, and roots. Only those specifically labeled as (Tech) or (Physical). For example, the BH stun is a (Tech) but that doesn't mean all stuns, snares, or roots are. And sometimes it isn't intuitive (especially in PvE).



Or maybe a better and more basic question is - when have you ever used Cure? Was it in pvp or pve? Was it really better to cast that Cure instead of just casting an extra Heal?


In PvP it is useful for removing debuffs (including snares, roots, and stuns) a significant majority of the time. In PvE I find it has the greatest use against some DoTs.


That said, if you can't be bothered to hover over the debuff to see its classification, there is unlikely to be any way anyone can tell you when to cleanse things. You can't see the name of the debuff without hovering over it, so even giving you names would be useless.

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If you've got a talent point in it, you can very cheaply cleanse some really great stuff off of your tank in PvE. A lot of the DoTs and armor reduction stacking debuffs come right off, even if stacked up to 5. Keeping those armor debuffs off your tank makes it much easier and more efficient to keep them up.


In PvP, there's a few classes that apply some nasty debuffs. You'll learn over time what can be cleansed, but keep in mind that the general rule is that if it's applied by a Trooper/BH or Smuggler/IA, it can *probably* be cleansed. Don't bother using it if your heal target is fighting a Jedi/Sith, but you can almost spam it if they're fighting a tech player.

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In PvP, there's a few classes that apply some nasty debuffs. You'll learn over time what can be cleansed, but keep in mind that the general rule is that if it's applied by a Trooper/BH or Smuggler/IA, it can *probably* be cleansed. Don't bother using it if your heal target is fighting a Jedi/Sith, but you can almost spam it if they're fighting a tech player.


This is a very useful tip. I find it much easier to use the visual cues of the action (ie who the person is fighting or the visual effect graphics of the particular attack) as opposed to the debuff boxes.

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This is a very useful tip. I find it much easier to use the visual cues of the action (ie who the person is fighting or the visual effect graphics of the particular attack) as opposed to the debuff boxes.


Until they allow modding of the UI, you'll be more useful if you don't have to rely on mouse-overs in PvP. For both Pyro and Bodyguard, I really need a heads-up display for debuffs on my target, large and visible.

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  • 2 months later...
In PvP, there's a few classes that apply some nasty debuffs. You'll learn over time what can be cleansed, but keep in mind that the general rule is that if it's applied by a Trooper/BH or Smuggler/IA, it can *probably* be cleansed. Don't bother using it if your heal target is fighting a Jedi/Sith, but you can almost spam it if they're fighting a tech player.

That doesn't seem fair that most force user debuffs can't be cured while most tech user debuffs can... Bioware oversight? Oh no, wait... what would all the devs do w/out their OP sorcs :[

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That doesn't seem fair that most force user debuffs can't be cured while most tech user debuffs can... Bioware oversight? Oh no, wait... what would all the devs do w/out their OP sorcs :[


It actually makes sense to me.... BH and Ops cleanse tech debuffs(Being skilled in gadets). While the Sorcs cure force debuffs (being skilled in the force and NOT being skilled with gadgetry).

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Can someone please give a few specific examples on when you would use Cure? both pve and pvp examples.


I've tried using it a few times and it hasn't done anything, I assume I was trying to use it on the wrong type of affects, so I'm just looking for a few specific effects that it removes so I know when to use it.


Also - can you name a few specific things that are not fixed by Cure, but are fixed once Cure Mind skill is trained. I am debating as to whether that is worth spending a point on or not.




I use it allt he time in PVP, it's great at removing snares! Take some time and learn to correlate what debuffs you see on your screen with what effects your character is experiencing. Once you have that down, start hitting cure regularly and watch what comes off and the effect it has. You will find yourself using cure a lot when you have downtime or are just moving, especially in situations like the tunnel run in Voidstar.

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It actually makes sense to me.... BH and Ops cleanse tech debuffs(Being skilled in gadets). While the Sorcs cure force debuffs (being skilled in the force and NOT being skilled with gadgetry).




It's plenty fair. Sorcs cannot purge tech. So while you cannot cure their force effects, they cannot purge your tech effects.

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Whilst we're on the topic, does anyone know if I have the Cure Mind talent, will it cleanse the slows applied by force classes like marauder/sentinel and assassin/shadow? Are those classed as "mind/mental"? Or does it just mean those DoT's that sorc/sages do.


I don't have the talent in my heal spec atm, and those slows really bug me so it would be cool to know if it's worth moving some things around to pick it up, I'd use it plenty.

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Whilst we're on the topic, does anyone know if I have the Cure Mind talent, will it cleanse the slows applied by force classes like marauder/sentinel and assassin/shadow? Are those classed as "mind/mental"? Or does it just mean those DoT's that sorc/sages do.


I don't have the talent in my heal spec atm, and those slows really bug me so it would be cool to know if it's worth moving some things around to pick it up, I'd use it plenty.


I'm wondering this also. I'd try it but my respec cost is too high right now. It didn't reset this week and no it isnt the bug. A lot of times in Huttball someone gets snared above the fire grating and I can't cure it because it's almost always from a force user.

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Forked out for a respec and tried it myself, the answer is no. In fact, it doesn't even seem add anything at all, I tried curing tons of force stuff from different force classes and nothing happened at all. No removing slows, or dots, nothing. Buggy talent perhaps?
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