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What Determines SWTOR's Failure?


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In my opinion, TOR needs more sophistication and depth if it is to stand any hope of being a success in the mid-long term both in terms of popularity or financially.


Unfortunately, right now, it seems the devs are content to just throw more flashpoints, warzones and operations at it. That isn't giving the game more sophistication, that's just more of the same of what it already has.

Edited by Tarka
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In my opinion, TOR needs more sophistication and depth if it is to stand any hope of being a success in the mid-long term both in terms of popularity or financially.


Unfortunately, right now, it seems the devs are content to just throw more flashpoints, warzones and operations at it. That isn't giving the game more sophistication, that's just more of the same of what it already has.


I think you are right, but i dont think this game is trying to be a hardcore mmo, imo its going for the casual-starwars fan players.

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In my opinion, TOR needs more sophistication and depth if it is to stand any hope of being a success in the mid-long term both in terms of popularity or financially.


Unfortunately, right now, it seems the devs are content to just throw more flashpoints, warzones and operations at it. That isn't giving the game more sophistication, that's just more of the same of what it already has.




Where is the Guild overhaul? Alliances??


Players need to have live and breath a WAR between factions and not be concerned so much with the PvE side of things (IMO). When playing other games it's easier to get immersed when a group has a lot of purpose to PvP. Doing the Raids and Quests and even Warzones is great for on the side but that is completely theme-park stuff compared to rts group co-op in a MMO.

Edited by WLpride
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To topic:


For me the only thing that could be considered a weakness for SWTOR is that they chose NOT to do realistic animations and instead sided with more cartoon-like. They sold themselves short on that artistic interpretation.


And let's face it--with the release of Skyrim, all art falls short in my opinion.


My only other complaint about the game is that to heal, the sith side actually does heals instead of leeching from enemies then redistributing health. It's a minor complaint--but it's big on Sith image.



I'm a HUGE fan of Bioware--that's why I bought the game. I'll still be playing it for some time.

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  • 1 month later...
What determines SWTORs failure...


Game has been live for 2 weeks now, almost 4 if you count early access and in the last 2 days....thats 2...days...with 1000s of posts about bugs, not being able to play, game interuptions, server issues, graphic issues...in 2 DAYS...there have been a total of 4, thats FOUR replies by Bioware.




And I do believe that issue is the single most complained about issue over all the forums...complete lack of communcation.


Sorry for late/slow post, but... EA owns BioWare, more or less. EA ingores its customers' pleas for help.

Customer: I've found a few bugs.

EA: *deafening silence, planet-shattering void*

BioWare are probably told NOT to respond.


No offence inteded here, but its mostly true about EA customer support.... there isn't any,

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Sorry for late/slow post, but... EA owns BioWare, more or less. EA ingores its customers' pleas for help.

Customer: I've found a few bugs.

EA: *deafening silence, planet-shattering void*

BioWare are probably told NOT to respond.


No offence inteded here, but its mostly true about EA customer support.... there isn't any,


Question most us should ask ourself why did we buy a game from EA when we know they are always fail. I dont see this game lasting a yr I see it floping majorly when bigger mmos come out and losing alot to Diablo 3.

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I keep seeing all these threads in this forum and the running theme is that SWTOR is going to fail is failing has already failed. The time lines for these failure projections range from 2 weeks to 6 months to a year, but what determines if SWTOR is a failure?


Do you know that the exact same arguments being put forth here were directed at WoW when it first released? That game was going free to play inside of six months also. ;p Most of those people making those claims had no idea what they were talking about either.


Its just internet blathering. no more, no less.

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Question most us should ask ourself why did we buy a game from EA when we know they are always fail. I dont see this game lasting a yr I see it floping majorly when bigger mmos come out and losing alot to Diablo 3.


Could not ask for a better example to demonstrate my point. First half is conjecture. Second is hyperbole. Nothing of substance, nothing demonstrated, nothing supported....just opinion promulgated into into law as believed by an audience of one. ;p

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Do you know that the exact same arguments being put forth here were directed at WoW when it first released? That game was going free to play inside of six months also. ;p Most of those people making those claims had no idea what they were talking about either.


Its just internet blathering. no more, no less.


Your good at making things up.

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What would determine a failure? if it starts losing money (EA would close it, hence, it failed).

Why would it lose money? because subscribers go down.

Why do subscribers go down? Because they get bored with the game.

Why do people get bored with the game? This one actually has too many answers for it, and it varies from person to person.


Personally, I have to agree with others that the game is just missing stuff. Sure, it's a good game, but it's already competing against many other games that offer a very similar type of environment. I think it just needs more to be able to stand out from the crowd. Games today do not have to be good to succeed, they have to be GREAT to succeed.

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