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Raid Frames in PvP


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posting to bump after my disasterous healing expedition through the warzones today, however after 6 hours of healing SOLELY by clicking on nameplates and ignoring the operations frame i fully understand why healers are nonexistant in warzones... and to think the game ships tonight with such a MASSIVE bug thats been known for months... i think i'll go /seethe by myself in the corner for a while thx
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I would also recommend for everyone in this thread who is pissed off about this bug to open an in game bug ticket. It's the easiest way for the developers to track these sort of things. The more people who complain about it, the faster it will be fixed. You just need to follow the correct channels.
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I have the same issue but thought it was a pc porblem ....


Turn off the health text it stopped the non updating of the raid frames for me...yeah you shouldn't have to and hopefully they fix it but this works for me and I hope it works for yall too


I will check this out and see if it fixes the problem hopefully until it is officially fixed .

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It's utterly HORRIBLE to heal in PVP STILL. This bug should not ship with the game in live it's absolutely bonkers to think this is acceptable.




That bug was in the beta for ages and constantly reported, but still nothing :(

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I am afraid over the fact that Bioware doesn't reply. It is obvious this is a problem they are not used to having because its their first MMO.


Raid frames not updating in pvp is a joke. Even since the earliest betas this has been presistent.


And not to mention the latency lag issue in pvp. When I first entered huttball in the beta and i felt that my instant cast had a 2-4 sec cast time and people warped around me.


And while we are at it what the hell is wrong with the "air lifts". Most random thing in the Warzone so far. I don't know if im just a retard but I can never figure them out.


Two people run at the same speed from the same direction and jump (if jumping even matters) and one of them gets to the enemy platform while one gets knocked back.

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I'm so used to this crap that I try to target people and ignore raid frames.


I try to as well but it is hard to target them in a pile up. You can either tab through friendly (wastes time) or use the target nearest player button (which isn't always the best idea, do you really want to walk into a ton of unfriendlies to cast heals?!).


Fix this, please!

Edited by Cyndelx
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Update on this problem... I'm not sure if this has been said before and I don't feel like wading through the thread, so I'll just say it.


I'm not sure if it will work for everyone but I was in a warzone and my frames weren't working (as per usual) and someone suggested that I change the height and width of them just slightly and hit apply. I did this and my op frames magically started updating correctly.


Hope this helps at least a couple people (wish I could remember the name of the person who told me to do it so I could give them props on here).

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any kind BW employee in the know care to give some feedback on whether they are 'investigating' this or in the 'process of fixing this' or tbh a small titbit of info to say 'yeah we do care that healing in pvp is utter crap and making people not want to play'.......that would be great thanks for such an awesome customer service...thats all we need :)


ok thanks

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