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1-50 with a friend - help please


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I want to team with a friend from 1-50. We made a Jedi Knight and a Jedi Counselar but I am having some problems with missions. First, our main story arc is different and it gets confusing making sure the team leader gets all the missions done. My friends missions don't really show up on my list. Is there a way to have this happen automatically?


Would it be better if we were both the same class? Maybe 2 Jedi Knights? Will that be a problem on the main story arcs where it usually tells me only 1 person of each class may enter the mission? If there is a way to override it, will we both get credit for the mission and not have to do it twice?


Any other advice on the best way to coordinate this from 1-50?



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i to are playing from 1-50 with 2 friends , it hasnt been too much fun really at times. we couldnt even get one friend to party with us for the first 2 weeks , and when we finally met up on corusant omg it was hell. you see you have to basically do 1 class mission each and not do side stories appart, or basically do the whole of the regions on the planet about 5 or 6 times. my head was totally done in and with these new instances to help ques it is worse , lots of bugs , for instance it said join convo and had 4 number 5 tabs on the bottom of it all the windows are blank.


you can see your party member missions when you team up , look at mission log then the 2nd tab along the bottom is party missions , purple missions are ones you arent on but other members are on.


Now after finally getting to the third planet taris , we demanded that our friend doesnt race off and we are just trying to do 1 class mission each , so ill let you know on it , but i must say , I wish I had known that it would take bout 40 hours to catch up a person that was only 1 hour ahead. with all the repeating areas and doing side stories over and over again , ugh.


I now want to bomb corusant , justicars , the works and black sun areas , just wish our 3rd team member had listened.



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Not sure where you find all these problems. You see your groupmates quests on your map automatically as purple icons. If he has the same quests, you will see his name in purple next to your quest.

You can also enable the option for two peolpe of the same class to enter the same story area. Check the options menu.

Questing togather works perfectly and is much more fun than doing it alone.

Edited by Gradivus
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If your questing with a friend it's a very bad idea to have two of the same class. Reason is because only one of you can do the class quests at a time, which means if you were to have two Jedi Knights you would have to do each class quest twice to get it done for both of you.


The party system in the game was certainly not what I was expecting when I bought the game. I was thinking it would be a LOT more party friendly. But to have to do the quests twice if you are the same class, or have to wait until level 10ish, when you get off the starting planet to party with any other class (and lets be honest, leveling is rather slow. It takes at least around 4-5 hours to get off the starting planet) is a little bit pants.


Although I hate to compare, I've come to appreciate WoW's party option much more. Just because you have two of the same class doesn't mean you can't complete a quest without doing it mulitple times. Not to mention you can party and quest together from the get go, without having to level up at all.


Saying that though, the game is new. They obviously have many flaws that they could work on. In my opinion this just so happens to be something they should work on. However it takes time to work on MMO's because of the pure amount of content they need to offer to the community.

Edited by Kaiex
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Thanks for the replies. I guessd we will slog along with different classes (but we started on the same planet) and focus on the main quests, just picking up some side quests along the way.


I've never played WoW, but I come from City of Heroes and the teaming mechanism there is top notch. With super-sidekicking, a level 50 can team with a level 10 and a level 30 and all do each others missions seemlessly.

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Me and my gf have been playing through and were about level 13 now (Sith Marauder and Sith Sorceror). We've had no problems. We just do all of our storyline quests together... We generally do all storyline first because they tend to take us to similiar areas, then we do all the side quests in an area. It's been alot of fun... we haven't found any problems (and this is her first MMO).
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The party system in the game was certainly not what I was expecting when I bought the game. I was thinking it would be a LOT more party friendly. But to have to do the quests twice if you are the same class, or have to wait until level 10ish, when you get off the starting planet to party with any other class (and lets be honest, leveling is rather slow. It takes at least around 4-5 hours to get off the starting planet) is a little bit pants.


Although I hate to compare, I've come to appreciate WoW's party option much more. Just because you have two of the same class doesn't mean you can't complete a quest without doing it mulitple times. Not to mention you can party and quest together from the get go, without having to level up at all.


Saying that though, the game is new. They obviously have many flaws that they could work on. In my opinion this just so happens to be something they should work on. However it takes time to work on MMO's because of the pure amount of content they need to offer to the community.



This isn't a flaw, it is a feature due to the story system.

There are various points in your class story where you can make decisions that will affect things later on, the only way for Bioware to have interesting story decisions like this is to limit your story mission progress to one person. Otherwise you could end up doing a story mission where an NPC turns up that one of the participants killed.


All other missions should be fine though, the only things I've noticed is that when you have missions where you need to collect xxx number of items, sometimes only one of you has to do it and it triggers for all party members, and sometimes everyone in the party has to find all the items. Not sure if these are bugs or working as intended.

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My husband and I are leveling a Sith Juggernaut and Sorcerer together, we were lucky enough to have chsoen classes that started out in the same world. But once you leave your first world (about lvl 9-10) everyone is sent to the same worlds.
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My husband and I are leveling a Sith Juggernaut and Sorcerer together, we were lucky enough to have chsoen classes that started out in the same world. But once you leave your first world (about lvl 9-10) everyone is sent to the same worlds.


Well everyone on the light side goes to the same world and everyone on the dark side goes to another world. That's why we chose 1 server for light characters and 1 for dark :).


What people have said is true , but if one person plays solo for a bit , a class mission or 2 and a few side stories then look forward to repeating a lot ;/.



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You can choose the same class quest, but make sure you turn on option of "allow same class story line" the main problem you do have to do it twice.


You can go to the "main station" at level 1 to pick up crew skills and go to other planet BUT there are no quest you can take on other class starting planet (which I learn) so your leveling will be slower than the other person.

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I have to say I don't quite get the issue here.


Playing the same class is a problem because you both can't do the class quests at the same time, but other then that, there's no real issues here provided you stay together.


Everyones class quests are generally in the same area, so the only time this will be an issue is if one or more of you get ahead of the other in terms of class quests... Even if you do, you know that eventually you'll catch up and you'll have class quests in the same area again.


Myself and a friend are playing Jedi on the Republic side. His class quest is in the Justicar area, and mine is now in the Jedi Temple. But this isn't an issue because I'll just wait to do mine once he gets caught up area wise.


You can all do the side quests at the same time, the only issue tends to be when the quest involves picking some sort of item up and putting it in your inventory. In that case you'll both need to pick up enough items to finish the quest.


But if it's just clicking on something, then you should both get credit no matter who clicked on it.


The biggest trick is making sure that everyone stays together, if one person plays their character more then others, then there will be a problem. That's rather easily fixed by making sure you only play those characters when you are playing together.

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i agree with the above post , but side quests can be a problem if someone has done some of them allready , some of these side quests have multiple parts too , but there again you mentioned sticking together which is the real answer if your friend likes to level a lot then tell them to make an alt for soloing , you could still join them now and again too , but dont expect things to be as smooth or straight forward if you do.



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Well everyone on the light side goes to the same world and everyone on the dark side goes to another world. That's why we chose 1 server for light characters and 1 for dark :).


There are actually two starter planets per side:


For Republic characters, Jedi (Knights and Consulars) start on Tython, while Troopers and Smugglers start on Ord Mantell.


For Empire characters, Sith (Warriors and Inquisitors) start on Korriban, while Agents and Bounty Hunters start on Nal Hutta.


So if you and your friend roll, for example, a Jedi consular and a Smuggler, you're still SOL for the first 10 levels, as you'll be on different planets.

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There are actually two starter planets per side:


For Republic characters, Jedi (Knights and Consulars) start on Tython, while Troopers and Smugglers start on Ord Mantell.


For Empire characters, Sith (Warriors and Inquisitors) start on Korriban, while Agents and Bounty Hunters start on Nal Hutta.


So if you and your friend roll, for example, a Jedi consular and a Smuggler, you're still SOL for the first 10 levels, as you'll be on different planets.


I was speaking in context of the poster above me but your post is appreciated. Otherwise I wouldnt have said "goes to" , i would have said "starts".



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