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Twas the First Day of Work


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"Twas the First Day of Work"

by Entol - The Razor Server


It's the first day of work, and that being said

I have visions of lightsabers, dancing in my head


As I stumble into work, I greet each with a grump

I'd much rather be slicing a Sith to a stump


All my junk's where I placed it when I left 2 weeks ago

I plop in my chair and think "This days gonna blow"


When what should my wondering eye should appear

On the internet I find out that I'll soon have new gear


New Lightsabers, New Headgear and Even New Armors!

Oh those guys at Bioware are clearly some charmers


My eyes pour and pour over every dot, every tittle

I shamefully admit, from my mouth, a little spittle


Not a word I have spoken as I pretend to do work

Behind my spreadsheets and word docs, my skills I rework


In my office my boss comes in with a bound

He's in a mood and just looking for someone to hound


As he drones on and on a thought makes me merry

That if I was dark-side I'd pop his head like a cherry


Once he's gone, something catches my eyes with a jerk

A forum post that I read makes me wish I rolled merc


But now that I'm level 30 I feel I'm committed

A thought of a re-roll just can't be permitted


Finally I feel that it must be time to go home

I can't help but feel happy as I minimize chrome


But my hopes are all dashed when I look at the time

It's only ten past two, so I stop on a dime


So here I must stay, in this chair until five

But don't count me out, through the force I'll revive.




Edited Cause Art is always a work in progress.

Edited by Entola
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Hahaha! I feel your pain! Writing from work myself! Very nicely done!


At least when I arrive and leave I can chat about SWtOR with the two IT guys, whose office is close to the door. xD


A poor non-gaming coworker tried to be nice to the geeks and asked us, to join the conversation: "You know Final Fantasy? It's a game, right? ...I think my son plays that." LOL

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