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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

I can't bring myself to continue visting this forum.


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This is what happens when this many people who played WoW come here. The community comes with it and the urchins begin their list of demands to the company who makes the game.



It is so cute that you blame WoW for this game's problems.

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I have been around for many mmo launches, and perhaps I'm viewing this with my rose goggles on, but this has to be the worst official forums in the history of ever.


Tell me. Is it always this bad? Am I just remembering it wrong?


tell us, in how many other buggy and unfinished excuses of a MMO releases have you been?


I'd say the forum is pretty par for the course. when the game is the polar opposite of polished and stellar, the forum cant be any better, can it?

Edited by blackcerberus
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It's dead easy, shoot all the fanboys, the trolls will then leave because have no one to bait. The rest of us can then continue in relative peace.


Most threads that suggesting improvements:


Normal player: I’m really enjoying this game but I think aspect A could be improved.


Fanboy replies to normal poster: Go back to WoW, hater. Aspect A is great. WoW wasn’t perfect either when it launched 10 years ago. Leave BW alone, they’re doing a fantastic job. You just don’t understand how MMOs work.


Troll replies to fanboy: This game is rubbish, I’ve cancelled my sub, yet for some reason I’m still bothered enough to post in the forums.


Bravo! I was kept in rapt suspense through all three acts! =D


That said, these forums eerily remind me of the Star Trek Online forums during open beta and the first month after release. Anyone even remotely suggesting improvements or pointing out flaws were descended upon by a pack of rabid tribbles. We all know what's happened to that awful game. Not that I'm saying SWTOR is even remotely as awful as STO was, but the community on the forums are eerily similar.

Edited by ironix
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It's dead easy, shoot all the fanboys, the trolls will then leave because have no one to bait. The rest of us can then continue in relative peace.


Most threads that suggesting improvements:


Normal player: I’m really enjoying this game but I think aspect A could be improved.


Fanboy replies to normal poster: Go back to WoW, hater. Aspect A is great. WoW wasn’t perfect either when it launched 10 years ago. Leave BW alone, they’re doing a fantastic job. You just don’t understand how MMOs work.


Troll replies to fanboy: This game is rubbish, I’ve cancelled my sub, yet for some reason I’m still bothered enough to post in the forums.


Normal player: Dear god, what is wrong with people!?


Fanboy replies to normal poster: Go back to WoW, hater. Aspect A is great. WoW wasn’t perfect either when it launched 10 years ago. Leave BW alone, they’re doing a fantastic job. You just don’t understand how MMOs work.


Troll replies to fanboy: This game is rubbish, I’ve cancelled my sub, yet for some reason I’m still bothered enough to post in the forums. This game needs these 39 features by next week.



Edited by Sykologist
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It's dead easy, shoot all the fanboys, the trolls will then leave because have no one to bait. The rest of us can then continue in relative peace.


Most threads that suggesting improvements:


Normal player: I’m really enjoying this game but I think aspect A could be improved.


Fanboy replies to normal poster: Go back to WoW, hater. Aspect A is great. WoW wasn’t perfect either when it launched 10 years ago. Leave BW alone, they’re doing a fantastic job. You just don’t understand how MMOs work.


Troll replies to fanboy: This game is rubbish, I’ve cancelled my sub, yet for some reason I’m still bothered enough to post in the forums.


Pretty good assessment. This forum seems to have an unusually high pop of both bois and trolls.

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The fact that these boards are full of negative posters and comments is not because the community is full of crybabies.


Get real folks the forums are full of whingers because the game is a steaming pile of horse turd and completely NOT what was expected, you won't have to put up with it long the game is already dead and buried and won't last until the summer.




Just saying "fact" at the end of your statement doesn't actually make it one.

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8 million, and dropping. Reportedly losing 200k a month. Odd.


Citation? And if even 8 million still dwarfs most MMOs. I really don't get the WOW-hate. It rivals the old M$-hate. I call it the 'Indie-Band Complex'. Certain people love a band UNTIL it becomes popular then it sucks. Same with WOW.

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I disagree, people have issues and that's fine but a ******** of "OMG I'M CANCELLING THIS GAME SUX LOL" threads aren't helping anyone and if that's the way they feel they can show it by not subbing and even getting in contact with support, the forums are not your personal blog and 99% of us don't care if you're subbing next month or not.




We are here because we enjoy the game, but the flamers are here for their own personal agenda and rage fest.


Those who say they are making the game better by raging and flaming in the manner you described, is like saying you are strengthen your relationship by telling your mate they sux on a daily basis.


I doubt that will strengthen that relationship or solve any issues that you had with that individual.


Same thing applies here.

Edited by Fraxture
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tell us, in how many other buggy and unfinished excuses of a MMO releases have you been?


I'd say the forum is pretty par for the course. when the game is the polar opposite of polished and stellar, the forum cant be any better, can it?


Planetside, SWG, EQII, WoW, Vanguard, Warhammer, LotRO, others I'm sure I'm forgetting.


Enough of them I'd say.

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It seems like folk who have a negative view of the game get upset because a lot of folks disagree and Bioware locks non-constructive posts....that is pretty standard in any forum. I think folks are just too use to the anything goes WoW forums.
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I have been around for many mmo launches, and perhaps I'm viewing this with my rose goggles on, but this has to be the worst official forums in the history of ever.


Tell me. Is it always this bad? Am I just remembering it wrong?


If you don't like it, go back to WoW. This is how it is in SWTOR!!!!!

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Normal player: Dear god, what is wrong with people!?


Fanboy replies to normal poster: Go back to WoW, hater. Aspect A is great. WoW wasn’t perfect either when it launched 10 years ago. Leave BW alone, they’re doing a fantastic job. You just don’t understand how MMOs work.


Troll replies to fanboy: This game is rubbish, I’ve cancelled my sub, yet for some reason I’m still bothered enough to post in the forums. This game needs these 39 features by next week.




Not quite sure that’s fixed or that you understand what a troll is. Lots of people (including myself) have suggested improvements. Very few (if any) of those people are saying they need to, or can be added immediately. These people are generally the normal posters, i.e. the fans. Seriously mate, people suggesting improvements aren’t trolling, BW have said the forums are the place to post requests/suggestions for new features. BW have acknowledged that they’re a lot of features people want and have confirmed that new content will come at some point depending on how high priority they are.

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Most are pretty bad, this is a bit much but it's not a surprise. Peoples opinions on the franchise are very strong and 90% of people expect everything to be perfect 100% of the time so they spout off at the mouth via the forums.


If you consider how many people play a game as opposed to how many post in the forums, chances are opinions about the game are not represented in the forums by a longshot. People in forums are so rude and so negative, I think most people would rather shoot their foot than be here.


The only reason I scan them is because of the complete surprise I was taken of by Cataclysm, and knowing that my reason for playing WoW was ruined in part by influence from the forums. Otherwise, I would have nothing to do with them.


If there was one case I could make to the devs of any game it's this: Do everything in your power to encourage a good community in your game, including keeping a lid on the rudness in the forums. It's one thing to show your dislike for a product. It's another to trash it. If I could, I would delete every thread that opened with words like garbage, fail, morons, etc. It's disruptive to the rest of us, and drowns out the ones with good, constructive complaints.

Edited by Centra
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