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Watchmen question


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Why is the watchmen tree the only way to go ? Is it truly the best damage and healing that the combat tree and focus trees are just there for fillers? If it is the case what is the point of the other trees if the watchmen does the best of everything ?
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It's not that it is the only way to go, but it is the most effective when managed properly.


Watchmen has the most potential but is the hardest to manage focus. Essentially combat is effective and is button spamming spec for players who cant really handle watchmen.


I personally would like this model to stay, i for one would rather benfit from a difficult spec to play then have it water down so every noob can use it effective.


Many Sents have approached me after Warzone's for advice but honestly if you can't handle watchmen then just go combat. On a side note I feel like im taking CRAZY PILLS. Just dropped 430k damage, 51-1, 4 node caps and 11000 objective points and we still LOST.......sighhh for the republic failures =(

Edited by Vegathegreat
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Watchmen has the most potential but is the hardest to manage focus.


I don't feel this is true at all. I have excess focus with being able to us force leap right into my rotation as a focus builder. I lvled to 50 as combat, didn't even look at watchman till 50, I felt more starved for focus in this spec and it doesn't quite have the damage output that watchman does. Both specs are really good and Ive played both extensively so pick your poision, neither are easy to play by any means just preference.

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I don't feel this is true at all. I have excess focus with being able to us force leap right into my rotation as a focus builder. I lvled to 50 as combat, didn't even look at watchman till 50, I felt more starved for focus in this spec and it doesn't quite have the damage output that watchman does. Both specs are really good and Ive played both extensively so pick your poision, neither are easy to play by any means just preference.


Using leap as a focus gen is vital yeah; and can be with 5m to 0m leap. Go Focused Leap in Combat and 4 focus is a lot. Also Watchman is good early on, Overload Saber is good right away and you can get it very early. Ataru needs a bit of points in surrounding boxes to be really effective and same with focus. And Watchman remains solid throughout with a touch more survivability with the heals from burns, tho despite seeming low and it is, it does make a difference. But by no means is it the only way for Sent.


It does take some getting used to there's more in your rotation to do and be aware of, but very rewarding personally.

Edited by ErisktheRed
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I leveled as watchman and it was fantastic. I did however, change to combat and focus at 50 just to mix it up a little and explore what some of the other trees had to offer. Combat was solid, as is Focus (current spec). Focus is actually very enjoyable as my Force Sweep crits are very self satisfying (consistently over 3k).


I am thinking about going back to Watchman simply for the heals gained off burn effects as I am finding that my biggest draw back is dying too quickly (Haven't recruited a pocket healer yet). So with a little added survivability I might find a performance increase. I am wary of going back to Watchman though, as I found Overload Saber to be frequently laggy, as I would have to spend about 2-3secs spamming it just for it to activate. I am also under the impression that Watchman might be slightly less gear dependant than at least Combat, due to having dot damage to back up your direct damaging abilities.


All in all, Watchman is quite solid and should be given serious consideration.

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I don't feel this is true at all. I have excess focus with being able to us force leap right into my rotation as a focus builder. I lvled to 50 as combat, didn't even look at watchman till 50, I felt more starved for focus in this spec and it doesn't quite have the damage output that watchman does. Both specs are really good and Ive played both extensively so pick your poision, neither are easy to play by any means just preference.


If you play the game wrong why bother saying anything, you are not being optimal if you have excess focus in watchmen. You cant just force leap into battle, its your only gap closer so unless you know your enemies knockback was just used you cant presume you will get focus from leap.


And im not even gonna begin to explain how being focus starved in the combat tree is close to impossible if you do it correct, the tree is designed around a couple of priority attacks and then spamming your focus dump 31 point talent. The literal design of the tree is so faceroll you cant be focus starved unless you are complete fail.


But anyway, watchmen is the best but the hardest....have to manage focus and make sure merc slash stacks never drop. Focus has tons of mobility and good damage (best aoe also) so it aint all that bad either. And combat is the faceroll tree for all the lil kids who want to play JK but cant handle tracking stacks and focus management correctly.

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If you play the game wrong why bother saying anything, you are not being optimal if you have excess focus in watchmen. You cant just force leap into battle, its your only gap closer so unless you know your enemies knockback was just used you cant presume you will get focus from leap.


And im not even gonna begin to explain how being focus starved in the combat tree is close to impossible if you do it correct, the tree is designed around a couple of priority attacks and then spamming your focus dump 31 point talent. The literal design of the tree is so faceroll you cant be focus starved unless you are complete fail.


But anyway, watchmen is the best but the hardest....have to manage focus and make sure merc slash stacks never drop. Focus has tons of mobility and good damage (best aoe also) so it aint all that bad either. And combat is the faceroll tree for all the lil kids who want to play JK but cant handle tracking stacks and focus management correctly.


Hmmm so it goes Watchmen for elitist jerks who believe they're better than everyone else, Combat is apparently kiddies, and Focus for everyone else. Nifty...

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If you play the game wrong why bother saying anything, you are not being optimal if you have excess focus in watchmen. You cant just force leap into battle, its your only gap closer so unless you know your enemies knockback was just used you cant presume you will get focus from leap.


And im not even gonna begin to explain how being focus starved in the combat tree is close to impossible if you do it correct, the tree is designed around a couple of priority attacks and then spamming your focus dump 31 point talent. The literal design of the tree is so faceroll you cant be focus starved unless you are complete fail.


But anyway, watchmen is the best but the hardest....have to manage focus and make sure merc slash stacks never drop. Focus has tons of mobility and good damage (best aoe also) so it aint all that bad either. And combat is the faceroll tree for all the lil kids who want to play JK but cant handle tracking stacks and focus management correctly.


u r nothing else but rude


all u r saying is "watchman iz best cause i sayz so"


just 4 ur information, every sentinel spec is build around priority attacks, the one and only thing which may make the watchmen tree harder is the proper usage of overload lightsaber to max its damage (aka keep the 3stacks running till the cd wears of every minute).


if u struggle keeping your merc slash stacks up u r just bad, monitoring a 15sec buff u always use as a focus dump on a very high priority is so easy. if u wanna max your dps u should focus on keeping the spell on cd anyway, so the buff isnt even important. its just the same thing as the arp strike in the combat tree.


whatever, i wont argue with such a kiddy like you anymore

Edited by flowqz
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If you play the game wrong why bother saying anything, you are not being optimal if you have excess focus in watchmen. You cant just force leap into battle, its your only gap closer so unless you know your enemies knockback was just used you cant presume you will get focus from leap.


And im not even gonna begin to explain how being focus starved in the combat tree is close to impossible if you do it correct, the tree is designed around a couple of priority attacks and then spamming your focus dump 31 point talent. The literal design of the tree is so faceroll you cant be focus starved unless you are complete fail.


But anyway, watchmen is the best but the hardest....have to manage focus and make sure merc slash stacks never drop. Focus has tons of mobility and good damage (best aoe also) so it aint all that bad either. And combat is the faceroll tree for all the lil kids who want to play JK but cant handle tracking stacks and focus management correctly.


Just amazing an ignorant elitist. Why do you even bother saying **** if it's gonna be your way or no way?

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