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Is it fair to compare SWTOR to WoW?


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The problem is simple. Every new mmo tries to get a piece of wow....subscribers.


Almost 7 billion people in the world, WoW has at most 10 million accounts(how many are singular and even active?). Thus not every MMO needs to penny pinch from WoW, more than enough people in the world, more than enough gamers, that any MMO can have thier own playerbase. Not to mention many play more than one at a time.


By doing so they start with the fact that their game should be as close to wow as possible. Swtor is wow in space...


First off there has been said genre 'MMO' for more than 12 years now, WoW has been around for 7 of those, hence it is not the definition of the genre. There are fundamental basics which pass on to each new MMO since UO - EQ - SWG - WoW and so on.


By your logic, does this not make WoW simply a clone of its predecessors? Again by your logic, could WoW not simply be SWG with dragons?

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part of the reason it is annoying when a 2011/2012 game has ALOT less than it should at launch and people try to stop others complaining saying WoW ( I'm not a WoW player) had 7 years to develop so this needs time too, is that any game made now, HAS had all these games made before with innovative and brilliant ideas, and as SWOTR ( minus VO) has very little that is actually BRAND new to the mmo genre it could of copy and pasted half the worlds mmo content and been a much broader game, for instance ( I say this in a biased manner not a flamer manner as I AM a big PvP person) 3 warzones and world pvp being so bad? I can't see how it was overlooked and left so small and unloved when theres so many games even old ones that have AWESOME ( my opinion) world PVP, E.G. RF online, Aion, DaoC <( on a note I never played DaoC just I have heard its PvP was teh shiz.


I just see it as a '' the hard works done already'' just copy and paste it into star wars and you got a fine and dandy game.

I know someone will moan about me putting 'copy and paste' in there... but take a REAL look at what you are playing? except for VO you are playing just another MMO.

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Swtor to Wow is absolutely fair comparison. Since Wow was the target the devs were going after when they made the game to say otherwise would be just dumb.


The comparison is also fair because it offers everyone a critical point of reference, in terms of how quickly problems were solved in a vs b, how content was added in a vs b.


In terms of my own critical response to SW this comparison also works, because I played Wow what I liked and what carried over was a strong single player element. I can sit down to play if I have an hour, without the need of anyone else to help me, yes there are missions I need other to run with, and I really enjoy that, but my experience and enjoyment of the game is not dependent on grouping. Travel and movement work in a very similar way as well, and I think in these terms, Swtor has been successful in creating detailed and well constructed environments that add to the level of immersion, they are "toony" enough that characters are not a challenge to see, or create headaches, like some other games. Combat also works in a very similar way, and even though Swtor suffers from some responsiveness issues, it still feels like a step up in terms of connectedness to the combat itself.


Yes comparisons to WOW are fair. You don't need to like Wow, or may prefer SWTOR, or vice versa, but the games have a great number of similarities because swtor was modelled after wow. It offers an easy transition for those making the change.

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IMHO developing level based MMORPG nowadays is FAIL by DEFAULT! Why?

Because there is huge, unmovable, undestroyable, ancient (8 years old :)) titan - WoW.

Yes, there are lots of newborned skinny pygmys (Rift, Aion, DCUO etc.), who jumping around this titan and screaming "Just gimme some time, you huge, strong bastard! Ill grow up, become stronger and will kill and eat you!"

But titan just standing there smiling.


Point is that MMORPG community is sick and tired of level based, same quest doing, same craft, almost same PVP games.


We need something like UO/DF. Absolutely huge, seamless, skill based (just copy-paste all skills from UO! not a rocket science!) world, with housing, taming hundreds of mounts, castle sieges, full loot as option, fishing, woodcutting, prospecting, blacksmithing, fletching, tinkering etc.


Just give me leading developer job, EA and ill make MMORPG of dream! :D

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I log into game, chose preferable type of server (pve, pvp, rp...) and create my character, chosing one of two sides in game. After doing some questing i reach lvl 2 and acquire new skill and gear. Game slowly progress with main story, moving me from place to place. In meantime some friendly NPC offer more quest and rewards. Level by level I hit 10. Big moment, couple new changes to the mechanics. I move to new area with a bit harder mob and new look and feeling. And I also have new tool to customize my character: skill tree split in 3 parts... You know rest of the story. Cap limit and end game contest are last one. Some battlegrounds, crafting in meantime.


What game I play? It so-called themepark mmorpg. Famous examples are WOW, SWTOR, RIft.


Now, is it fair to compare SWTOR to WoW? No! Why? Because ex-WOW players are tired with WOW and are looking for some new game and reminding them of similarities buildup a lot of negative energies. For sanity sake, its not fair.


Sorry for my grammatic, I'm not en native speaker.

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It is because every WoW addon is like a reset, more of a replacement. They have to redo, rebalance and invent stuff. And they do well, very very very well compared to this.


I am not even comparing the amout of content.

I compare how bug free it is, how well things work which they have ingame and how it looks like.


SWTOR = console port, for sure they will announce this game for Xbox360 soon.

It has maximum compatiblility: DX9, no dynamic lights/shadows, no physics, lowres textures...

Edited by squiek
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Almost 7 billion people in the world, WoW has at most 10 million accounts(how many are singular and even active?). Thus not every MMO needs to penny pinch from WoW, more than enough people in the world, more than enough gamers, that any MMO can have thier own playerbase. Not to mention many play more than one at a time.




First off there has been said genre 'MMO' for more than 12 years now, WoW has been around for 7 of those, hence it is not the definition of the genre. There are fundamental basics which pass on to each new MMO since UO - EQ - SWG - WoW and so on.


By your logic, does this not make WoW simply a clone of its predecessors? Again by your logic, could WoW not simply be SWG with dragons?


Take out all of those 7 billion in the world who can't Play wow because they're starving and such. Take out all the people living in areas you aren't allowed to Play WoW and even barely the internet. Take out the amount of people who DONT PLAY VIDEO GAMES(yes ik i thought everyone in the world does this) take out the amount of gamers that don't enjoy mmos whatsoever. Then from there you can get a decent amount(Blizzard has said about i believ i ts 30-40 million accounts have been made on WoW thats MOST of the mmo market that has tried WoW at some point. That in turn means that when more than a quarter of all the mmo market is preoccupied in one game you'll prolly wanna steal some of those subs.


Just saying 7 billion is stupid to throw out. Maybe at most there's 50million mmo gamers(bs from what i can tell) that stick with mmos. If i go through the top 2 mmos atm thatss 12million or so(wow+aion) if i added all mmos atm it'll prolly be sitting just around if not short of 20million. So in turn that means WoW currently has about 50% of the mmo market that actually plays an mmo more than just a few days and leave

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The one thing this game has that WoW hasn't had for me in ages is the feeling I should be playing more than 4 hours a week. There is no point in playing WoW anymore outside of raiding. Now that they have made it where 99.9% of their players are raiders then they have inevitably killed their retainer factor. The key for SWTOR is to always keep people entertained and the only way to do that is keep things to attain and improve your character.


The moment a game loses that it loses its playerbase. Granted SWTOR is new and there is no way it can have enough content to keep people that play 20 hours a day happy there is plenty here for people that play 40 hours a week. If you are playing this game more than you work than most likely no MMO out is going to keep your attention anymore.

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The one thing this game has that WoW hasn't had for me in ages is the feeling I should be playing more than 4 hours a week. There is no point in playing WoW anymore outside of raiding. Now that they have made it where 99.9% of their players are raiders then they have inevitably killed their retainer factor. The key for SWTOR is to always keep people entertained and the only way to do that is keep things to attain and improve your character.


The moment a game loses that it loses its playerbase. Granted SWTOR is new and there is no way it can have enough content to keep people that play 20 hours a day happy there is plenty here for people that play 40 hours a week. If you are playing this game more than you work than most likely no MMO out is going to keep your attention anymore.


99.9% of WoW players are not raiders. its actually a very low number of raiders that even attempt or kill a heroic version. Or are u talking about lfr? Some people still don't use it but alot do.


Of course TOR is alot different with the Easy mode jump into raiding with Greens on Raid that noone will ever do because its obviously hard >.>


I honestly think most people who say they have the new "in love" factor with this game wil lose it very soon. Its a new game people enjoy new games and after a few weeks when its no longer so new there's not that much of a reason to play it either :)

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Take out all of those 7 billion in the world who can't Play wow because they're starving and such. Take out all the people living in areas you aren't allowed to Play WoW and even barely the internet. Take out the amount of people who DONT PLAY VIDEO GAMES(yes ik i thought everyone in the world does this) take out the amount of gamers that don't enjoy mmos whatsoever. Then from there you can get a decent amount(Blizzard has said about i believ i ts 30-40 million accounts have been made on WoW thats MOST of the mmo market that has tried WoW at some point. That in turn means that when more than a quarter of all the mmo market is preoccupied in one game you'll prolly wanna steal some of those subs.


Just saying 7 billion is stupid to throw out. Maybe at most there's 50million mmo gamers(bs from what i can tell) that stick with mmos. If i go through the top 2 mmos atm thatss 12million or so(wow+aion) if i added all mmos atm it'll prolly be sitting just around if not short of 20million. So in turn that means WoW currently has about 50% of the mmo market that actually plays an mmo more than just a few days and leave



Was simply showing that there is potential for a very large pool of subscribers, so to say EVERY MMO has to take subs from WoW is a little silly.


I did find a stat somewhere (can't find it for love nor money at the moment) that of the top 5 MMO's (based on active subscriptions and pre TOR) showed WoW to take up 29% of that player base. That leaves 71% that can be taken just as easily from the other 4 top MMO's, not to mention the scraps that can be taken form outside the top 5.


I also see you did not reply to my second point :eek:.

Edited by Jacobites
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