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Is it fair to compare SWTOR to WoW?


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I played WoW for 6 years. I knew the game inside out, which rotation to use to get the best dps/healing etc, where to get all the best gear, how to use crafting to make loads of gold. I had studies theory crafting and turned the game into a series of unquestionable requirements. No mystery, no doubt, no excitement in the end. I got bored not because the game was bad, Its not. It’s a brilliant achievement and head and shoulders above anything else out there. I got bored because there was nothing left to discover.

I tried playing Rift but it was just too much of a WoW clone. All the predictability with none of the functionality of WoW.


Now I’m playing SWTOR and I agree it’s not anywhere near as polished as WoW but it is different enough that it doesn’t feel like a clone and I can ignore its shortfalls while there is so much new stuff to learn. I don’t have the best gear, I haven’t figured out crafting properly, I haven’t decided how best to gear my companion or even which companion to use. I’m still experimenting with rotations and having to go by feel rather bash a target dummy then check recount. I love the fact that the game hasn’t been theory-crafted yet and that there are still things left to discover.


The challenge for BW is to develop the game so that I will still want to play in 6 months time. By then I will have discovered and explored most of what the game has to offer. This is the point where the niggles that everyone, quite frankly is over reacting about now, will start to become an issue. I do hope BW doesn’t try to make a WoW clone though. Most of the complaints I see here are along the lines of. SWTOR doesn’t do this but WoW did. I don’t care about macro’s or add-ons or any of the crap that turned WoW into a geekfest and removed its soul. All these things are the same for everyone, you’re all dealing with the same limitations. The challenge now is to DISCOVER how to get the best performance and more importantly the most fun out of your game.

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Just looking at the Title, No its not fair, This game has been out for less than a Month and Its more fun to Play than WoW, the Smoothness of this game is not more than 60% yet, but still, In less than 3-4 months Itll be most likely the Best MMO to date. It just needs Tweaking.


The only downfall I forsee is I think the mass Storyline will get boring after 3-4th Alt, Maybe thats just me, but I bet it will be less for some and perhaps more for others.


I'll just say give it time and Things will unfold.

Edited by Alohen
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I played WoW for 6 years. I knew the game inside out, which rotation to use to get the best dps/healing etc, where to get all the best gear, how to use crafting to make loads of gold. I had studies theory crafting and turned the game into a series of unquestionable requirements. No mystery, no doubt, no excitement in the end. I got bored not because the game was bad, Its not. It’s a brilliant achievement and head and shoulders above anything else out there. I got bored because there was nothing left to discover.

I tried playing Rift but it was just too much of a WoW clone. All the predictability with none of the functionality of WoW.


Now I’m playing SWTOR and I agree it’s not anywhere near as polished as WoW but it is different enough that it doesn’t feel like a clone and I can ignore its shortfalls while there is so much new stuff to learn. I don’t have the best gear, I haven’t figured out crafting properly, I haven’t decided how best to gear my companion or even which companion to use. I’m still experimenting with rotations and having to go by feel rather bash a target dummy then check recount. I love the fact that the game hasn’t been theory-crafted yet and that there are still things left to discover.


The challenge for BW is to develop the game so that I will still want to play in 6 months time. By then I will have discovered and explored most of what the game has to offer. This is the point where the niggles that everyone, quite frankly is over reacting about now, will start to become an issue. I do hope BW doesn’t try to make a WoW clone though. Most of the complaints I see here are along the lines of. SWTOR doesn’t do this but WoW did. I don’t care about macro’s or add-ons or any of the crap that turned WoW into a geekfest and removed its soul. All these things are the same for everyone, you’re all dealing with the same limitations. The challenge now is to DISCOVER how to get the best performance and more importantly the most fun out of your game.




Every MMO out for a while will be compared to WoW. WoW was huge, and it did its job well for the most part.


To expect an MMO to come out and be just as polished as WoW is asinine unless the maker of that MMO is Blizzard. They take time to make right, and love from the developers.

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No, for me the only thing thats the same between the games is that their both MMO. So far Im enjoying the questing, and I never did that in wow. The story and the feel of the game is totaly different than wow.


Thats how I feel.

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No, for me the only thing thats the same between the games is that their both MMO. So far Im enjoying the questing, and I never did that in wow. The story and the feel of the game is totaly different than wow.


Thats how I feel.


if the only thing that is the same is that its an mmo then u sir are crazy

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The problem is simple. Every new mmo tries to get a piece of wow....subscribers. By doing so they start with the fact that their game should be as close to wow as possible. Swtor is wow in space... besides the 8 personal stories ofcourse which are great ..other than that its exactly as you said.. You know what items you will get eventually by grinding either pve /pvp ... Commendations for almost everything give the set items and after 50...the expansion will come out and we will go for new 60 lvlo items and then 70 and then 75 and then panda..ops...


Answer to problem... personally i would like the element of suprise ..in both terms of crafting and drop loots from monsters/boss world wide etc... Not everyone walking around in 2-3 months from now with the same exact looks..armor etc. You want to keep the commendations..keep them to buy mats for crafting.. guild upgrades/ship upgrades furniture whatever non substantial....keep the very good stuff random drops or extremely difficult to collect and craft. Diablo had a huge success 10 years ago and will probably still do in a few months because it implemented the randomness of dungeons and drops...( hundreds of prefixs/suffices )..and it was 2000@ now we are 2012...where is the innovation...????


Dont tell me space combat......You can probably get that type of fun on a browser game soon...

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Sure it is fair. They are both great games in their own right.


What makes a game successful is the feeling you get when you wake up in the morning and all you can think of doing is playing that game. However, then you open your eyes, look at the clock and realize that you are awake and have to go to work at a job that you probably do not like. All day long you can not wait till you get home so you can play the game you want till the wee hours of the morning.


That is what makes a game a success. So if WoW ever gave you that feeling then comparing the two games is completely fair. After all, we are all playing this game to have that same feeling for this game as we did for our last one.

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Let me make comparison WoW with SWTOR, my dear friends.


First automobile appeared in 1806. It was first car with no cabin, steam engine and wooden wheels.

WoW (and EQ1) appeared in 2004. It was first (one of the) level based (1997 UO was skill based :p) graphical (there was text MUD of course) MMORPG. WoW was like first automobile. Now its something like Bentley Continental Flying Spur. Big and comfy, full of features.


Now it is 2012. And it doesnt mean that that new cars can be created with steam engine, wooden wheels and just later on will get internal combustion engine, cabin, modern wheels, climate etc. If its is so, such cars company is bankrupt!


Something like that :)

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Yes, it is fair.

People are NOT going to compare the game age when choosing. They will NOT care that this game just came out. They will NOT "give it more time". They will choose the one that can provide more fun. If it's WoW, because it has more content, than it's WoW. If it's Tor for ANY other reason, it's Tor.

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The problem is simple. Every new mmo tries to get a piece of wow....subscribers. By doing so they start with the fact that their game should be as close to wow as possible. Swtor is wow in space... besides the 8 personal stories ofcourse which are great ..other than that its exactly as you said.. You know what items you will get eventually by grinding either pve /pvp ... Commendations for almost everything give the set items and after 50...the expansion will come out and we will go for new 60 lvlo items and then 70 and then 75 and then panda..ops...


Answer to problem... personally i would like the element of suprise ..in both terms of crafting and drop loots from monsters/boss world wide etc... Not everyone walking around in 2-3 months from now with the same exact looks..armor etc. You want to keep the commendations..keep them to buy mats for crafting.. guild upgrades/ship upgrades furniture whatever non substantial....keep the very good stuff random drops or extremely difficult to collect and craft. Diablo had a huge success 10 years ago and will probably still do in a few months because it implemented the randomness of dungeons and drops...( hundreds of prefixs/suffices )..and it was 2000@ now we are 2012...where is the innovation...????


Dont tell me space combat......You can probably get that type of fun on a browser game soon...


This. Its not exactly fair BUT the game does feel much closer to BC/vanilla WoW than cata. While overall game and flashpoints and such feel much like cata. It feels weird as hell having loading screens 24/7 in an mmo and the combat is clunky. Even wow at release had better combat(trust me this is terrible people want fluid combat now). If TOR was trying to get new people into MMOs and not aim for WoW subs/Ex subs it could be something special but atm its not trying to do anything new.


Sadly the endgame isn't even close to anywhere near done. Think after the amount of time they'd at least be able to name the mobs in the instance(beast mob 1/2/3) and learn how to tune to gear for heroic Flashpoints.


I want to play TOR it just feels old as hell. Im just gonna stick with WoW with my guild of 5 years for now and come back in 4-6 months and see if its any better and if its grown. I just feel like this could possibly be one of the Biggest MMO fails ever. Ik Ik ill get flamed for what i just said but these forums are just like all the other Big mmo forums that are released. Got lots of Drones saying JUST GIVE THEM TIME(just like u said o its only in beta!) and eventually they're still around and the Game is even more dead than before with only a few servers.


I just think even if u enjoy the game don't be blind to the idea that it can fail just because of Clunky combat. Don't be blind to the fact that Bioware hasn't tested much of the game past 35 it seems and endgame is serverly lacking. U guys want the game to succeed but if someone disagrees with BW and says XX can really kill an mmo because XX mmo lost alot of Subs because of this before and you say HAHA MAKE UR OWN MMO AND SEE HOW EASY IT IS THEN YOU CAN TALK! you'll ruin the game faster than EA

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Yes, it is fair.

People are NOT going to compare the game age when choosing. They will NOT care that this game just came out. They will NOT "give it more time". They will choose the one that can provide more fun. If it's WoW, because it has more content, than it's WoW. If it's Tor for ANY other reason, it's Tor.


The time issue is huge. People had time to let WoW build up because there wasn't a serious big competitor at the time of wow Release.(Eq1 basically dead EQ2 not out) now you don't have the luxury as a game developer to wait 4-6 months to get **** out. It needs to be fast within the first 3 with ALOT in the first month. It sucks for new games its just the fact nowadays. Now if WoW was really low on Subs(eq1 at wow release) and TOR was released and blizzard hadn't released(for a random MMO name) WoW2 tor would have time to build. Fact is TOR has to build up and Fast. We have Tera,Gw2 and MoP(don't pretend MoP won't get alot of people to resub) not counting alot of other time eaters such as Heart of the Swarm and Diablo 3!

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wow used to be compared to those that came before it but got so big it eclipsed them, it did not start out by eclipsing them it had to earn that.


and yes, it is fair to compare them they have many similarities.. just as wow did to everquest and swg.. click buttons whack stuff, other people there with you, go hit stuff together, level up.. same species, different genus. People compare cars against each other, no different from games of different makes, but you dont really compare a bmw with a horse and cart.

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Part of the gamemechanics are about the same, you can compare them (auctionhouse, quests, leveling for example). That happens all the time...part likes the animations that come with the quest, others prefer quests handed in another fashion. It often just have to do with taste.


Part of the gamemechanics is completely different (lightside/darkside, social points, the purpose of a companion), you can like them or dislike them but hardly compare them.

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