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Why every MMO is a failure


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As the title suggests, I wanted to lay it out for the whole community why every MMO is a failure. This is through consistent observation of forums and general chat, every time I play a new MMO or one is on the horizon. Feel free to contribute your own favorites:



  • [other MMO] is better in every way
  • Classes are imbalanced
  • Nothing to do at level cap
  • PvP is imbalanced
  • [insert class] are OP
  • [my class] is useless in PvE / PvP
  • Quests are too linear
  • Quest are too grindy
  • Leveling takes too long
  • Leveling is too fast
  • End-Game is too easy
  • End-Game is too hard
  • [insert parent company CEO] ruined the game and is greedy
  • Developers have their head up their asses
  • Too many noobs
  • Too many hardcore elitists
  • [inster developer] sold out
  • The game was better in [insert patch / xpac]
  • Too much lag
  • Animations / graphics are bad
  • Too many bugs that are easy to fix, they should just fix them, duh
  • I make dumb decisions and the GMs won't fix it for me every time
  • [new MMO title] is almost out and will destroy [current MMO]



I'm sure I'm missing some gems here.


I'm sorry Bioware, you're kind of screwed, but it's not your fault. If there is one thing people love more than playing an MMO, it's complaining about it.

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Have to agree with OP. Some wil love the games when they come out but many others will hate on it for one reason or another. Why is that??? Who knows. Every MMO suffers from the same complaints at one time or another. SWTOR will be no different. The WoW people will want it to be more like WoW. The EQ people will want it like EQ.


I am a firm believer that until the holodeck is invented like in the StarTrek shows no one will be truly happy.

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"Most MMOs fail


Don't be fooled by the much-hyped success of the top MMOs on the market. The game industry is littered with the carnage of MMOs that have failed over the past few years. Due largely to the social nature of MMOs, gamers rarely commit to more than one or two MMOs at a time. This is in contrast to the traditional game market, in which there is room for many games to be successful, even within the same genre. You may play ten different action games this year, but you are very unlikely to play more than one or two MMOs. This means that it is not enough to make a great game – instead you must make a game that is so overwhelmingly superior that it can actively break apart an established community and bring that community to your game. In today's market, that is a tall order.


Regardless of the business model, the primary factor that determines whether an MMO lives or dies is the size of its active player base. There appears to be a tipping point at around 150,000 players. MMOs that reach this critical mass within a few months of release tend to continue to grow and thrive, and those that do not tend to shrink and ultimately die. The majority of MMOs that are released into the market never reach this threshold.


This is a tough industry, and only the most committed studios and publishers with solid long-term financial backing should be undertaking MMO development. I can assure you that releasing an MMO into the market before the development team is proud of it will result in writing off every penny invested in its development. The best publishers are willing to give development teams time for polish and balance. In the MMO market, there is simply no other option, and many publishers are not willing to make this commitment."



Derp, this is why

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McDonalds sells crappy burgars to millions of people around the world, doesn't make their food good.


I agree. But I didn't say anything about the quality of the product. Popularity does not mean quality. I was merely pointing out that WoW was in fact a success and not a failure. Quality products are not always successful and successful products are not always quality.


Using your own example we can also say that McDonalds is a success because millions of people spend money on their product daily. WoW is a success because of the very same reason.


Anyway, all that is by the by now as apparently this thread was a joke. Hey ho, I'll never understand some people's idea of humour.

Edited by Mandrax
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I agree. But I didn't say anything about the quality of the product. Popularity does not mean quality. I was merely pointing out that WoW was in fact a success and not a failure. Using your own example we can also say that McDonalds is a success because millions of people spend money on their product daily.


Anyway, all that is by the by now as apparently this thread was a joke. Hey ho, I'll never understand some people's idea of humour.


Except it's not a joke at all - Browse any WoW forums for an hour, you'll find almost everything I've listed being complained about there. Believe me, logic or reason holds no place when providing feedback on a video game. This is also regardless of whether or not it's actually a failure in reality.

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I agree. But I didn't say anything about the quality of the product. Popularity does not mean quality. I was merely pointing out that WoW was in fact a success and not a failure. Quality products are not always successful and successful products are not always quality.


Using your own example we can also say that McDonalds is a success because millions of people spend money on their product daily. WoW is a success because of the very same reason.


Anyway, all that is by the by now as apparently this thread was a joke. Hey ho, I'll never understand some people's idea of humour.




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Ok, so WoW had and still has many of those problems. Where does that leave your 'failure' theory now?


Uhhmmm pretty certain OP wasn't actually sharing a valid theory as much as he was illustrating the fickle nature of MMO community members. :D

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Greetings everyone!


While we appreciate the constructive discussion on the topic of the various subjects you may find on an MMO forum; we ask that threads revolve around discussion of Star Wars™: The Old Republic™. We are going to go ahead and close this for being off-topic.


We look forward to your discussion of the game and thank you for your feedback!

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