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Inquisitor Alignment


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So I was kinda just trying to get a feel from other story/rp people on this. I am a Sorcerer and I am kinda stuck between light and dark side right now with my choices. I have gone from dark 3 to light 1 and back to dark 2. I do want to pick to either go full dark or light at some point.


From a story perspective I mainly go dark side for my class story choices but most other things are light side. What is the "feel" people think of for light side inquisitor?


I like to go with personal power choices, but if that is not being interfered with I go with helping the empire as a whole or putting resources to better use. This gets me caught in the middle. I plan on grinding points to either dark or light in BT. Just wondering from an RPish perspective what people think.


(Sorry if it is confusing or long winded. Its late! :p )


Thank you

Edited by Raviix
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I personally would go dark all the way as the alignment does affect the over all story of your character based on these choices tried not have companions with me when i go dark in case i lose too much influence. But its nice to play the bad guy shocking or finishing off bosses for good with a quick sabre stroke.
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You don't have to ask people's opinion imo. Pick what feels right for you. I'm playing an inquisitor, and finished a warrior so far. My warrior was so screwed up tho... BioWare did wrong stuff with the alignment, as they see freeing violent people is light side when killing them is dark side, and trading with someone to benefit empire is light side where killing it directly is dark side... There are many many alignment problems in the game so far!
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Killing someone is a bit Dark Sided though as opposed to keeping them alive to face Imperial/Republic courts. I do agree some of the Dark Side/Light Side options are head scratchers for sure. But most are pretty clear cut if you think about it.
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I have a lvl 25 sorcerer and he's sitting at Light 2. I don't RP on him but he has certainly developed a personality! (used to RP in wow) The way I see it with this character is this: yes, he is power hungry...but not at the cost of screwing over someone who is oppressed. He get's a sense of personal power from letting someone live especially if there really is no good reason to kill that person, i.e. they are obviously not a traitor to the Empire. In other words, my Sith does not believe violence and destruction is always the answer and pathway to power.


I understand Ratatakki are a blood thirsty race, but if my Sith was once a slave, I can certainly see the Light Side at war with the Dark Side within him...especially when it comes to dealing with others who are oppressed like he once was. Or at the very least, his light side choices will have consequences that will totally surprise me in the storyline a bit down the road xD. At any rate, I'm looking forward to finding out.


Now, that doesn't mean he's not a complete A-hole who totally looks down on everyone else. I'm just saying that for a character to be a Sith, I don't buy into the whole, "I MUST BE DARK ALL THE" thinking. To me, that's boring. xD


On a side note, Khem Val is only at 2000 affection lol...big shocker there. I sense he want's to eat me in one bite ROFL

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I'm Light 3 for my inquisitor with some DS points mostly seeing that the Empire is his home now and that its power is more important than just his own(though being a slave he had a few stick it to the Empire moments) and he likes to win the hearts and minds of people with kindness instead of fear also a thing from an RP perspective I see him thinking is this.


"Being a slave I faced cruelty, torture, hate, powerlessness, fear, and pain sometimes I wish it on others the rest I just wish it to stop."

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Ok after sleeping on it I think my one qualm I need to deal with is that if I am light side I can't use a red lightsaber. To me that is actually a pretty big issue, even though I dont use the stupid thing ever.


Also I don't know if I made it clear in the first post but my class quests choices usually end up being dark side, everything else is normally light side. I feel like this makes me seem far more deceptive and manipulating then a full dark side inquisitor. People think I am soft and always looking out for the good of the Empire. Behind it all I am ruthless in my pursuit of power, I just simply am not above using pawns to get what I want.

Edited by Raviix
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I'm a Level 5 LS Sith Inquisitor... make the choices you want to make... seriously. My character failed Sith School, he was a slave and couldn't accept the philosophy of his overseers, but that was his personal decision.


Also, if you want to grind LS or DS at some point, Diplomacy, seriously. It's so easy to get exactly what you want (on top of companion gifts for affection)

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