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[Video] PVP Tips for Vanguard's Harpoon Pull Ability


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This is my third gameplay / guide video for the Trooper Vanguard / Bounty Hunter Powertech advanced class in Star Wars: The Old Republic. The material covered in this video is relevant to players of Vanguard and Powertech as they're mirror classes.


The video provides detailed educational commentary on using the Harpoon (Grapple) ability, which is a ranged pull that can be used for killing opponents, preventing them from scoring, and peeling for friendly players.


As discussed in the video, to maximize the impact of a pull:

1. you can stun your opponent after pulling them into an acid or fire pit

2. you can spec into the tanking tree to gain a 3-sec root effect


Make sure to not waste your pull ability on a target with a full or a declining Resolve bar as the target is immune to CC in both cases.


For more discussion about this video, please check out the blog article:


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Easily my favorite ability. So easy to manipulate people. Many people know this also, but the pull places people directly in front of you if you stand still. So if you stand near the edges on the 2nd point in void star, you can drop people directly in the pit.


Also, if someone is about to round a corner and you pull, they will occasionally get roped into the wall and get disoriented/stuck.

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the pull places people directly in front of you if you stand still. So if you stand near the edges on the 2nd point in void star, you can drop people directly in the pit.


Brilliant :)


Also, if someone is about to round a corner and you pull, they will occasionally get roped into the wall and get disoriented/stuck.


That sounds like an unintended mechanic, so that's something I would not do.


another good but extremely hard move to pull off (with practice its easy) is to be on the top ledges of a wall and pull someone at you while jumping off. They will be pulled over the wall and to you and your friends >:D


Very interesting.


I hadn't thought of the implications of the pull having such a high arc. You found a great use for it.

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Hah! Yeah, I've been doing that, too. Only level 26 so far, but ever since I got Harpoon, life has been great in Hutball. Once I finish specing into the tanking immobilization talent, I'm sure it'll be even more evil :p


But thanks for the video. Was good to see someone using Harpoon as it should be used.

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another good but extremely hard move to pull off (with practice its easy) is to be on the top ledges of a wall and pull someone at you while jumping off. They will be pulled over the wall and to you and your friends >:D


I've done this a few times on top of the wall at middle in Alderaan. I can't do it consistently though, they usually get hung on the wall. A double pull should work though. One person to pull up on the wall, the other person to pull down to the other side.


Would be good for removing a healer from the fight at middle.

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Great tips, as always.


Couple of random thoughts (mostly on HB since that's what your video focuses on).


First, some warnings for lower lvl players who just got harpoon/grapple and are having fun pulling people into the hazards:


- just because you blow up instantly when you step into the fire, don't assume a lvl 50 with 5k+ more hitpoints than you will. I've seen players take very little damage from hazards, so some cooldowns at least seem to mitigate their damage. Especially the acid doesn't do a massive amount of damage unless you catch someone for a full stun duration in it. Against a more powerful opponent (whether due to lvl, gear or skill), the ability to remove them from the fight temporarily is often much more valuable than doing damage to them (damage that doesn't lead to a kill is just meter padding).


- this follows on from the above: don't stand next to the fire and stare triumphantly at your victim, expecting that they will just eat your stun and evaporate. If their cds are up they may get out, run through you and knock you right into your own death trap. Happened to me quite a few times... But stay within 10m or LOS them in case they pull the same stunt on you (yes, that also happened to me a few times).


- don't waste a 45s cd. Yes, it's fun to pull a lvl 10 into the fire and make a mental note to check out his "Exploit!!!!11!!" thread lateron... actually, I'm no longer sure where I was going with this.


And some very obvious points on pulling the ball carrier:


- this one isn't actually for vanguards/powertechs, it's for everyone else: don't stun the ball carrier on the final bridge just because you can. Unless you're certain to get a kill (in which case do stun to prevent a pass) stunning the carrier in that position isn't doing much and may prevent more useful cc (such as grapple) from being used to prevent a goal.


- don't use the exploit: I've done it once (not on the carrier) and felt dirty. I don't often feel dirty.


- decent teams will try to control the high ground and (if you let them) the finishing line before going for goal. This means the carrier you just pulled into the pit will just jump/get life gripped back up or will pass. Pulling down another player could potentially be more useful. But don't jump into the pit if you're not already there thinking you'll save the day: against a team with multiple players in good positions, a fire+stun is imo usually the better last-ditch attempt (which won't work though- see above).


- this one might just work against a pug (I've done it a few times and I suck): sometimes a defending team that kills the carrier forgets that they're not out of danger until the ball is far away from their goal line. If the other team move past you (eg you were on the other side of the bridges hoping for a pass that never came), you may be able to creep up behind them, pull the carrier back or up (from the pit) into the fire, get the ball, activate hydraulic overrides/htl and run off for an easy score.

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Taugrim I remember you from Rift on Harrow. Surprised to see you went Reb, after playing Defiant I was sure you would go imperial. Either way nice to see you in SWTOR!


Have fun ;)!


I don't really care about faction in games.


I wanted to roll Republic because it was going to be (and is on most PVP / RP-PVP servers) the underpopulated faction, but we joined a PVP guild bent on rolling Empire.


We re-rolled on another server to play Republic for the faster pops and more challenging World PVP environment.

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The video provides detailed educational commentary on using the Harpoon (Grapple) ability, which is a ranged pull that can be used for killing opponents, preventing them from scoring, and peeling for friendly players.


It sounds like we're going to see a lot of folks pulling (ahem) tricks from the old Death Knight books here with regards to Harpoon/Grapple. It's also a nasty, cruel way to sacrifice yourself- IIRC, you should be able to suicide-jump in some areas and take the harpoon'd victim with you, world PvP included. If you're willing to take yourself out of the equation to let the team have an advantage, this might be an ugly way to do it.

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You couldn't use Death Grip to pull while you were falling in WoW, though. So, it wasn't possible to pull people off of cliffs. :)


Sort of. You could DG when being knocked back, but if you were the one doing the jump/fall, it wouldn't work. It WAS a really rude thing to do when someone KB'ed you off a wall or the like, but poetic justice when it worked.

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