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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What grade would you give Bioware today?


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You forgot the fact that we each get a spaceship and there is spaceship combat. Plus everyone gets companions. Both are pluses, so if it's a wow clone in every other way then SWTOR is just a bit better. Considering I'm sick of WOW at the very least it will be different. Maybe it's just lightsabers and blasters instead of swords and arrows, but at least it is different. Kind of like rerolling a new character right after cata in wow.


Orite, thanks for reminding me.


6) Space combat is like playing a really bad version of Star Fox 64. You'll never do it again after your 3rd or so time.


7) Companions are literally just pets for every class that you can use as slaves to sell your grays.

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It's not even 5 days out yet, so I don't understand what you're complaining about. once you get to 5 days out MAYBE.


Furthermore, I can't see how anyone can grade the launch, when the game hasn't even been launched yet and won't be for another 6 days.


I just stated that im hoping i get my mail tomorrow lol.


I dont think people understand.

Everyone who has ordered the game has basically pre-ordered it. Therefore everyone of us are waiting for emails to get early access. I dont think people understand that this is Launch. this is launch on an individual level over 7 days. The launch is being done over 7days, so theres no server stability issues on the 20th. Yes the 20th is the official date, because at that point (fingers crossed) all or most pre-ordered users should be ingame. but its not launch date lol. If it was the launch day, then we would have another beta weekend issue lol.


If the game wasnt launched. all of those who can play right now, shouldnt be allowed too. Clearly this isnt the case. Its apart of the launch process to feed populations onto their servers.

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Haha, if I was to compare this to how a teacher must rate an essay, I wouldn't even consider giving a F. Instead I'd give the student back his paper and tell him to start from scratch, again.


I'm just a guy in a larger group of friends who all, are waiting to start geeking out this game. Although if I had to think of all the issues, questions me and my friends have had. I must say if it wasn't because of the universe, I wouldn't even bother paying the gametime.


At first people thought that if you pre-ordered you could play from atleast the 15th. Then it was before the 20th. And now.. Well they are letting people in larger groups. Does this mean that the provider is not even confident in their own product? Does this mean that they think their servers will crash if they just had a full-scale opening? Heck I dont know. All I know is that after trying out the beta. I answered some questions on some sheet. I recall one of the questions being "How long do you exspect to wait on game launch" (or atleast something like that). And without knowing, people in general (who have tried MMOs before.) most people would exspect long waiting queues.


Now we are stuck with the message that an email would be sent out EVENTUALLY. Eventually, I'm like what the?


Also; Why are the americans servers more populated than the europeans one? I surely hope they are not walking down the dark path. Considering I've seen other games having their main priority on the american servers and then secondly on the europeans. What is that? -Garbage day, imo.

Q: Did americans get early acces before us, same time or is just random?

Edited by Abekatten
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1. Never told us when we'd get access. 1000's of fans took today off work and school and for what? To sit around all day hoping to get an invite that never came.


2. Only gave access to the first 6 days of pre-orders. They have 150 more days to go.


3. The Bioware team calls it quits at 2pm CST and heads home for the night.


4. All current available servers have been XP pvp exploited.


5 All current servers except one are "Light" or "standard" population, and those lucky enough to get in game, can't find groups because the entire world is mostly empty.


6. Crappy UI


7. No combat log


I'll play my first 30 free days then I'm done with Bioware forever.


It's like Ford. My dad bought a brand new Ford Tempo in 1989. The thing was the biggest piece of junk you'd ever seen.


I will never, ever buy a Ford because of that.



So let me see if I understand you. You hate the game (because obviously an F would signify how it is horrid) but you still plan on playing it for 30 days, which means you intend on keeping your pre-order?


I am boggled by the fact that you would even waste your time playing for a limited number of days when you will surely be "done with Bioware forever" soon enough.


Personally, I believe that all of this rage comes down to the fact that people are having a number 1 fit because they cannot get in immediately and so would go as far to downgrade the game that actually has a release date of the 20th listed on their site.




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i give it a solid D.


there's nothing new in this game.adding VA's and a dialogue wheel doesn't make the any game better.the game is like every MMO out there.it feels a bit outdated.


it feels like if they just added a layer of Space fantasy in WoW. ( i don't like WoW) the game isn't bad,but it not great. the game doesn't try stand out and doesn't try something new and refreshing in the MMO genre.


they still have their dedicated Healer,tank and stuff.after doing your main quest you either PVP(pvp sucks in this game) or farm the instances and do dailies to do raid. this is the same thing you do in WoW,Rift ect.


150 million was put into this game.the graphics aren't good.the gameplay is the same as every MMO out there.every class ends up with the same ending in their "deep story".


and out of the MANY race Bioware could had picked.every race is Humanoid..... IT'S STAR WARS im pretty sure they could had added non humanoid race.but i guess they didn't want to go through the trouble of adjusting how armor looks on them.so now EVERY race looks the same with just a different color.


people that play WoW,rift,EQ WILL love this MMO.but people tired of those game will not.


they should had gotten things from Star Wars Galaxies and stuff.


GW2 sounds different from any MMO out there.

-enemies have no auto attack

- no dedicated healer or tank

-every class has a healing spell for themselves ( if you die,it's because you didn't move away from the attack or didn't heal yourself)

-looks like a new Gen MMO



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Pre-order this high quality rubber sink plug and you will receive up to 5 free Ferraris!





Just saying; that they gave themselves a caveat to get out of giving what they offer does not make it more acceptable EXCEPT from a legal standpoint. From a social standpoint, it's ****.



The damage to the brand is not legal; it is social. That "YOU" (collective, not specific) personally don't mind starting 5 days after everyone else, and are happy to put up with the pitfalls that instills in equality of market, doesn't mean that everyone else should. Personally, SW:TOR wasn't even remotely on my radar 5 months ago, I didn't know it existed. Now I'm being punished for that.


Tiered beginnings to an MMO, where market control is EVERYTHING for early monetary game, is absolute rubbish. If their concern re: crowding was real, they should have found another way around it; phasing, for example. The Rift release, which was the last major MMO release I took part in, managed to get everyone with prerelease access playing at the same time, with little difficulty. It was busy, and it was slightly laggy, but there was no inequality in access, and there were PEOPLE around. There was **** going on everywhere, and it was great. I later left the game because frankly it sucked, but the release was fun.

Edited by Delekii
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1. Never told us when we'd get access. 1000's of fans took today off work and school and for what? To sit around all day hoping to get an invite that never came.


2. Only gave access to the first 6 days of pre-orders. They have 150 more days to go.


3. The Bioware team calls it quits at 2pm CST and heads home for the night.


4. All current available servers have been XP pvp exploited.


5 All current servers except one are "Light" or "standard" population, and those lucky enough to get in game, can't find groups because the entire world is mostly empty.


6. Crappy UI


7. No combat log


I'll play my first 30 free days then I'm done with Bioware forever.


It's like Ford. My dad bought a brand new Ford Tempo in 1989. The thing was the biggest piece of junk you'd ever seen.


I will never, ever buy a Ford because of that.


LMFAO, you actually took time off from work or school without knowing if you would get access for sure? haha what a d umb a ss

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Of course this grade is only based on the EGA system, It is a horrid abnormation that would have never been concived by a sane publisher.


That said, I expect the grade for the game will be much higher, wether I would need to pull it down slightly because of this EGA system from hell, I do not know yet, It is however not entirely unlikely.


Its not the EGA in it self that is the main problem, though the system is horrible as I have just said two times, the problem is Ea/Biowares Unwillingnes to provide theyr users with enough info that they don't actually have to check theyr email every 5 mins, or stalk reids email.


Ea/Bioware sucsessfully managed to put alot of peoples lives on hold (for nothing) at a time of the year where most people are getting ready to celebrate christmas, do I consider this bad? yes, It is bad, and very poorly thought trough.

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Even if I am not in, I know I will be in the next couple days.

The banter from all the QQ makes for good ready while waiting.


I didn't expect to get in the first couple days, I knew when I pre-ordered i would be towards the end.


Not being able to join my guild atm does suck but things could be worse, we could of all had been invited and be sitting in 3 hour ques only to be kicked for server crash then sit some more.

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I give them a solid A for everything but one thing.



They haven't closed the forums to people who are not in the game yet.



I'm not in the game yet, but they did give the dates for tomorrow, most of us from late October to late november will be starting tommorrow.

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Everyone who've given BioWare an F have stupid and silly comments about it. The Launch have been great, did you take some days off and didn't get in on day one? Well, come on, it's a freakin game?


Lvling is great, so far the community in-game is amazing. I've always hated crafting but now I love it. The story is amazing, the combat is smooth and fluid.


This is a very very good game, and if you don't like it. It's your opinion, not fact. Remember that.

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