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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What grade would you give Bioware today?


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sorry this isn't a socialist regime, everyone is not the same.


oh come now. You really think that because I think people are being jipped on play time that I am a socialist. This is the same reason why gay marriage hasnt been legalized yet...why so many things havent been legalized yet. People always jump to the extremes.

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oh come now. You really think that because I think people are being jipped on play time that I am a socialist. This is the same reason why gay marriage hasnt been legalized yet...why so many things havent been legalized yet. People always jump to the extremes.


Again you arent being jipped. First come first serve. They arent penalizing anyone for preordering late. They have always planned to stagger the invites for early access. It only makes sense that the first people to preorder would get to play first.

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I would give it an A-.


They are giving us something that they didn't have to with early access, everything is going smoothly, and the only complaints are from people who didn't get in yet and want to cry about it.


The only thing they could do better would be to communicate a little better...that seems to be lacking just a little.


And for all those complaining that they "went home early"...no, they didn't. They are waiting for the people at work to get home and log on...it will be a wave of log ins bigger than the previous 4 together, simply because of everyone logging in at once. They are watching to make sure the servers they have stay up when this happens so the people that are in don't come on the forums to add their crying to the self entitled cry babies already here...

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Again you arent being jipped. First come first serve. They arent penalizing anyone for preordering late. They have always planned to stagger the invites for early access. It only makes sense that the first people to preorder would get to play first.


Yes but most of us expected more waves in a day. 4 is just plain unacceptable. Especially when most of the NA servers are still in the standard range.

Edited by mynimoe
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oh come now. You really think that because I think people are being jipped on play time that I am a socialist. This is the same reason why gay marriage hasnt been legalized yet...why so many things havent been legalized yet. People always jump to the extremes.




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Yes but most of us expected more waves in a day. 4 is just plain unacceptable. Especially when most of the NA servers are still in the standard range.


Im not sure why you would expect more? They announced that they were only doing 4 both days. You even got a bonus wave yesterday.

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Im not sure why you would expect more? They announced that they were only doing 4 both days. You even got a bonus wave yesterday.


Did they make the announcement that they were only doing 4 waves a day before the early access event started? I don't think so.

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Game Content A

This game is very well made. Bioware introduce a truely epic story in this MMO that is never exactly the same, as well as a unique story for each class. Already preparing for end game as well as further developing worlds and pvp gameplay. I think Bioware went into this game with the emphasis on story, as is there style, and did a fantastic job.


Game Release: C

Just average. They went with a new approach and some people don't like it. There really is no way around this. Regardless of how you release the game people are always going to complain. With the staggering start everyone who is not in the game will complain. With a massive all in everyone who can't get in due to que times or lag will be complaining.

It would have been nice to have more information about projected entry times, but seeing as this is their largest MMO game release I can understand the slow start, wanting to be overly cautious so as to allow people in without the game crashing. That being said I am sure they could have let more people in than they did, but chose not to, just to play it safe.


Communication: C

The developers are presenting game information very well. Once players get into the game there are not any real surprises in regard to how the game can be played. Most people seem to be giving them an "F" due to the lack of communication, but that is due to their own narrowsightedness.

By only focusing on one aspect you lose sight of the big picture. By keeping their release waves and number of early individuals vague they are keeping the general public from getting more upset than they would be otherwise. People, by large and as a whole, are incredibly ignorant. Most of the time people will read/hear something and interpret it to fit their own desires, regardless of what the writer/speaker truly meant.

Examples (only examples, no one actually said the second example)

"You MAY get up to 5 days of early access"

ignorant interpretation: "You WILL get 5 days of early access"

"If you ordered in October you MAY get in during the second day"

ignorant interpretation: "If you ordered in October you WILL get in during the second day"

Therefore by keeping the information vague, you eliminate the possiblity of upsetting the ignorant masses further than they are now.

Could they have done a better job? Yes.

Did they do an average job of handling this? Yes


Overall Grade: B

Are there issues? Yes, but there are always issues and the general public will always attempt to take as much as it can with little to no regard how it affects the big picture. Keeping that in mind I think Bioware has been doing a much better job than other companies have during their early access and launch.

I know people will take what I have written and run with it in exactly the wrong direction, but I would ask that you read it and critically think through each of the points I have made before you jump to unfounded/unjustified conclusions.

Thank you and I look forward to seeing you all in game!

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I despise 90% of people on this thread that think they know how to launch, develop, and support an MMO


Actually, I do and the MMO part of this MMO launch is going very well. The game developers did a pretty good job with the actual game part. It's the people in charge of the game developers, the paper pushers who dictate what people can and cannot do who are FAILING HORRIBLY. Management is the reason this launch is the nightmare it has turned out to be.


1) They should have known better than to promise early access to rabid fanboys without CLEAR and EXACT definitions of when.


2) The fact they hired some third party **********s who had no oversight to manage the pre-registration was a horrible mistake.


3) The fact they are unwilling to just make a statement about what customer's should expect at this point is just making things worse.


In the future they need to leave early access as the best surprise a gamer could get.

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None issues = exploiting experience and pvp points

None Issues = 3/4 of the population not playing


hahahhahahaha what a joke.


you know this as fact do you? I'm of course talking about the population count. This is an early access period based on a first come first serve pre-order date. You nor anyone else are entitled to ANYTHING AT ALL. If you don't like it, that other game has 10million chinese gold farmers to play with.

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you know this as fact do you? I'm of course talking about the population count. This is an early access period based on a first come first serve pre-order date. You nor anyone else are entitled to ANYTHING AT ALL. If you don't like it, that other game has 10million chinese gold farmers to play with.


Oh em gee. You do not read at all. This thread is well past the point that you're attempting to make. We're on the subject of whether or not the release is going smoothly...and whether or not it's right or wrong for going with the rolling release based on preorder date.

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Is this how its going to go on the 20th ?? rolling launch of servers ?? if you think people are pissed now...


EGA Rolling launch is totally fubar, alienate people and this is what you get...


Personally i dont give 2 ***** when i get in, but i understand why so many are pissed off, being part of several previous game launches - none of thier reasoning behind a rolling launch makes much sense other than not wanting to commit more servers - something most people dont want to hear.


We'll see how things settle in a week or two... should be interesting haha !!



Oh ya grades, hmm B+ for the game (tested one weekend), F- for the frustrating launch(all of which could have been easily avoided)

Edited by Cptn_Miller
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Solid launch, not much lagg. No ques, I got in yesterday. Lol'd at you newbie MMO players going "Hurr durr F worst launch ever durp."


The fact that you assume that the ones that are complaining are "newbie MMO players" immediately sets off the red troll flag.

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Waiting for my early access invite sucked, but that's probably why they increased it by 3 days. I bet most people will get in tomorrow when they were originally supposed to.



They staggered invites to keep servers stable- something that's working incredibly well. Remember, you would all be much angrier if everyone got in at once then couldn't play for the first day or two due to server instability.

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Waiting for my early access invite sucked, but that's probably why they increased it by 3 days. I bet most people will get in tomorrow when they were originally supposed to.



They staggered invites to keep servers stable- something that's working incredibly well. Remember, you would all be much angrier if everyone got in at once then couldn't play for the first day or two due to server instability.


If everyone gets in by tomorrow I don't think it would be unfair to desire character restarts. Everyone starts off at level 1 on the same day. Unfair?

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